ion dues to be refunded (BURG - A group i employed by the ,’ennsylvania have important case to iction of labor union their paychecks, of an unfair-labor tearing before the - vania Labor Board, attorneys for the Commonwealth agreed to cease the union dues checkoff and the union attorney agreed to refund to the employees all dues deductions made since the initial dispute. Pennsylvania Right to Work Defense and Education Foundation President James Scott II declared the union’s capitualation “an important victory protecting individual freedom choice to belong or refrain from belonging to a labor union.” The case comes under PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 14,1977 Starting Time 9:00 A.M. To be held at 60 South Eighth Street, Lewisburg, Pa. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Coldspot refrigerator with freezer; Roper gas range; 15 cu. it. Unico upright freezer; Kenmore dryer; Sylvania stereo; Westinghouse AM/FM stereo; long play records; Zenith and G.E. AM/FM radio; Air Way sweeper; Hoover sweeper; electric lamps; wall clock; fans; irons; toaster; juicer, mixer; com popper; 5 pc. dinette set; 2 door metal cupboard; kitchen step stool; ironing board;, books; dishes; cooking utensils; food grinder; folding table; granite canner; stainless steel tableware; wrought iron floral hanger; Word & Wright book shelving; 20 x 72 in. wall mirror; night stand; end table; upholstered rockers; chairs; ottoman; 2 pc. sectional parlor suite; 4 drawer chest; double metal bed; pillows; blankets; Christmas decorations; jars; new jar tops; flower pots; bird bath; step ladder; garden hose; lawn chairs; porch glider; parasol holder; fancy what-nots. LAWN, GARDEN AND HAND TOOLS Paint brushes; 28 ft. extension ladder; hand push mower; bench vise; block plane; saws; nails; screws; etc. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES 1919 Dodge Tonring Car with Dodge Wire Buffalo Wheels, New Tires, Excellent Condition RARE—A REAL BEAUTY 400 Day German clock; globe oak pot belly stove; steamer trunk; several blanket chests; wood box; baskets; picture album; dove-tailed wood boxes; 5 pc. bedroom suite with chest on chest; 3 pc. cherry bedroom suite; cedar chest; wall picture and frames; rockers with upholstered seat; oak dresser; oval mirror with oak frame; dresser; oval glass picture frames; homemade tools; pocket knife; oval frame with needlepoint, oval stand; drunrstand; mahogany dresser; wicker fernery; magazine basket; Penna. House desk with chair; library table; rockers; half back chair; recliner with ottoman; Victorian sofa (very nice); 9 pc. walnut dining room suite; drop leaf stand; 2 tier stand; Tuscany rug, 9 x 12 with Oriental pattern; bookcase; quilts; child’s baby cradle; bed; brass base floor desk; table lamps; wrought iron floor lamp; fancy wood wall rack; wood sewing bucket; plank cane seat chairs; wood hall tree; captain chair; jardiniers; kitchen cabinet top; wall type telephone box and parts; wood glue clamp; wood wheelbarrow; cast iron barbells; gallon crocks; zinc jar lids; wood bowls; meat saw; cast griddle; galvanized foot tub; high base coal oil lamp; hurricane lamp (electrified); campaign buttonsr~bone handle cutlery set in hand made wood box; finger coal oil lamp; Storyland Primer; Fostoria ware; 2 qt. earthen jug; 3 pc. crystal table set; IQ pc. sterling silverware; glass candy dish on foot; 2 French cups with peacocks; set of dishes, service for 12; stemware; china tea pot; blue vases; German beer pitcher; glass basket; glass and china sugar and creamer sets; milk glass candlesticks; moon and star cruet; depression glass; milk glass vanity sets; hobnail candy dish; pressed glass candy dish; hobnail cruet with cork; figurines; picket knives; draw knife; wood planes; wood mallet; wood handle augers; Columbia records; hickory ladder; plus unlisted items. Terms: CASH. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents. Owner, MARY R. YODER EARL EASH, Auctioneer New Berlin, Pa. provisions of Public Em ployee Relations Act 195, ' which is currently being studied by a special com mision appointed by Governor Shapp. The Act gives workers employed by the Commonwealth the right to decide for themselves whether they want to join a union or not. Act 195 also permits “maintenance of membership” contracts which lock workers into union membership once they join the union, for the duration of the contract. Al 5 day ‘ escape period” prior to the expiration of the contract is provided during which workers may resign from the union. Timothy P. Miller and sixteen other workers resigned from the Penn sylvania Employment Security Employees Lunch. Association union (PESEA) Local 675 during a strike-no contract period in 1975. “Because Mr. Miller and others involved in the case resigned from the union during a period of no con tract, the administration of the Bureau of Employment Security recognized tthe resignations ancUstdpped union dues deductions "from their pay,” Right to Work Foundation President Scott explained. “However, the union filed a grievance and arbitrator found that the Com monwealth had improperly halted the union dues deductions and that the affected employees must have double dues deductions made from their paychecks to make up the amount not deducted since their resignations,” Scott con tinued. “At that point the workers came to the Pennsylvania Right to Work Defense and Education Foundation for assistance. With attorneys