injury sparks help from neighbors By DIETER KRIEG LEBANON - A dozen of Hershey Bare’s neighbors prepared the ground and planted corn for him this season. To Bare it’s an event he won’t forget. To those who left their farms in order to help Bare, it was just simply the thing to do during the time of a-neighbor’s need. “They’re a great bunch of guys, these fellows,” Bare told Lancaster Farming on Tuesday afternoon when rain brought field work to a standstill. Bare has had back trouble for over a year and underwent surgery for it on March 31. Although the ruptured disk has been taken care of, he has to take it easy for a while yet. He was down for two weeks before the operation took place, saying that “I just couldn’t fight it anymore.” So neighbors took up the fight for him. On Tuesday, when rain cut their efforts short, they had planted all but 14 of Bare’s 80 to 90 acres of corn ground. “Hershey would have done the same tilings for us,” said neighbor Kay Sattazahn. “In fact he has already,” added Albert Moyer. Others around j him nodded in agreement. To them, helping a neighbor in need is nothing at all unusual. A week earlier the com munity became involved in cleaning up the site of a bam fire. That same week some of the men also helped replace a roof which had blown off during a severe wind storm in the area. One of the volunteers had donated 12 to 13 hours of his time by Tuesday afternoon. Many others bad given five or six hours. Everyone came with equipment. Some neighbors sent tractors and hired hlep to operate them. And it didn’t stop there. Wengert’s Dairy heard about the neighborly project and had refreshments brought to the Bare farm by Mrs. Earl Shay, wife of the milk inspector. Mrs. Bare reciprocated by providing the men with lunch. One of the circumstances which made Bare Especially appreciative of the efforts is that some hadn’t planted much of their own com yet. But he’s done because of their help. “If somebody needs a helping hand, we help him out,” commented Sattazahn matter-of-factly. Moyer reportedly once held off on his custom work in order to help a neighbor. To them and the fanning community as a whole, it’s a part of living. Helping Bare on Tuesday were Dennis Merkey, Clif ford Groff, Albert Moyer, Ronald Kelchner, Mike Groff, David Heller, Ray Sattazahn, Ronald Lentz, Frank Reist, Robert Lentz, Vince Wagner, and Jeff Smith. - Rehrersburg 4-H club reorganizes REHRERSBUTG, Pa. - The Rehrersburg Ad ventures 4-H Cloub met at the Tulpehocken Elemen tary School for the reorganization of the club for the coming year. The following officers were elected: Pamela Keeney, president; Melanie Caskie, vice president; Jayne Malsbury, secretary; Christine Rebman, news reporter; Alane Seiler, treasurer; Melissa Moyer, song leader; Jamie Batz, song leader, and Kara Seiler and Wendy Ziegler,- game leaders. The next meeting will be held on May 12. • f * - -V **♦/•*<'■*'* ~ m •** V'i' ** * C A' A parade of machinery assembled at the Hershey Bare farm on Tuesday to help the injured dairyman with his Spring fieldwork. Among those who pitched in to help were, starting with the tractor operator, lower left): Dennis Merkey, Clifford Groff, Albert Moyer, Ronald Kelchner, Mike Groff, David Heller, and Ray Sattazahn. Messick is president BIRD-IN-HAND, Pa. - Mervin Messick of Messick Farm Equipment, Elizabethtown, has been named president of the Lancaster County Farm Equipment Dealer’s Association. In elections held during the group’s meeting on April 20 at the Bird-in-Hand Restaurant, here, the following other officers were chosen: Earl Martin, ABC Groff, New Holland, vice president; Park Lefever, L.H. Brubaker Inc., Lan caster, 2nd vice president; and Clydeth Buch, Far mersville Equipment, Inc., Ephrata, secretary-treasu rer. Directors are: Roy Buch from Roy H. Buch, Inc.; C.B.Hoober, from C.B.Hoober and Son, Inc.; Ken Herr from A.L. Herr When there's work to be done, here's a flatbed that really works Frame, axles, electric brakes, everything is strictly heavy duty Pressure-treated creosote deck Available in 20', 24' and 30' lengths, 2 and 3 axles, tractor adaptor for farm or highway and optional dnve-up rear ramp 'Jt- H L, * *3* and Sons; John Rineer from Landis Brothers, Inc.; and Amos Stauffer from Stauffer Diesel, Inc. Tractor Driven Alternators! Protect your farm agains costly power failure. Bu lease a Winpower Altern Start with a Cherokee flatbed. And you won't have to start over Write for our color brochure of trailers built for stockmen by stockmen. Goose - Neck trailers, too. FICKES SILO COMPANY, INC. P.O. Box 7 WINPO NEWTON, Maivin Hoist Luther Edwards Bob Swanson Lebanon, Pa. Ephrata, Pa. 717-272-0877 717-733-6618 215-444-5610 Phone 717-776-3129 ►-v i READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS Write today for more information K ~ s." - Newville, PA. 17241 ''"WW. V ' ■t-J*' ■" -1 *u
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