Norlebco wins PP contest; Kirby Horst is top speaker Norlebco’s winning parliamentary procedures row, left to right: Tom Seaman, secretary; Tom team is, frontrow, left to right; Gary Bender, vice Donmoyer, treasurer; Mike Brajkovich, reporter; president; Larry Gross, president; Scott Ritchie, and Mark Tyrpin, chaplain, sentinel; Arthur Swinehart, student advisor. Back Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 717-393-3906 Adamstown Equipment Inc. Mohnton,RD2, PA 19540 (mar Adamstown | 215-4*4-4391 PikeviHe Equipment Inc. Oyster Date Road OterRD2,PA 215-917-6277 M. S. Yearsley I Sons Westchester 215-696-2990 Shotzberger's Equipment Bm,PA 717-665-2141 A.B.C. Groff, Inc. NewHobnd 717-354-4191 Robert E. little Inc. Zii|tenit,PA 215-217-9643 Agway, inc. Chapman Equipment Center Chapman, PA 215-391-2553 Neuhaus’es, Inc. Glen Rock, PA 717:235-1305 Stanley A. Klopp, inc. termite, PA 215-411-1510 I. G.’s Ag Sales Shmrdate, PA 119*2 215-257 513* Lancaster Farming; Shtarday.May 7,1977 By LAURELSCHAEFFER Berks County Reporter LEESPORT, Pa. - Con testants representing several FFA Chapters met at the Berks County Ag Center, April 27, to par ticipate in the Area Speaking and Parliamentary Procedures Contests. The four teams which competed in the parliamentary procedures contest were; Annville Cleona; Northern Lebanon; Blue Mountain; and Tri- Valley. The winning teams: Northern Lebanon, Ist; and Annville Cleona, 2nd, will go on to the regional contest which will be held May 9th at the Lehigh County Com munity College, Schnecksville. The judges for the contest were: C. F. Lebo, program specialist for the Penn sylvania Department of Education; R. Lee Henney, administrator for the Pennsylvania Fair Fund; and H. E. Givler, vocational consultant for the Penn sylvania Department of Education. Seven Students representing six chapters competed in the public Kirby Horst and Wendy Shaw received first and second places, respectively, in the area public speaking contest. CUT FUEL COSTS WITH COMBINATION WOOD AND OIL FURNACES • | FRONT VIEW REAR VBErT Saves Meaty bsy to Install I=s3l Relieves Fuel Problems and Costs • Bums wood and oil in • Ten Year Warranty on Heat separate combustion Exchanger chambers • Five Year Warranty on both • Switches from wood to oil combustion chambers automatically • Positive draft control for •> Twin 10” blowers for quiet greater efficiency efficient operation * Both wood and oil fires • Large Ore box wtO take up to thermostatically con -24” wood trolled Your Security and Energy Center HIESTANO DISTRIBUTORS INC. Box 96 Marietta, PA 17547 Phone 717-426-3286 See Us at Root’s Every Tuesday Night speaking contest, held at the same time as the other contest. The judges were: George J. Buchanan, auditor for the Pennsylvania Fair Fund; Mrs. Sally Hubner, vocational consultant for the Pennsylvania Department of Education; and Robert E. Gregory, Pennfield Cor poration. First place was awared to Kirby J. Horst of Eastern Lebanon FFA. His speech was entitled; “FFA Power - Sucessful Leadership” Second place - Wendy Shaw of Oley Valley FFA, “Your Future in Agriculture”: and third place - Norman Manbeck of Conrad Weiser FFA, “Problems and Op- portunities” These speakers will also go to the regional contest May 9th. The other contestants and topics were: William Romberger of Tri-Valley, “Dairy Farming - A Way of Life or a Way of Business”; Randy Behney of Northern Lebanon, “A Miracle in Our Time”; Michael Seltzer, Blue Mountain, “The Ocean Holds the Keys to Our Future”; and Robert Sauer, Blue Mountain, “What Are You Standing On?”. 99
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