—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1977 74 Business Opportunities Business Opportunities I FARM EQUIPMENT BUSINESS FOR SALE & By Owner including all parts and Whole Goods, Property Optional. v. Location-Southeastern Penna., the heart of the Pa. Farm Belt. Carrying NAME BRAND FARM EQUIPMENT. Owner will leave a good percentage of cost in the business. Can be bought over a long period of time at reasonable rate of interest. All interested persons must have approximately $85,000 available for down payment. Books will show a well established and profitable business. Reason for selling... age and health. Send inquiries to Box 266HHH c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Penna. 17543 ARTIFICIAL BREEDING ARTIFICIAL BREEDING r • CURTISS BREEDING Serving southern Lancaster and Southern Chester County Semen - on the farm nitrogen service Technician service . A. H. P. Direct herd school We have the products to meet your needs For information call or write CARL BOYAN R. D. 4, Box 216 Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Phone 717-786-2645 Feed & Seed For Sale - About 6 ton of first cutting Alfalfa. Call 717-529- 2935. For Sale - quality hay alfalfa clover and mixed, no rain. Lester Graver 717-284-4609. 1000 bushel of feed oats for sale. 717-762-2807. For Sale - baled hay and ear com Ph- 717-548-2618. P’or Sale - 6000 bu. high moisture com, 25 per cent moisture, in sealed silo Phone 215-445-4342. For Sale - alfalfa orchard grass hay, first cutting, $55 a ton; wheat straw and oat straw, $6O a ton Phone 717- 933-8695 For Sale - 5000 bushels of high moisture corn Leesport 215-926-2478 BUYING EAR & SHELLED CORN Receiving Daily Rt. 372-2 Mi. West of Buck, PA PH: 717-284-4628 . MARK RISSER Holtwood RDI PA 17532 BUYING & SELLING EAR CORN & GRAIN Also Gram Hauling LEON G. SCHNUPP K 2 Manheim, PA 17545 SERVICE Feed & Seed WANTED Top quality hay - legumes, timothy or mixed - no orchard grass. Also need good wheat or rye straw - needed for race track - paying high cash prices at your local scale - distance no object - Tri- State Hay and Straw. Ph: 215-588-1076. * MULCH HAY WANTED Delivered to Avondale, PA or Hauling can be arranged. Call For Current Prices. 215-268-8258 or 268-8259 m PRICES PAIdI BARLEY, FEED GRADE WHEAT P O Box 28 Route 12 Flemmgton N J Feed & Seed CUSTOM CORN SHELLING AT YOUR FARM WITH M.M. PORTABLE SHELLER will go anywhere v Cali for price your area PHONE 717-369-2808 . WANTED SHELLED CORN Prices quoted are F. 0.8. your farm For Sale: soybean meal GARDEN SPOT GRAIN ELMER W. MARTIN, PROP. 717-354-9422 RDI New Holland, PA Dealer in Small Grains FULL LINE OF TOBACCO SEED BED SUPPLIES •Tobacco muslin •Tobacco Seed •Peat Moss •Bristles and Fertilizer Samuel L Stoltzfus Box 133 Gordonville, Pa 1 mile east of Intercourse on Route 340 for SHELLED CORN, PEL(IWORE VALLEY co-op 201 782 2151 ’ Feed & Seed ATTENTION CORN GROWERS! It’s corn planting time again, we have fine quality seed corn to offer this year If you pick and shell, we invite you to try 80-X or 790-A both are medium season If you like full season try PA-8703 or 861 Both did ex tremely well last year. 806 has been a well liked hybrid for many years. For silage we recommend 900 with lots of grain. Prices range, $l9 - $23 in flats and rounds from $ll - $l9 We give quantity discounts. We have been growing seed corn for 30 years. We also have oats, clover and alfalfa seeds. We elso sell Atrazine Princep and other spray materials. Feed & Seed For Sale - approximately *or Sale - High quality 2ni 1500 bales alfalfa - timothy, cutting alfalfa hay. no rain, hay $l.OO per bale deliveries. I- reese bros. K cash Waltman, Muncy, Fa Oxford, PA 215-932-2048, 717-546-6722 932-9813 Ifear Alter Year Consistent performance You want it DEKAIB XL-64a has it. Its the kind of corn hybrid t- uat comes through with impressive yields field ai»er field, year after year Order your seed todev DEPEND ON DEKALfi NAME Robert Stoltzfus Ira Nissley Inc Nevm Myer Norwood Wilson Harvey Brubacker Albrights Mill iim Batz F.M. Browns Stanley Fox I G Ag Sales John Johnson William Litton Marsteller Grain Inc Ernest Miller Moyer & Son Inc. Phillips Feed Service Phillips Feed Service Dennis Trexler Franklin Troxell Schmaltz Bros CHARLES L HORST Chambersburg R D 5. Pa. (near Marion) Phone 717-375-2582 N ' Feed & Seed ADDRESS PHONE Cochranville 593-5982 Morgantown 286-9328 Chester Springs 827-7414 Oxford 932-8285 Womelsdorf 589-2632 Kempton 756-4421 Richland 717-933-8161 Sinking Spring 678-4567 Palm 679-9682 Siherdale 257-5135 Orefield 395-1823 Phillipsburg 201-859-1485 Trexlertown 395-2462 Hamburg 562-8254 Souderton 723-6001 Germansville 767-3819 Bath 837-0301 Limeport 967-3362 Andreas 717-386-5322 Doylestown 794-7259 id
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