Make a haul. Buy your truck at Heritage. a HERITAGE 626*2091 Route 501 1/2 mile south of Lititz Trucks 28’ RAVENS ALUMINIUM 3 AXLE DUMP $8500.00 24’ STEEL TANDEM DUMP $2500.00 1972 IN TERNATIONAL 160” CHASSIS $2750.00 1968 IHC 140” VB-2 SPEED $1250.00 1972 FORD L 9000 238 DIESEL 15’ ALUMINIUM DUMP TANDEM $14,500.00 1974 HOBBS REEFER $12,000.00 1968 DORSEY REEFER $4500.00 1967 MACK TANDEM TRACTOR $4500.00 1974 KENWORTH 350 $24,500.00 1971 MAXIDYNE TRACTOR SCREW, POWER STEERING JAKE $13,500.00 15 OTHERS TRUCKS 20 LOWBOY $3500.00 35 TON LOWBOY $3500.00 50 TON DROP DETACHABLE 3 AXLE $BOOO.OO OTHERS, TRADE. 814-793-2829 CURRY SUPPLY MAR TINSBURG. PENNA. FOR SALE 61’ cab over Ford truck reconditioned engine, 26,000 GW. Phone 717-392-1583 75 GMC pickup with high topper, bronze and white $3895 73 Ford Ranger, one owner, 2 tone green with cap. Beautiful truck $3995 75 Ford F-150 Explorer, 2 tone bronze, automatic, with power REDUCED THIS WEEK ONLY!!! $3995 4-wheel-drive ’77 Chevrolet in stock now for immediate delivery! PACE CHEVROLET Glen Rock, PA 717-235-4866 Trucks For Sale - 3 trucks, ’7IGMC, Vandura, i ton van, 125 in. wheelbase. '73 International, ’74 GMC, both with 14’ Morgan insulated bodies. Original owner. Low mileage. Hauled eggs. Retiring. Stroudsburg. 717- 9924743. URGES! MH-HUNCHISED TRUCK DEALER IN MWIGOMERY COURT! (Toll Free Number - 800-362-7655) Also Good in Area Codes 717 4 215 Drive A Little, Save A Lot... If We Don’t Have It, We’ll Get It For You! OVER 80 IN STOCK 4 WHEEL DRIVE ’75 Dodge Vz ton Pickup, 360 VB, Auto . PS, PB, driven only 9,000 miles - $5295. 74 Chevy K 5 Blazer, 4 Speed, PS, PB, VB. Air, was $5495 - Now $4995. ’74 Jeep Pickup, VB, Auto., Quadratrack - $3995. 73 GMC Jimmy, VB, 4 Speed, Free Wh Hubs $3995. 73 Chevy Suburban, VB, Auto., PS, 5 Pass, Custom Delux, Free Wh Hubs-$4895. 72 Jeep Commando, 6 Cyl, 3 Sp . 4 Wheel Drive 4 Free Wheeling Hubs, 2 Tops, AM Radio-$2495. 70 Chevy V* Ton Pickup with Cap, 4 Speed Transmission, VB. PS, PB, low mileage, free wheeling hubs - $3495. ’6B Int. Scout with Hyd Plow, VB, 3 Speed, Free Wheeling Hubs - $2395. TRUCKS '76 Ford Vt Ton Super Cab, Bench Seat in Rear, VB, Auto, PS, Driven Only 8,600 Miles -$5295. 76 Ford V* Ton Pickup, Ranger XLT, VB, Auto , PS, AM-FM Stereo, Driven only 10,000 miles - $5395. 75 Ford Ranger, VB, A, PS, PB, driven only 14,000 miles - $4695. 75 Ford V 4 Ton Pickup, VB, A, PS, AM with tape player - $3495. 74 Chevy VS Ton Pickup. 6‘/S Ft Bed, VB, St. Shift, Wide Wheels with Spoke Rims, Low Mileage-$3495. 74 Ford VS Ton Pickup, , Ranger XLT, 390 VB, Auto , PS, AM-FM Stereo, AC - $3795. 74 Ford VS Ton Pickup, 6 Cyl, St Shift, PS - $3495. 74 Toyota Pickup, Auto , Bucket Seats, Clean - $3495. 74 Chevy VS Ton Pickup, VB, St Shift, Real Clean-$2995. 74 Dodge VS Ton Pickup, VB, Auto , PS, PB, AC, Driven only 29,000 miles - $3495. 74 Ford VS Ton Pickup, 360 VB, w Ranger Package, Auto, PS, PB. AM Radio - NOW $3395, 74 Ford VS Ton Pickup, VB, Auto. Explorer Package, PS - $3795 74 Chevy VS Ton Pickup with Cap, 6 Cyl Standard Shift, AM-FM 8 track tape driven only 21 000 miles - $3495. 74 Ford Super Cab, VB. A, PS factory air. Ranger Package - $4695 MIKE RHODES & CO. Rt. 663 & Swamp Pike Giibertsville, Pa. (215)327-1380 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 9,1977 Doiry Equipment For Sale - (4) DeLaval milker units with plastic claws and 50 pound pails; 1 Sputnik with pump and 2 milker pumps, 1 - 75 and 1 - 76. Phone 215-286-9343. Trucks 73 Ford with Cap. VB. Stick, only 22,000 miles - $3495. 