82 —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 7, 1977 Real Estate FARM FOR SALE Beautiful 260 acre rolling, limestone farm, with 2 free flowing mountain springs, in Crawford Twp., Clinton County. Amish neighbors within 5 miles. Ap proximately 150 acres tillable and approximately 110 acres in woodland. 2% story plank home with living room, dining room, kitchen, den, 5 large bedrooms & modem bath; with fireplace, oil hot-air heat, 2-car garage. Old summer house with large fireplace, plus 3 large rooms & cold cellar. Large bam (3 bam floor, 2 large hay mounds, 2 large granarys & straw shed); tractor shed & workshop & tile silo excellent farm. Call Fish Real Estate Phone 717-326-1561 or Bernard Kell 717-745-7780 NEW YORK STATE FARMS FOR SALE : 177 acres, nice four bedroom home with fireplace, bam, machinery building. Just $40,000. 326 acres, silt loam soil, dumping station, 2 silos, nice home, 50 head of cattle and good line of equipment. 213 acres, 140 tillable, sandy Iqam soil, 50 stanchion bam with dumping station, 2 silos, calf bam, 2 good houses, excellent line of equipment plus 66 head of cattle. High assumable 7V< per cent mortgage. Only $175,000. 168 acres, 160 tillable, p.H. 6.6,2 silos, 70 stanchions, 60 head cattle, complete line of equipment. Owner financing with easy terms. Just $195,000. HENRY ENGELBACH REAL ESTATE 203 MILL STREET THERESA, NEW YORK 13691 315-628-5848 FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER (Located in Juniata County) 102 acres with 87 acres tillable and 15 acres pasture. Two story three bedroom frame house with 45 by 100 barn. Also hog pen, chicken house, two implement sheds and two corn cribs. PLUS - a separate Brick House with two apart ments located near the barn and house on farm, will be sold with the farm. Located near Mif flmtown, Pa. Borders new Route 22 and 322. A beautiful setting which must be seen to be appreciated. 25 per cent down-owner will finance balance at 7 per cent to responsible party. Phone (717)436-6528 for appointment to see. LISTED LAST WEEK MOHAWK VALLEY DAIRY, 137 acres. 48 cow bam with cleaner, silo unloader and 300 gallon tank. 10 room home in good condition, large kitchen. $99,000. EXCEPTIONALLY NICE HOME, Victorian design, 12 rooms, modem fritcfaen with plenty of cabinets, baths, wall tiMMlvcaiteting. 48 cow bam, silo. $99,000 ' * 3 YEAR OLD BEEF BARN on 55 acre farm, mostly tillable land. 4 bedroom farm home in very good condition, new kitchen, bath, wiring and heat. Almost completely furnished, many antiques. $44,000 STONE HOME WITH 6 FIREPLACES on 400 acre dairy, good sandy loam soils. 70 cow bam with dumping station plus 100x50 free stall bam. Automatic book feeder in bam. 100 Holstein milkers, 4 tractors, equipment. $250,000 BRAND NEW FREE DAIRY LIST. fn WIMPLE REALTORS, US SLO4NSVILLE, N.Y. REALTOR 518-875-6355 Reel Estate Reol Estate STILL TIME TO PLANT 127 acres of tillable silt loam, good pasture too. Excellent barn, 50 tiestalls, pipeline milker, bulk - tank, barn cleaner silo and mow conveyor. Heifer barn, tool shed and gramery. Nice oil heaTed home with garage. $75,000.00 with 10 per cent down. FARM SPECILIST REALTY 1116 Arsenal Street Watertown, N.Y. 13601 315-782-2270 DAIRY FARMS FOR SALE NEW YORK STATE 256 A southern tier showplace. Over 100 acres tillable (60 acres river flat), beautiful 3 bedroom house with swimming pool; bain has 73 tie stalls, pipeline milker and two silos. Machinery shed is 37 x 60 and only two years old. This beautiful farm must be seen to be ap preciated. All buddings in excellent condition. Crops are presently being planted. Owner'has greatly reduced price to $140,000 and will consider holding the mortgage. Farm may also be purchased with top registered Holstein herd and full line of late model machinery for extra money. We have over 35 farms for sale all over New York State. DECKER REAL ESTATE MelManasse Farm Real Estate Representative Sale barn building Whitney Point, New York 607-692-3665 or 607-692-4540 (anytime) Our Slst Yearly 75-acre New York farm with 60 ACRES in fruit trees!! 48 acres of various varieties of apples, 9 acres cherries,! 4 acres pears, spray pond. Attractive 4-bedroom home, I bath, built-in oven. 3-bay garage, several storage! bams. 35 miles Syracuse. Lucky find at $65,000, slightly I less than 29 per cent down, owner financing. Irrigated Crop Farm 255-acre New York cash crop farm gets high produc tion per acre! 100 acres cropland including 45 acres of rich muck land for potatoes, lettuce, other cash crops. Irrigation system with new heavy-duty electrical service, creek, pond. Extensively-remodeled 6-room and-bath home, F.A. heat. Bam, workshop, quarters for help, other buildings. On town blacktop in famed i Finger Lakes region, 7 miles Keuka Lake. Priced to sell at $130,000,29 per cent down, owner financing. | Indian River Showplace Stocked & Equipt High-performance 435-acre New York dairy prize with 3 /«-mile of beautiful fiver frontage. Owner states $60,000 gross income test year from sale of milk and cull cattle! Comes with 55 milk cows, (mostly Holstein), 15 springer heifers, 60 head young stock, plus 3 tractors -1 with cab, MUCH MORE. Excellent 2- story insulated 10-room home, bath, new kitchen. 36x110-ft. dairy bam for 75 milkers plus young stock, new 32x115 addition, 2 gutter cleaners, mow conveyor, 500-gal. bulk tank, dumping station, new 50x60 machinery bam, silo. 275 acres tillable, 255 acres in mixed hay. On U.S. highway at village edge. Can’t last long at $278,000 complete. FREE 272-pagc SUMMER Catalog! Describes over 2,500 top values in 40 states Real Estate Untng buyer and seler Fruit Farm Prize ITED FARM AGENCY P.O. Box 9239-IF Rochester, N ,Y. 14625 I Ph. Toll-free; i 1-800-821-2599 I Real Estate “BROILER OPERATION” 19 Acres, large bouse, barn, chicken set up, $145,000. BATHON, Shrewsbury, Pa. 717-235-3881, 235-2006. “WINDY IRIS HILLS FARM” Setback in valley, beautiful level lawn, fruit trees, pond, barn, ‘lg. 4 Br. Home, center hall completely modern, 22 Acres. $llO,OOO. BATHON, Shrewsbury, Pa. 717-235-3881, 993- 2850. “WAY OUT”, “by the River!” Fireplace, cathedral ceiling, 3 bedrooms, wooded lot. $27,500. BATHON, Shrewsbury, Pa. 717-2353881, 755-6638. “BENTLEY SPRINGS” Hidden 117 acre farm w-large 5 BR home, surrounded by woods, private lane in Baltimore County, Hurry! $225,000. Baltimore County, Hurry! $225,000. BATHON REAL ESTATE, Shrewsbury, Pa. 717-2353881, 993-2850. FOR SALE Excellent dairy farm - 165 acres, 7 miles east of Elmira, New York. 7 room house with all modern conveniences, new dairy barn with 40 tie stalls, pipeline milker, 16 individual calf pens, heifer shed, 2 concrete silos, 16 x 60 and 16 x 80 with unloaders. Machine shed, corn cribs, workshop. This property cannot be appreciated until seen. Selling only due to health reasons. CONTACT OWNER WILLIAM HILL Lowman, New York. Phone 607-732-9609. (no courtesy calls.) SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA FARMS CUMBERLAND COUNTY DAIRY (Newvffle) 171 acre productive stalls, 2 silos (750 tons housing area, 45x74 and other out buildings. raScHrame house, oil forced hot air furnace and 1 bath. DAIRY (Mechanicsbarg) 122 Acres 10x45 silo, solid charming brick other ou buildings, plus 1800 Yellow Breeches' Creek. DAIRY (Carlisle) 103 acre limestone, 38 stanchions, stable cleaner, 2 silos, 400 gal. tank, beautiful modem 7 room bride bouse, open stairway, seduded. BEEF (Carlisle) 60 acre limestone, 14x60 silo, bunk feeder, good solid modern frame 7 rooo house. ' y i ACREAGE (Newborg) 32 acres, shale, 20 wooded, gentle slope ideal to develop as fannette. ACREAGE IN MOUNTAIN (Newvffle) 30 acres, 7 wooded, general slope toward South, excellent site for solar residence. Other Real Estate-Land, Commercial, Industrial, Residential. If you are thinking about selling your farm, give us a call for a “No Obligation Appraisal”. John B. Niesley, Farm Representative Home Phone 717-243-7575 GEORGE L INNER 139 W. High St Carlisle, PA. Phone 717-2434195 Real Estate *
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