Real Estate For Sale - building lots -1% 208 acre modern hogfe™, t 0 2% acre lots m Juniata farrow to fmish, 4,000 head County. Also, 18 acre lots - F gf s ’ I ££ Snyder County - road Pa ’ 15522 ‘ frontage - Ph: 717-444-3682 814-623-9223. Business for Sale -1-% story building with 6,000 square foot of area plus beautiful apartment brick and frame construction. Excellent condition. 800 foot frontage on Route 15,10 miles south of Williamsport, Pa. Lycoming and Union Counties. 60 parking spaces. Could be modified for restaurant, garden center or hotel - $225,000.00 Commercial lot 1200 foot frontage, 7 acres at Route 15 - $45,000.00 Commercial lot 400 foot frontage 600 foot deep on Route 14. 40 acre commercial tract - could be used for truck terminal or for many other uses. Make offer. For more information call: 393-0646. ARE YOU A TREE LOVER WANT TO OWN YOUR OWN BLUE SPRUCE AND XMAS TREE FARM Owner retiring - selling complete tree and shrubbery farm with all inventory, new gift shop store, all necessary machinery. 40 acres of land with beautiful five bedroom home with fire place Lewis County, N.Y. $105,000.00 25 per cent down balance thirty years at six per cent interest. Also 70 acres with over fifty thousand trees ready to harvest 24 by 36 foot store with electric heat. All for • $55,000.00 25 per cent down. Balance thirty years at SIX per cent. These parcels can be bought separately Advance appointment will be needed. ALSO THREE MONEY MAKING DAIRY FARMS Number 1-183 acre farm bare good com alfalfa land selling at the low price of $69,000.00 Number 2 - 248 acre farm 70 milkers full line of machinery perfect for a husband and wife team $230,000.00. Number 3 - 645 acre farm three harvesters 112 milk cows good line of machinery 108 free stall bam - $275,000.00. Czeoiei Real Estate West Leyden, New York Phone 315-346-1265 JL nr JL alj Hi JL ULLAGE, PLANTING AND HAYING EQUIPMENT IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. m >j Hay Equipment - June 1,1977 Grinder-Mixers - Aug 1, 1977 I | Manure Spreader • Aug. 1, 1977 Forage Equipment - Sept 1,1977 i IH 806 Diesel IH 574 Diesel IH 1066 w/cab, 20.8x38 tires IH 460 Utility John Deere Mt. w/cultivator N.H. 68 Baler NH 352 Grinder-Mixer Bear Cat Grinder Mixer Gehl Haybine John Deere #2 Tedder Int. Model 710480 t. Plow Int. Model 700 5 Bot. Plow ill MESSICK 111 FARM EQUIPMENT INC. 2750 H. MARKET STREET PHOW 3871319 ELIZABETHTOWR PA, HUM RUDDER HOME 367-6039 WARREN STICKLER HOME 653-4560 m Hr* HHrHIHr Hi IE >M Hr Real Estate Nl Hr HI JL 79 Haybine SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEEK Farmhand Wheel Rake IHI6O Bu. Spreader NHI4S Bu. Tank Spreader IH 650 Harvester, 2-row and pickup IH 50 Harvester NH 717 Harvester, 2-row Fox Blower Gehl Blower IH 370 Disk, 12 ft. John Deere Disk, 12 ft. Real Estate ~^r IH 370 Disk. 10 ft. NH 30 Ft. Elevator Hesston FT 10 Haybine (real nice) NH 275 Baler with thrower -SPECIAL PRICE— ATHENS MOD. 131 DISK 12Vz ft. 9!4 ft. *3795.00 *2995.00 Real Estate JL IT ih JL 7T ir nr in nr ih JL nr IN JL nr 111 JL nr M JL nr HI HI JL Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 7,1977 Real Estate 104 Acres 39 stalls, two nice homes, all buildings in excellent condition, pasture with creek. 225 Acres modem dairy, two lovely homes, three silos, road frontage - $250,000. 157 Acres 112 stalls, two nice homes, modem dairy store. Don’t miss this opportunity to get into a going business. Financing available. 3 Acre horse bam, nine room home, fenced pasture with creek. BLUE BALL REALTY Blue Ball, Pa. Phone: 717-354-4536 ONE OF THE FINEST ALFALFA FARMS IN THE COUNTY 1 2 miles from Adams, New York - 227 acres, 170 is tillable, (2)20 x6O silos, pipeline milker; 74 milkers, 34 % young cattle, over 15,000 lb. herd average. Full line of H equipment. Buildings, cattle and machinery all in nice || shape. Don’t miss this one. Owner financing available, p $235,000 stocked and equipped I $135,000 bare I TOWN & FARMLAND REALTY, INC. L! Box 1728 Adams Center, New York 315-583-5665 or for appointment only: 315-232-2870 > f -'ZXZ Sunbury -123 Acres Beef & Hog Farm. Hog feeder bam for 250 hogs w-bins, silos 14x40, grain dryer, (2) 3,500 capacity bins, 40 stanchions, loafing bam, real nice 12 room house, farm pond, only $135,000. 110 A. General Farm, 1 farm house, 1 im maculate ranch house w-fireplace. 80 Acre General with Mobile Home Park. Montour Co. 1 152 Acre General $139,000. Clinton Co. Montour County, Jerseytown - 150 Acre general, real nice home. $135,000. 73 Acres, Mountain stream, trout pond $78,000. Clinton Co. 56 Acre General $60),000. Northumberland Co. 80 Acres, no buildings, $BO,OOO. Columbia Co. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 70 Acre Dairy, 16 stanchions, Rt. 54 between Turbotville & Montgomery. Spring Possession. Offers Accepted. 60 A. General, 58 Acre tillable $70,000. 67 A. General, 50 A. tilled. $85,000 (Millersburg North) WIIWER REAL ESTATE Paul Martin, Agent Lewisburg 717-524-4580 Merle MiUer, Agent 717-285-3360 Joe Zimmerman, Agent 215-267-7963 Ephrata, Pa. Office 717-733-4138 r YORK COUNTY FARMS DOVER AREA - Productive 94 acre Dairy Farm. Modern block dairy barn with 34 stanchions, separate milk house, 40 x 60 bank barn. Newly renovated 5 bedroom house. Priced at $218,000. Will sell all the improvements and acreage for pasture for $lOO,OOO to one buyer if desired. Now have - potential sale for the remaining land suitable for development. Equipment available at fair prices. Must see this one if you're looking for an attractive opportunity. AIRVILLE - 142 acres high above and overlooking (he Susquehanna River; 65 acres crop, 40 acres pasture, 40 acres productive vineyard. Want to get into the wine making business? Here is your chance Priced .to sell. HELLAM TOWNSHIP - Attractively situated 74 acre farm, approx. 60 acres in crop, 14 acres in pasture and im provements consistinf of a 6 room house, bank bam, chicken house and storaie barn. Entire or will sell crop acreace separately. Call for details. 81 Real Estate
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