|- m — rr: —~ ——— T ; rTTTT! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9,1977—73 ! Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Livestock -For Sale Livestock For bale .... — ~ r . . „, , . “ Livestock For Sale Livestock For Sale 10 Fresh Holstems. 717-547- „ nnso For Sale - 35 choice plus -Kurn * Angus steers. Average « ~i KILM DRYED For Sale - 2 Grade Holstein weight6oolbs. Phone 716-384- FEEDER CATTLE CATTLEMEN - COME TO Heifers, (1) fresh, (1) due in ur.l) bu¥ on order truck j 0 ADAMS COUNTY TOR YOUR Ninon 2 weeks. Stump Acres, 717- ” vour farV« asMmbte for EVERY BEEF CATTLE NEED. WUUD OHAVINbO *»«“ (York Co.) 100 choice steers - average ££,* aSSemble CALL THE ADAMS .COUNTY 9OO lbs. - ready for feed lot. 1 BEEF PRODUCERS Yes! We have kilm dried wood shavings available now I SS DENZIL HEISHMAN at reduced nripo<s PaplcaH in ppqv tn handle nlacttp \ ycsrs old. Broke siifl 3 9831 sftor 5 PM, flsk for Moc. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT lot of snap. Will seU both or Rt.1,80x2328 FEEDER CALVES. STOCKED bags. Small quantities or trailer load lots. one. David L. Stoltzfus, Strasburi, VA HEIFERS AND REGISTERED Gordonville. Pa. along Du ™® r^.®^ in Ph. [7o3| 465-5785 BULLS. HEIFERS AND COWS. PHONE 717-3544174 inshtown Rd. 17529. Arnold WE have santa poTl'pn GERTRUDIUS ANGUS, Ask for Clair Eberly, Manager HEREFORD BULLS - (2) 18 Ph: (717)’866-7061 I LIME ROCK FARM HEREFORD POLLED fSSie Wanted-Entire herd or part I Lime Rack B. R. Jack HEREFORD AND MANY DENVER WOOD PRODUCTS S raS of herd of dairy cow™or |Horn Araold-Acrea DCTEkHII CBOSSES BUY GLEN, RFD 1, Burlington, springing heifers. Call 301- (Paramount An.ta ON-THE-FARM CLEAN 403 S. Custer Ave. New Holland, Pa. 17557 VT 26710. Phone 304-289-3080. 358-0412 after 8 p.m. I Lime Rock Elevation ’ I Duke, bom 2-6-76 LONG HAULS WITH STRESS ■ 1 15,000 to 18,000,4 Test AND STRAIN THAT COSTS 717-866-5176 POUNDS OF MONEY. Pets Pets J L_— St. Bernard Breeders - If you have a female in heat, I have 2 proven studs in Lancaster Co. 1 located at John S. King, Route 340, White Horse, Pa. and 1 at Sid Martin, RD 2, East Earl. Phone 215-445- 5120. You may use my stud’s free providing I can buy the . pups back from you at a guaranteed price of $35.00 each or Contact JoJo The Dog Man at Root’s. Phone 609-452-0903. (No Tuesday Calls) CASH FOR PUPS I need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots, 7 to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo The Dogman” at Root’s Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, PA Every Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. No Phone Calls. ST. BERNARDS I have two proven Rottweiler studs that I would like to breed to your St. Bernard females and I will buy the pups back at a guaranteed price of $35.00 each. For details contact JoJo the Dogman at Root’s Farmer’s Market Manheim orwrite J. P. O'Neill U.S. 1, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Livestock For Sole 3 ampules of Padamar Boot Maker. 301-452-8509. Pasture land for rent. Manheim area. Inquire 717- 665-7074 evenings. Sunmental and Maine-Anjou blood heifers, registered, $3OO. Ph: 201-234-1640. For Sale - Bred and open half blood Simmental cows and heifers. Two 3 « blood sim mental bulls. John Allen. 609-654-7802. Dairy herd for sale. 27 young cows on DKIA test. All home raised. Call 717-229-2055 lunchtime. Polled Hereford 'Bulls For Sale. Service age, modern type and reasonably priced. Call Scottland Farms, Gettysburg, Pa. 717-334-7188 after 6 PM. For Sale - Registered Percheron stud colt out of good bloodline. Phone 301- 795-5173. For Sale - Feeder Pigs. We aim to please. 