TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Feed & Seed Sale - 2nd & 3rd cutting moisture Alfalfa' ige. $4O a ton at the silo. i Harvesters silo with ith unloader, white roof condition. Richard \, R 3 Williamsport, 701 PUBLIC SALE FARM EQUIPMENT, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS MON., MARCH 14, '77 Located I mile East of Columbia, Pa. along Old Route 30, across from Mussel's Dairy. ’66 Int. Pickup Truck (22,000 miles), J.D. B. Tractor w/Cult, Black Hawk #35 Tractor, J.D. 14T Baler, J.D. #290 2-Row Corn Planter, JJX Rake, J.D.- 13-Disc Gram Drill, JD. #507 Rotary Mower, JD. #3OO Bale Elevator, J D. #5 7’ Mower, J.D. KBA 32 Disc, N.I. Spreader P.T.0., 2 Flat Wagons, J.D. 2-B Plow, Old Seed Cleaner, 6 Rolls of 36” Fence Wire, Iron Troughs, Feed Carts, Bag Wag ons, 12’ & 16’ Gates, Platform Scale, Lawn Mowers, Vises, Tools, Etc. ANTIQUES: Blanket Chest, HaU Rack w/Mirror, Wash stand, Cedar Chests, Bedroom Suites, Spool Table, Drop leaf Table, Jelly Cupboard, Dough Tray, Copper & Iron Kettles, Gram Chest, Egg Stove, Dinner Bell, Picture Frames, Lap Robe, Cheese Molds, Cookie Cutters, Cherry Seeders, Apple'Peeler, China, Dishes, Stereoscope, Pea Scale, Milk Cans, Wagon Seat, Wooden Rakes, Butter Worker, Side Saddle, Towel Rack, Dated Jars, Breakfast Set, Pump Trough, Refrigerator, 2 Freezers (8- & 12-Cu. Ft), School Desk, 600 lb. York Safe, Metal File Cabinet, Games, and many other items too numerous to mention. Two wagon loads of small items. Order of Sale: Tools, Antiques, Farm Equipment J. MARK BUSHONG H. (Abe) SHAFFNER, 653*5689 C. H. WOLGEMUTH, Aucts. PUBLIC AUCTION FARM EQUIPMENT, PICKUP, HAY, CORN. &HOUSEHOLD GOODS THURSDAY; MARCH 17,1977 Located IV2 miles S.E. of Bally, turn off Rt. 100 across from Longacres Dairy onto Niantic Rte for 2 miles to farm on right. Montgomery Co., Pa. JD 3020 diesel tractor only 900 hrs., pwr. shift, tricycle w/rollomatic; JD 60 gas tractor w/pwr. steering; Meyers snow blade for same; Farmall M tractor; 1970 Chevy G2O pickup truck, 8,600 orig. miles, 4 spd. r 307 eng.; JD 4 btm. 3 pt. 16” trip plow; JD 10’ roller harrow; JD RWA 10’ transport disc; JD 494 A 4 jw com planter; JD 4 row front mtd. cult.; N1P2401 row com busker; NH 770 forage harvester w/1 row com head & auto, knife sharpener; NH 36 flail chop per; (2) NH crop carrier 6 forage wagons w/front unload; NH Super 23 PTO hopper type silo blower; JD side mtd. 7’ mower; NH 461 haybine; NH 56 side rake w/rubber mtd. teeth; NH 275 PTO baler w/PTO thrower; (2) NH 16’ steel hay crop drying wagons; Smoker 24’ bale elev.; Belt alu. elev.; MCI 3 single disc grain drill on steel; JD hay conditioner; JD 12A combine w/bin & engine; JD 48 loader w/manure & snow buckets; JD 3 pt. 80A rear blade; NH 518 PTO single beater manure spreader w/endgate; NH 410 lime drill; Hanson trailer type sprayer w/200 gal. fiberglass tank; AC rubber belt table type silo blower; Case silo blower; 4 whl. 14’ trailer w/steel sides; Ap prox. 60 ton nice Ist & 2nd cutting mixed hay; 5 ton straw; 15 ton nice ear com; McCullough D 44 chain saw; steel sawbuck; 3 robber tire feed carts; 4 Surge milker units; Sputnik dumping station; Cl water troughs; tractor tire chains; cement mixer; 30’ wdn. ext ladder; 1 ton 12-12*12 fert; endless belt; platform scale; Craftsman bench