Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 5, 1977 Farm land values up UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. $l,OOO, ranking the land - Recent release of in- value in the top 10 in the formation has been a : sur- nation. Higher values per prise to many farmers and to acre are found only in lower economists, relating to the New England, New Jersey, value of farm lands. Delaware and Maryland An up surge of 14 per cent along with lowa, Indiana and in farm real estate in the Illinois. United States as an average With farm size indicating from the prrevious year. The the number of acres per Midwest section had an Pennsylvania farm, the above average increase of 20 state ranks 22nd in the per cent. country as to the total real The per acre value in estate value per farm. The Pennsylvania is just over smaller size farms, in PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE FARM EQUIPMENT PICKUP TRUCK, SCOUT SATURDAY, MARCH 19,1977 One mile West of Brodheadsville on U.S. Rt. 209, between Stroudsburg & Lehighton, Chestnuthill Twp., Monroe Co., Pa. Ford 8N tractor; Farmall 656 gas tractor, 1280 hrs.; Farmali C tractor, & the following mtd. equip, for same—2 row cult., 2 hot. plow, 25-V 7’mower; MCIOOO 3 pt. 7’ mowCr; MC 2A hay crusher; MC 16x7 dbl. disc grain drill w/seed hopper (like new); MC 314 3 hot. 16” 2 way roll over plow; MC 15’-3” transport 20” disc; MC 16’-6” transport roller harrow; PTO Anderson hyd. s’- 6” width Hi-dump rock picker; JD 494-A 4 row com planter; JD Gyramor rotary cutter; JD 24-T baler; Ford 903 3 pt. post hole digger; Brillion 10’ transport roller barrow; Brillion 11’ cultipacker; Brillion s’-4” landscape seeder; McCurdy gravity grain wagon w/flot. tires; Gehl 4 whl. trailer; Oliver 4 whl. trailer; Oliver manure spreader; 8’ lime spreader; Trailer weed sprayer w/epoxy tank; Little Giant 32’ transport elev.; NH bale carrier; Mott 3 pt. 60” flail mower; 12’ & 16’ grain augers; grain bin aerator; 1965 Int. 4 cyl. Scout 4 whl. dr. w/6’-6” Meyers snow plow; 1974 lord F-100 Vs ton pickup, one owner, 29,000 mi. w/360 eng., pr. brakes & steering; plus many articles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash or check, day of sale. Refreshments served. Sale conducted by: Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co. Tele: (215) 285-4616 PUBLIC SALE MUMBLE FARM EQUIPMENT, TRUCKS TUESDAY, MARCH 15,1977 Take Noble St. South from Main St. in Kutz town, past the Fire House for Vi mile to Deisher Rd., go East to second farm, Berks Co., Pa. Farmall 460 utility gas tractor w/wide front end, pr. str., fast hitch, etc.; Super C Farmall w/fast hitch, fenders, etc.; two row cult. & mower for same; MCI4I self-prop, combine w/12’ bume reel, pr. str., pr. brakes, etc.; ,C 480 20’ tandem disc w/fold up ex tensions on dual wheels; MC 8’ disc; 8’ double roll cultipacker; 3 sec. harrow; perry harrow; 4 whl. trailer w/Grove body & dump; 4 whl. Grove trailer w/Helix self unloading body; NH 67 hayliner baler w/engine thrower; NH 475 3 beater PTO spreader; MC PTO flail spreader; fast hitch barrel type weed sprayer; front mount circ. saw for H or M; JB hammer mill; % ton mixer; small hay & corn elev.; bay tedder; horse drawn hoe drill; walking plow; 2 bot. plow; 2 horse double gang sleigh runners; grain fanning mill; nice horse drawn bay flat w/trim work; 600 bu. wire com crib; poultry equip, inch 2 new 500 cap. kerosene chick brooders; sq. ext. table; milk cans & misc. household items. TRUCKS: 1962 GMC heavy duty % ton pickup w/30,600 orig. miles; 1960 Int. truck w/14’ cattle or horse body w/stall dividers in nice shape. Note: Lots of above mentioned equipment in nice shape, come and see. Terms: Cash or check, day of sale. Refreshments served. Sale conducted by: Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co. 10:OOA.M. Sale ordered by, RUSSELL F. SCHELLER At ll:OOA.M. Sale ordered by, IRVIN A. FINK comparison with the Mid- such as California, New west, has kept the total farm Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, land value at about half that New Jersey, Nevada, of Illinois, lowa, Nebraska, Arizona and Colorado. Idaho, North Dakota, Delaware and Florida. Some b states are more than three times Pennsylvania’s total 15th ANNUAL SPRING CONSIGNMENT SALE Monday, Mar. 21,1977 ALL KINDS FARM, INDUSTRIAL AND LAWN EQUIPMENT. $25,000 Worth of White-Oliver parts. $lO,OOO Worth of Fox parts. Parts bins and shop equipment. ' Full Particulars To Follow. EAGLE MACHINERY CO. Rt. 100, Eagle, PA (215) 458-5326 R. L Frame, Auctioneer PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 12,1977 at 11:00 A.M. Located between Troupsburg and Woodhull, New York, 15 miles from Knoxville or Westfield, Pa. 51 good interstate-tested Holsteins (27 cows-half fresh or due soon, yrlg. bull, Hfrs., and 5 or 6 beef breed animals ind. yrlg. Angus bull). 3 tractors (Ford “860”-Ferguson “20”-AC “WD4S”). 3-head Ford “305” chopper. AC “60” combine. NH “268” kicker-baler. “Big Blue” s.u. wagon & kicker wagons. 