215-789-467 T For Sale - Australian cattle dogs. Papers available. Good work and guard dogs. 301-038-5586 after 5 p.m. For Sale - AKC German Shepherd pups, sire, ex cellent bloodlines, good show prospect, easy to train, $75. Phone 717-354-7792, between 12 & 4 p.m. WANTED TO BUY Puppies, 7 to 9 weeks old, in.litter lots. Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. Will pickup every Wed nesday. For resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 or call before 8 p.m. Mon., Tues., & Thurs. only. 215-229- 0449. Give breed-age color when writing. Also some kind of direction. Thank you. Livestock For Sole For Sale - Chester White and Poland China Service Age Boars. Jim Parlett, Airville, Pa. 717-862-3610. For Sale - Registered 2 year old Belgian mare, dark red sorrel with star, hitches good, $2500. Laurance Dedrick, Belfast, New Yrok 14711. Wanted - milking short horn cow - fresh or springing with horns. Will also consider Ayrshire. Stephen Emerich, Rt. 4, Bangor, Pa. 18013. For Sale - 6 registered Holstein bred heifers due June thru September. Ph: 717-768-3811. Hampshire and Yorkslure Service Age Boars and Gilts from certified meat type breeding. Cotact John Strawbridge, Stewartstown, Pa. 17363. Phone 301-996- 2022. Dairymen -1 will raise your heifers from 2 to 23 months. Top quality hay, no silage. Approximately $23.00 per month 100 head. Franklin County. Ph: 717-369-2674. For Sale - 3 yr. old reg. Charolais bull. Also two heifers, eight months old. Phone 215-M9-4432. Herd of New York Holsteins consisting of 35 young cows in various stages of lac tation. One herd of 45 Holsteins in different stages of production. One herd - 24 head of good young cows. A Bof 20 Holstein heifers and springing, some reg. Call collect 717-566-4208. S.K. Norman, Lebanon RDI 17042. For Sale - 17 Charolais and Angus heifers. Phone 717- 275-1738. For Sale - 2 Peacock hens, yearlings, extra big and nice. Call 717-866-5176. For Sale - Purebred Saanen doe - $45. Also Nubian buck - $5O. Richard Hess, 595 Norwood Place, Landisville, Pa. 17538. 717-898-0277. For Sale - Well-bred Reg. Bull calf Sired by Cold springs Stylemaster Amos from Very Good Dam with 904 Fat, Granddam also VG with over 900 Fat. $lOO.OO. Jacob K. Stoltzfus, 717-529- 2950. For Sale - Polled Shorthorn breeding bulls, big white and roan purebreds. Also, young red yearling bull. Write L.V. Shultz, Box 42, RD 3, Red Lion, Pa. 17356 Appaloosa stud, four yrs. 15.1. Sorrel-white blanket. Green broke to ride and drive. Well bred. Can deliver. At stud until sold. 717-256-3571. Reg. Purebred Arabian Gelding. Chest. Flaxen Mane & Tail. Witez II & Raffles Bloodlines. 8 yrs. 15.2 Hands. Professionally Train. Eng. & West. Pleasure. Amateur - Own. going to college. 302- 42241935. Registered Angus bulls, open and bred heifers, cows and calves at side by Rito 708 and a son of Elban Bardo of Spur - Necessity Farm, RD 3, Smithsburg, Maryland 21783. Phone 301-824-2057. For Sale - ten reg, Angus cows with calves or due 3 replacement Heifers, Herd Sire, 2 yearling bulls, (Marshall Breeding) Lost lease must reduce herd - Reasonable prices yellow house. 