73 Ford V* Ton, Ranger Package, 8 Cyl, 4 Spd, PS, PB - Now $3195. 73 Dodge Vz Ton Pickup, Club Cab, VB, Auto, PS, 2-Tone Paint - $3195. 72 Ford Vz Ton Pickup, Explorer Package, VB, Auto. PS, PB, AC - $2995. 71 Ford 1 Ton Stake Body, VB, 4 Speed Transmission, dual wheels - $3195. *67 Ford V* Ton Pickup, VB, standard shift, real clean-$1395. ’67 Int. Step Van, 4 Cyl ,4 Speed-$895. ’6O Ford Vz Pickup, 6 Cyl, Std . Shift, 6>/2 ft. bed - $595. VANS 77 Dodge V 4 Ton Van, Sh. wheel base, VB, Auto, PS, Rr. door windows, Lots of Extras, Driven only 210 miles - $5695. 76 Dodge A Ton Van, VB. A, PS, short wheel base, high back seats - $4895. '76 Ford Camper Coachwagon, VB, A, PS, PB factory air, stereo-radio, Has all the extras for cam- ping, sleeps 4 - $9495. 76 Ford El5O, VB, Auto, PS, Real Clean • $5195. 75 CMC Rally Six, 8 passenger, VB, A, PS, PB, AC $5895. 75 Ford Econoline 150, 6 Cyl, Auto, PS, PB, 8 Pass $4495. 74 Chevy Beauville Van. VB, A, PS, PB, AC, 8 passenger - $5395. 74 Dodge Sportsman, 6 cyl, standard shift, PS, PB, 5 passenger - $3895. 74 Ford V* Ton Van, VB, St Shift, PS. PB. Partially Equipped for Camping, Low Mileage $4195. 74 Dodge % Ton Van, 6 Cyl , Auto , PS, Wmdowsßr Door only - $3695. 74 Chevy Beauville Van, VB, Auto. PS, PB. Dual Fact Air, 12 Pass, Low Mileage - $5695. 73 Dodge Royal Sport sman. 5 Pass, VB, Auto. PS, PB, Low Mileage-$4295. 73 Ford Econoline 200 Van, 3 A Ton, V 8 Auto Low Mileage $3495 73 Ford Club Wagon, 5 Pass , 6 Cyl, St Shift Real Clean - $3395 71 Ford Econoline Vi Ton Van, 6 cyl standard shift, short wheel base low mileage $2995 '67 Dodge Van. 6 Cyl. St Shift - $795 Dairy Equipment For Sale - Stainless steel carrying pail, strainer and twin tubs. DeLaval No. 73 milker pump with motor, trap, and converter and milk cans._7l7-393J154. Trucks For Sale - 1958 Chevy cattle truck, 14 ft. body, motor and body good. 215445-5647. For Sale - 10%’ Wolverine pick-up camper, self contained. Ph; 717-786-3437. For Sale-1971 Ford ton truck with cattle racks, good condition, $2OOO. Ph: 717-582- 2352. For Sale - 1970 International w-van body, 1890 series, 392 engine. Pnone 717-244-8880. One 1965 International 1800 with hoist and blower. One 1952 Ford - F-5 with grain bed and hoist. 717-762-2807. 1973 Ford Truck Model 100 XLT, excellent condition. Phone 215-269-2676. For Sale - 40’ Fruehauf aluminum pot cattle trailer. Two 40’ Stock vans. Two 40’ Gindy vans. 6 hay or tomato trailer-4 storage trailer - $5OO and up. Samuel Keens. 717- 626-5420. 1968 Fleet Star 2000 In ternational tandem axle truck - 18’ dump. 5’ grain sides. 671 Detroit Diesel. 10 speed road _ range transmission. Excellent condition. 18 ton equalizer. Ross Smith, Jr. 301-69M561. Household Goods WOOD HEATERS SAVE 75 percent on Heating Bill*. Cast iron Norwegian box stoves, Franklin fireplace*, thermostat controlled, cabinet models, air tight construction. An ail stainless steel chimney pipe and accessories. Call 215-346-7894 Rt. 212 Pleasant Valley Quakertown, PA 18951 Situations Wanted Farm manager, 46, married, small family, lifetime ex perience. 215-395-4685. Young couple desire work on poultry farm. Farm experience. Send details c-0 266 P, Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa 17543. Young couple desire work on poultry farm. Farm Ex perience. Send details c-o 266 P, Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543. 75
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