supported by the Foun dation, the decision was PUBLIC AUCTION 400 - 450 FEEDER PIGS SATURDAY, MAY 21,1977 At 1:30 P.M. Location: Between Wolmelsdorf and Myer stown along Route 422, at Stouchsburg, take Scharff Road south one mile; third farm on left. Vz mile north of Sheridan Furnaces. Marion Township., Berks County, Pa. 30 - 60 POUND CHOICE FEEDER PIGS HAMPSHIRE-YORK-DIIROC CROSS All pigs are vaccinated for Erysipelas, castrated young, wormed, tails crocked, sprayed for Mange and lice. All pigs were raised on this farm. No outside pigs will be sold on this auction. Auction time 1:30 P.M. Terms by, WALTER M. HORST Newmanstown, R.D 1, Pa. 215-589-2282 Auction conducted by, John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers 717-733-3511 717-733-3305 PUBLIC AUCTION SMUtMV, MAV 14,1977 10:30 AM HOUSEHOLD GOODS - TOOLS - ANTIQUES Located 1 mile north of Quarryville, Lancaster County, Pa. On Route 222 - 12 miles South of Lancaster, Next to Ponderosa Restaurant. 10 piece Dining Room Suit with China Closet (real nice); Old Columbian Cook Stove Range; 16 mm. B. H. Sound Projector (like new); Old Chest of drawers with mirrow; 3 Tilt Up Hospital Beds; 2 Hollywood Beds; single and double; 7 mattresses; 1 Box Spring; 3 Chest of Drawers; Library Table with claw feet; Vanity with triple mirror; Wagon Wheel Bunk Bed; 2 Metal Wardrobes; Wooden Butter Chum on stand pitcher pump; Nippon Tooth Brush Holder; Old Kit chen Cabinet; Iron Bull Dog; Steamer Trunk; Dated Quart Jars; Old Books; Avon Bottles; Old Bottles; Drop Handle Milk Can; Wooden Pulley; Ice Tongs; Patio Table with Umberella; Gas Stove 2 Electric Refrigerators; Electric Freezer; Double & Single Trees; Disk; Tools; Lights; 8” Corrugated Drain Pipe - 20’ long; 275 Gallon Fuel Tank; 40 CHESTNUT SPOT FENCE RAILS: Pinto Auto Parts; Bucket Seats; Alternator; Wheels. 1967 •■’/) ton Pick-Up with self contained Camper 56,000 original miles Terms By: LEO DAVIS 717-786-1778 Auctioneer: Steve Petersheim 215-869-2508 Lunch and Home Baked Goods available -Not Responsible For Accidents Day of Sale False HARRISBURG - Agriculture Secretary Kent Shelhamer on Tuesday announced that the Ohio Seed Company of West Jefferspn, Ohio, has paid to settle a case filed against the'firm under the .Federal. Seed Act in the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio. The settlement came as a result of alleged violations in two shipments of oat seed and a shipment of timothy seed mto Pennsylvania in 1973 and 1974, Shelhamer said. appealed to the PLRB which led to the agreement with the union and the Com monwealth,” Scott said. The Pennsylvania Right to Work Defense and Education Foundation is a public, non profit foundation established in 1972 to provide assistance, upon request, to individual employees working through the courts to correct in justices and abuses arising from compulsory union membership. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 7,1977 seed case settled The laboratories of the Pennsylvania Agriculture Department's Bureau of Plant Industry, m testing the seed from the Ohio Com pany, found evidence of incomplete labeling con cerning the presence of noxious weed seeds at a prohibited level as well as false labeling in regard to the presence of pure seed, Shelhamer noted. He added that his department’s fin dings were the major basis for the alleged violations in the court case. “The Federal Seed Act, a truth-in-labeling law, is designed to protect farmers and other consumers when they buy seed shipped through interstate com merce,- ’ Shelhamer declared. The Agriculture Secretary said it was his intention to see that the Bureau of Plant Industry “would not only continue its fine past record in farmer-consumer protection but would extend every effort to improve upon that record.” Shelhamer also pointed out the enforcement HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC. Galena, Maryland Phone: 648-5100 SPECIAL PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 14,1977 Estate of Romie Townsend of Church Hiil, other estate items plus Load of Plumbing Supplies... at Route 213, Galena, Maryland. FURNITURE: Norge refrigerator, Columbia Gas stove, kitchen set, pots & pans, dining room set, bedroom set, metal beds, lamps, pictures, mirror, lawn mower, hand & garden tools . . . leaf mulcher, rototiller, kitchen cabinets, china closet, portable dishwasher, clothes dryer, freezer, like-new sofa, 2 living room sets, boxes of good glassware and hand tools. PLUMBING SUPPLIES: Brass fittings, nipples, screw fittings, globe & gate valves, tublar brass goods, copper dram & press fittings, sweat fittings, galv. drainage, oil burner, controls & pumps, pipe cutters, threaders, chain vise, star drills, electric motors (used), B&G motors & control valves, new tankless water heaters note; Most of the items are new and too numerous to mention, over 300 lots Come early for Inspection and Registration. Lnnch and Rest Room Facilities at Galena, Md. professionalism in the Ohio case demonstrated by the Agriculture Marketing Service of the United States Department of Agriculture which administers the Federal Seed Act. “This kind of state-federal cooperation always works out as a plus for the public and I am going to encourage such cooperation at all levels of agriculture-related government,” Shelhamer said. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS At 11:00 A.M. 97
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