215-689-9168. For Sale - purebred RORA Elevation bull calf out of Citation Sovreign daughter. Two year record - 16,195 pounds milk, 665 pounds fat. Ph; 301-348-5640. For Sale - Charlois cow (Ready to calf any day); Yearling Charlois Bull (Sire Buck, Beaver Horn), Both registered. Phone 215-562- 4403. For Sale - dispersal of registered polled Herefords, 6 fresh and bred cows. Herd bull is best tested at 1975 Penn State bull sale with 3.7 lb. daily gain, good bloodline. Phone 717-732- 4035. “Wisconsin and Canadian Dairy Cows for Sale, Ist, 2nd, and 3rd calf. Fresh and close springers. Cash, or credit with down payment. Specialize in selecting cows for customers. Free Delivery. Call collect. Reuben Greenberg, Inc., Columbus, New Jersey 08022 - Phone 609-298-1021.” Duroc Breeding Stock For Sale. Bred Gilts and Open Gilts. Boars out of championship bloodlines. WYAND DUROC’S, Williamsport, Md. Rte. No. 1. P.O. Box 346, 21795. Phone 304-625-1448. Registered Holstein bull, 10 mo. old, sired by Simpsons Burgov Snowball, out of Penstate Ivanhoe Star daughter with up to 21000 No. milk in 305 days. Nice individual, almost all white. Island Branch Farm, Box 167,.Rt. 1, Stewartstown, Pa. 17363. Call 301-996-2165. For Sale - Service age bulls, Arlinda Chief Elevation; Harbor Crest Marcus. Dams classified ,_with good production. PH; 717-5435402. Duroc boars for sale from tested and show winning bloodlines. Dutch Valley Farm, R 5, Manheim, Pa. Mark Nestleroth. Ph; 717- 665-6220. Registered Holstein bulls, 1 year old and younger. Out of dams with records to 24,000 milk and 900 fat. Stump Acres 717-792-3216 York County. For Sale - Service age Holstein bulls. Dams classified VG with records to over 24,000 M & I.OOOF. John Stump, Bemville, PA PH: 215-488-1965 For Sale - Registered Suffolk Ram 2 years old. Call after 5:00 PM 215-5884152. Breed your mares to Comet’s Sambo No. 31555. He is a sorrel Belgian with white stripe, white mane and tail. Sensible and well mannered. Jonas S. Esch, New Providence, R. D. No. 2, Pa. 17560 Baby kid goats for sale. Excellent pets. Mature goats, also. Phone 717-665- 3059. Now buying entire dairy herds - Holstein or Guernsey. Have young farmers starting up. Highest cash paces paid. Call immediately collect; 609-298-1021 Reuben Greenburg, Inc. Columbus, New Jersey 08022 REGISTERED YORKSHIRES LEON L ARNOLD Kte. 7, Box 705 Lebanon, PA 17042 Fh: 717-273-5880 For Sale CHIANINA World's Largest Cattl- \ ’ - Cows with calves at side. J I • - Bred and Open Heifers. . Also Beefalo. TWIN OAK FARMS Quarryville, PA 717-/86-2146 717-786-2201 “ FOR SALE -gp. r PUREBRED .SB* QUALITY CHAROLAIS AT Affordable Prices BRED HEIFERS - LCR Breeding ALSO 3-IN-l PACKAGES. HERD SIRE: LCR ROYAL DUKE 661 POLLED GREENFIELD CHAROLAIS FARM Howard & Pat Smith RDI Landenberg, Pa. 19350 215-274-8728 CfIAROUIS FOR SALE Purebred performance tested yearling bulls by a 4.18 per day gainer out of problem free, good milking cows with sound legs and udders. Use Charolais (the breed that started it all and still does it best) and take advantage of new beef grades. JOHN W. STUMP Clermont Mill Rd. Street, Md. 21154 301-452-8700 STOCK REDUCTION SALE Cindy’s Sun Ray AQHA 1055874 Gold Cindy Girl by Poco Jaguar 14.1 H, Buckskin, Gelding Foaled: 3 June 74 Excellent disposition, Green Broke Roman Song AQHA 1225682 Gold Cindy Girl by Roman Ralph 12.3 H, Red Dun, Filly Foaled: 23 March 76 Little Rebal Bar AQHA 1212427 Kaleda Sailor Girl by Little Baldy Tom 13.3 H, Bay, Stallion F'oaled: 4 March 76 K-holme Beauty’s Buttons Welch Pony 23805 Holly’s Bright Beauty by Cusop Sheriff 12.1 H, Grey, Mare Foaled: 6 May 72 Flashy show mare for riding or driving These are offspring of 4-K project animals and have been raised and framed by 4-Hers. All animals are well mannered and of show quality. We would consider taking registered dairy cattle in trade. K-HOLME HOLSTEINS Rebecca Kitts Ilo> Road, RD 4 ( ortland. New York 13045 Phone: 607-756-6667
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