grinder; rd. scalding trough & other butchering equip.; dining room suite; bedroom suite; wood chest; treadle sewing mach.; plus other household items not mentioned. Terms: Cash or check, day of sale. Sale conducted by: Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co. Tele; (215) 285-4616 Miscellaneous Wanted - 3 x 5 and 8 x 12 foot tobacco rails. Feed bin, 2 ton or bigger. Jonas S. Ebersol, \-Vz miles north of Bird-in- Hand on Stumptown Road. 10:30 A.M. Sal* by FOOD STAND At 10:00 A.M. Refreshments. Sale ordered by, MRS. IRWIN SMITH Farm Equipment For Sale - Versatile 118 four wheel drive, articulated steering; JD No. 237 2 row mounted com picker, ex cellent condition. William Edwards, Route 128, Deanesboro, New York 315- 853*5182 For Sale - 756 diesel wide front, 2 point htich-$B5OO. Phone 717-538-1639 after 6:00 PM. For Sale - MC continuous flowing grain dryer, Model No. 600, excellent condition, always inside. Phone 215-255- 5211. For Sale - 1971 John Deere 2520. Less than 1800 hours. Wide front, new rubber, immaculate condition. William G. Morse 301-398- 7178. For Sale - Fbrd 901 tractor. Good condition, good rubber. Also, Ford Jubilee. Good condition, good rubber. William G. Morse 301-398- 7178. PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MARCH IS, 1977 Beginning at 11:00 A.M. FARM EQUIPMENT, CAR, ETC. Located in York County, Pa. 6 miles South of Dillsburg or 16 miles North of York, Pa., along Route 74, watch for sale sign, the following: TRACTORS 1959 Ford V 8 CndseMatic A Title 6000 Ford Commander D Fully Equipt., Super 90 Massey Ferguson D. fully equipt., 2010' JD gas, fully equipt., D 17 Allis Chalmers gas, 801 Ford D, 4 M Earmall’s with remote, 445 MM & picker, Jubilee Ford, 8 N Ford, 2-9 N Ford’s, 240 Farmall & cultivators, Super C Farmall & cultivators, H Farmall & cultivators, 3-B Allis Chalmers, plow, cult., A Farmall & cultivators. PLOWS JD 4-16” mtd. trip-back 3 pt., 3 JD 3-14” trip-back 3 pt., 4 JD 2-14” 3 pt., MF 3-16” trip-back 3 pt., MF 3-14”, MF 3 bottom disc plortr 3 pt., OUVfcr'3-14” trip-back 3 pt., Oliver 2-16” trip-back 3 pt., Allis 2-14” snap-couplin like new, 10-2 bottom Ford 12” & 14”, Oliver 3-14” pull type trip-back, JD 3-14” pull-type, 4 JD 12” & 14” pull type, 4 Int. pull-type. DISC HARROWS (Transport) JD AW 15’ 20x44, JD BWAI2’- 18x36 Equipt. for dual whl., JD AW 13’ 18x40, AC 12’ 16x44, 2 MCD.No. 37 12’ 18x44, JD RWll%’ 18x32, JD RWlO’ 18x36, JD RWA 8’ 18x24, MCD N 0.37 9’ 17x36, MCD No. 4613’ 18x44,2 JD RW 9’ 18x32, JD RW 13’ 17x44, JD KBAI4’ 18x48, Oliver 11’ 20x40 (pull-type), Killefer JD 20x20,2-MCD 18x32,5 MCD St JD 17x28, 2 offset discs 20” blades, 2 Oliver 17x28, MCD, JD Dunhams 17x24,2 3 pt. discs 1 new, 2- 12’ spring harrow, 3-3 section shovel harrow, JD 16A flail chopper. CORN PLANTERS 700 Allis no till 4 row, 4 row (River, Int. 249,6 Int. St Oliver 2 row pull, 3-3 pt. JD 247,2 JD No. 290 pull, Ferg. 3 pt. 2 row, 3-Oliver 2 row 3 pt. Chattanooga 13’, Dunham 11’, 5 Brillion 8’ to 10’, 2 Dunham B’. HAY EQUIPTMENT Hesston self prop, haybine 260, JD 480 haybine 9’, 40’ NH elevator & motor, Ford 501 mower, like new 6’, New Idea pull-type, New Idea semi/mounted, Oliver No. 50 baler PTO, Ford Baler PTO, Case baler & moter, MCD No. 45 PTO, 6’ Allis pull-type roto, 5’ 3 pt. roto, 6’ 3 pt. roto, 3 & 4 bar New Idea rake, bale wagon. MISCELLANEOUS New Idea 217 PTO spreader, New Idea 206 Spreader, New Idea 12A spreader, 3 pt. post hole digger. Cub blade St cultivators, 6’ 3 pt. scraper blade, 3 pt. scoop, new, JF fertilizer spreader, Oliver 13 disc drill, 3 pt. sprayer, fiberglass tank 300 gal., Century pull sprayer & tank, Potato digger PTO, potato plows St cutters, scalding trough, 3 kettle stoves St kettles, small egg stove, David Bradley garden tractor, small generator 110 St 220, NH plate mill, 2 hole corn sheller, snow blower for MF tractor, chain saw, wooden wheel barrow, rubber tire wheel barrow, tourch set, JD cylinder, lawn trimmer, weed burner, garden tractor, shovel plow, tractor chains, hill side hitches, suitcase weights, JD roto-hoe. Note: This sale has very few small items. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch at Sale. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. Miscelloneous For Sale - high ef ficiency wood stoves, wood and-, coal com bination stoves and ranges. Heavy gauge steel and insulated stainless steel chimney pipe in stock. Write or call for information. LUKEG. SENSENIG R.D.N0.l Glenwood Drive Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone 717-73341703 Located 1-Vz miles Northeast of the Green Dragon Farmer’s Market PACKERS Owners, SHEARER BROS. R.D. 1, Welisville, Pa. Phone 432-4598 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 5.1977 —47 Sale Register SAT. .MAY 7 - 10 A.M. An nual * Heifer Sale at the Black & White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre of Vi mile West of breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Dif fenbach, Auctioneer; Henry Kettering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager Federal Spending Federal spending has been growing faster than the rate of expansion of the economy. In the past 20 years, federal spending has risen by nearly 375 per cent, and the Gross National Product-(GNP) the nation’s total output of goods and services —by 275 per cent. In the two fiscal years 1975-1976, federal outlays are rising about 38 per cent. That’s almost double the GNP increase of 20 per cent. Wmmmmmmmmmmm DON’T MISS THIS TOP QUALITY HOLSTEIN CALF SALE! CARROLL COUNTY REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CALF SALE 50 HEAD OF TOP HOLSTEIN CALVES ' Selling-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16,1977 At 7 P.M. At the Carroll County Agricultural Center, Smith Avenue off Gist Road, Westminster, Maryland. A tremendous group of calves for milk and type. Featuring 15 daughters of RORA Elevation, 7 Gay Ideals, 6 Jet Streams, 3 Astronouts, also daughters of Apollo Ivanhoe, Gerri Martin, Black Knight, Fury Ivan, and other top bulls. - - Dams of calves selling have records to over 22,000 of milk and 930 fat. A great place to select 4-H calves. Calves with a future of outstanding type and tremendous milk production! Sale Chairman: Marlin Hoff (301-775-7670) Auctioneers: Doty Remsburgand Norman Hill Broiled Potato Cut one medium peeled crosswise in one-eighth inch thick slices. Place slices on rack with beef patty; brush with one teaspoon butter; sprinkle with dill. Broil until tender and lightly browned —about six minutes. Makes one serving.
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