400 gal. Solar tank. 3 Universal units, etc. Owned by, MR. aad MRS. FREDERICK RUDE For full list, or info contact: Rumsey Sales, Bath, N.Y. (607-776-3478) PUBLIC SALE DESDAY, MARCH 15,1977 At 10:00 A.M. Located V* mile West of Womelsdorf along old Route 422 in Marion Township, Berks County Pa. FARM EQUIPMENT MHI2 ft. combine; MHI7S diesel tractor with loader and fork; MF 65 diesel tractor; MH 44 gas tractor row crop; MH 16 disc grain drill; MF 12 baler with thrower; IH 450-3x16 auto reset plow; 10 ft. Oliver transport disc harrow; JD 494 com planter with in secticide attach.; JD 246 com planter; Fox I. F. 546 - 2 row harvester with narrow head; King Wyse 30 ft. elevator; Gehl MX6S grinder mixer; 3 wagons with bale sides; Grove forage wagon; Gehl forage wagon w/3 beaters and high sides; Anhyros applicator; Hawk Bilt tank manure spreader; MF hay crusher; Badger 2 beater manure spreader; Zimmerman Feed mixer; Ford 1 row side mtd. com picker; NH 33 flail chopper; Sauder snow scoop; JD 3 section harrow; Dear borne 3 pt. scraper blade; MF 6 ft. scraper blade; JD forage tractor tires; NI side rake; field sprayer; weeder; 2 cultipackers; King Wyse com drag; 12 ft. Cardinal Jr. elevator; Dearborae 2 row cultivator; airplane propeller for tobacco curing; 16 ft. x 6 in. feed auger w/motor; Airco 180 amp. electric welder; acetylene torch, 1000 scale; S.S. wash tub; S.S. strainer; Vz inch electric drill; Century space heater; grain-erator; V* in. electric drill; bench vise; anvil; chicken coops; 4 tobacco presses; tobacco lath; old milk cans; 2 Surge milker pails; oil and molasses drums; 7 inch grinder and sander; Vz driver socket set; hydraulic cylinders; lots of bolts and washers; moto mower 6 hp. w/mower and snow blower; lots of other items not mentioned. Sale at 10:00 A.M. Conditions by, RAYMOND 6. WISE Paul E. Bixler and Gerald G. Kramer, Auctioneers Not responsible for accidents. Lunch available by Stouchsburg Fire Company READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS LAMPETER FIRE COMPANY ANNUAL SPRING SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 19,1977 10:00 A.M. At the Lampeter Fire Company Community Field. - Truckload of citrus food and seafood; 17,000 BTU Kelvinator air conditioner; antique adding machine; dishes; furniture; hay; building materials; antiques; appliances and TV’s. For sales and consignment information call: 717-687-7242 or 717*464-2172 Goods sold on commission - donated items ap preciated. Terms by, LAMPETER FIRE COMPANY Auctioneers: Cloyd Wenger and other local auctioneers. Food by Ladies Auxiliary PUBLIC SALE PAUL MARTIN'S SALES STABLES Route 340 East of Intercourse, Pa. ANNUAL ALL BAY SPRING SALE Work horses, mules, driving horses, tractor and horse drawn farm equipment, household goods from West Chester. One big truck load. Cousin with dry goods, fruit, hardware and tools. NOTICE! Hay, Straw, grain. SALE ORDER: 10:00 A.M. Small goods 11:00 A.M. Household goods 12:00 Noon Hay, straw and grain 1:00 P.M. Horses 2:00 P.M. Tractors PAUL Z. MARTIjN 717-354-6671 MARTIN AUCTIONEERS AND ASSOCIATES STABLES 768-8108 PUBLIC SALE Having sold farm and discontinuing farming, the undersigned will sell on the farm located near Fairplay, Md.; 6 miles South of Hager stown, Md. on Route 65, West Vz mile on Route 63 on FRIDAY, MARCH 11,1977 At ll:OOA.M. TWO TRACTORS AND MACHINERY Ford Red Belly Tractor w/good rubber and recently ' overhauled; Allis Chalmers CA w/WF and fast hitch; Ford 2-12 bottom plow, 3 pt.; Sauders loader and 7 ft. Ford scoop; 2 Dearbome 3 pt. 7 ft. mowers; D. Bradley side rake; Ford 250 PTO baler; Mayrath 33 ft. elevator, 1 horse elec, motor, 115 ft. heavy elec, cord; Superior 7- 10 disc grain drill; McD. 42 pull type PTO combine; Moline 3 pt. 2 row com planter; Wood Bros, one row com picker; 3 pt. field sprayer w/drum; Dearbome 3 pt. cultivator; Ferguson disc harrow w/new discs; two 16 tooth frame harrows; Case PTO rotary stock shredder; Case tractor manure spreader; Cobey wagon w/grain sides; rubber tire flat bed wagon; McD. horse mower; McCormick com binder for parts; one horse lay off plow; Ford pulley; PTO belt; Ford boom; Ford umbrella; 11x2.28 tractor chains; 2 sets racks for Ford pickup; hand garden plow and weeder; paint sprayer w/pressure tank; roll of Amer. wire fence and barbed wire; Amer. wire fence stretchers; metal fence posts; rubber tire wheel barrow; com sheller; bag wagon; bag holder; log chains; cattle oiler and spray;metal hog troughs, some new; 200 ft. plastic hose; 2 bu. seed oats; used metal roofing; 8 ft. oak fencing boards; 18 ft. pine boards; pony saddle; child’s gym set; 2 iron kettles; meat grinder; sausage stuffer; hand sink; folks, rakes, shovels and other useful articles. Note: Even though this is older machinery it is mostly in top condition. Approx. GOO bales of Timothy hay. Approx. 300 bales of straw. Terms: Cash - not responsible for accidents. MR. & MRS. CLYDE K. HUNTSBERRY Auctioneer: Robert C. Muilendore Clerks: C. L. Metz Lunch Rights Reserved.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers