—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May t 4, 1977 ? 12 Livestock market Peoria Auction May 12 51 Weekly Cattle Sum mary: Receipts this week 4400: Last Week 5100: Year Ago 5000. Compared with Last Weeks close. Slaughter Steers Steady to instances 25 higher. Slaughter Heifers firm to 50 higher. Cows Steady to 50 Higher. Bulls Steady. Receipts about 70 PCT Slaughter Steers, 25 PCX Slaughter Heifers and the balance mostly Cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice and Prime 3-4, 1150=- 1310 lbs. 42.00-42.25: Couple Loads 42.50. Choice 2-4, 950- 1280 lbs 41.50-42.25, Mostly 41.50-42.00; Load 1260 lbs 3-5, 40.25. Mixed Good and Choice 2-4, 900-1300 lbs 40.00- East Coast Carlot Meats May 11,1977 Compared to Tuesday’s close; demand moderate, commitments reported on 17 loads. Choice 3 steer beef 1.00-1.50 lower, full decline late. Good 3’s .25 lower early. Choice beef cuts: fores and arm backs 1.00 higher. Canner and cutter cow beef in moderate demand steady to firm. Prime special fed veal 1.00- SMOOTH, WET FLOORS Can be dangerous to Animals “*r- Rent Our Mad To: Roughen Up Concrete Level Uneven Spots Remove High Spots LANCASTER Aeet&soofig 720 N PRINCE ST LANCASTER PA / PHONE 717 393 1701 LEBANON Rentals u %ONLIMITED 940 Cornwall Rd. Phone 717-272-4658 READING BSldirtg TOOL and equipment mm nnts»! 12th & Spring Streets Phone 215-376-3896 Wp Rpnt Most Fwprvthinp 41.50. Good 2-3, 38,00-40.00. Couple Loads Mostly Choice 2-3, Holsteins 38,50-39.00. Standard and Good 2-3,36.25- 38.00. Slaughter Heifers: Choice and Prime 3-4, 900-1075 lbs 41.00- Choice 2-4, 850- 1050 1b539.50-41.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-4,800-1100 lbs 38.50-39.50. Good 2-3, 36.00- Standard and Good 2-3, 35.00-36.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-3, 27.00-28.50. High dressing utility 29.00- - 29.50. Cutter 1-2, 24.00-27.50. Canner 20.50-24.00. BULLS: YG 1-2, 1100-1800 lbs 30.50-35.50. Few YG 1, 36.00- 2.00 higher. High standard to low choice veal slow steady to 1.00 higher. Compared to last week spring lamb steady to 2.00 lower, mixed spring and few old crop steady to 5.00 higher. Fresh pork cuts: loins 14-17 lbs. m limited test 1.75-2.50 higher. STEER BEEF: 27 loads confirmed. Choice 3 600-800 lbs. 6750-6825 1.00-1.50 lower. Good 3 600-800 lbs. 6375 .25 auction news nd lower. COW BEEF: (3 loads confirmed). Utility Bng. 1-3 500 lbs. up 5600. Canner cutter 1-2 350 lbs. up 5800- 6000 steady to firm. Choice 3, primal beef cuts (9 loads confirmed). Fores 130-210 lbs. 5200 1.00 higher. Arm backs 100-150 lbs. 5900 1.00 higher. Full plates 3500- 3550. Choice 2, Primal beef cuts (1 load confirmed). Arm chucks 90-130 lbs. 4700. Choice 4, Primal beef cuts (1 load confirmed). Arm chucks 90-130 lbs. 4300. Spring lamb carcass choice and prime 34 (26 loads confirmed). Compared to last week 55 lbs. down 11500-11800 steady to 2.00 lower. Bulk 11500-11600. Mixed spring and few old crop lamb carcass choice and prime 34 50-55 lbs. Ltd. 11300-11500. 55-65 lbs. 11200- 11300, bulk 11300 steady to 2.00 higher. Veal carcass - hide on Prime (special fed) 180-250 lbs. 12000-12300 1.00-2.00 higher. High Standard to low choice Northeastern suppliers 34 lbs. down 6300-68007 bulk 6500-6600 mostly steady to 1.00 higher. 3544 lbs. 6500- 7000, bulk 6700-6800 mostly steady to 1.00 higher. 45-54 lbs. 6900-7200, bulk 7100» mostly steady. 55-64 lbs. 7100-7400, bulk 7300 mostly steady. 65-75 lbs. 7300-7600,. bulk 7500 mostly steady. Midwest and west coast suppliers 3040 lbs. 6700 limited. 40-50 lbs. 6900. 50-60 lbs. 7100.60-70 lbs. 7300.70-80 lbs. 7500. Fresh pork cuts loins 14-17 16s. 89751.753.50 higher. Cured and processed meats (2 loads confirmed). Skinned hams 16-19 lbs. 7250. Beef Trimmings (2 loads confirmed). 50 per cent dfem lean, fresh 3650-3700. Choice 3, Primal beef cuts (7 loads). Arm chucks 90-130 lbs. 4750. CORRECTION: Com-, pared to Tuesday’s close: demand moderate, com mitments reported on 27 loads not 17. Oklahoma Cattle Oklahoma City May 12 Estimated Receipts 8,000 Same day last week 8,168 Fairly Active, Feeder Cattle and Calves generally steady; Majority Receipts Choice 350-850 lb Feeder Steers and 400-750 lb Feeder Heifers: Including moderate amount of offer ings from Wheat Pasture. Moderate Attendance of Buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-400 lb 46.25-49.00; 400-500 lb 44.00-46.50:60 Head 457 lb at 47.85: 500-600 lb 40.00- Two Part Loads 530-575 lb 44.40-44.70: 600-700 lb 39.00-40.75; Few 600-615 lb 42.50-43.25: 700-800 lb 39.00- 40.00: 800-925 lb 38.25-39.75: Mixed Good and Choice Few 300-500 lb 42.25-44.50: 500-700 lb 38.50-39.50: Few 700-800 lb 38.00- Few 800-9901 b FOR CUTWORM CONTROL. BROADCAST DIAZINON SOW or DIAZINON AG 500. P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. - SMOKETOWN, PA 37.75-38,00: Good Few 400-500 lb 39.00-40.00r900-8001b 37.50- 38.00: Few 800-1022 lb 35.00- 37.00: Few Good 400-806 lb Holstein Steen 34.50-36.00: Part Load 277 lb at 37.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 400-500 lb 35.00-36.75; • 500-750 lb 35.00-36.50: Mixed Good and Choice 500-730 lb 34.50-35.00: Good 300-610 lb 32.0034.25. FOR THE WEEK: Compared to Late Last Week, Feeder Cattle under 600 lb in relatively small supply closed near Steady, Feeder Cattle over 600 lb closed 50 C to 1.00 lower,' " instances 1.50 lower: Cows ' Closed 50C to 1.00 higher, bulls mostly 2.00 Lower. Salable receipts near 16,100 head compared to 20,888 Head Last Week and 13,795 Headthelcomparable week a year ago. Cows and Bulls Near 7 percent of Cattle Receipts, Feeders Near 91 percent of the total. ssh LAPP WELDING SHOP MFG. SPEEDWAY WAGON V-BELTS - MOTOR OIL- HARDWARE - MASURY PAINTS Box 243 - Mondale Road R.D. I - Bird-In-Hand, Pa. 17505 FOR SALE When you transplant, remember the Diazinon... Diazinon 8 IyRA~CO& Car Front Ends for Carts Silage and Feed Carts Speedway Express Wagons Scooters Yard Scrappers to Mount on Carts 2 Seated Lawn Swings 1- VAC Generator 2- Amp Welders ... no matter what you used to control cutworms ahead of transplanting. Diazinon m your transplant water gives your tobacco transplants that extra zone of protection. It costs so little you can't afford to take a chance on cutworms. Diazmon in your transplant water assures better survival of transplants, and a more uniform stand that’s easier to handle all season long—at sucker ing, topping, harvesting, and curing. PH: 717-299-2571 EMU-RITE SOIL CONDITIONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry. ZOOK & RANCK, INC. RDI, Gap. PA 17527 Phone 717-442-4171
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