Home decorating topic of course UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - The Penn State Extension Service has planned a “Workshop For The Home” where design principles of interior decorating and the practical application of these principles in renovating and maintaining the home will be discussed. The Workshop I FPSIKHRSYuII JIGHQKIOF MONIHYK BMMTHir BUMG If you are a PP&L customer and you currently receive your electric bill every two months, you now have the option of receiving a bill every month. Here’s how the plan works: 1. We will continue to read your meter every other month. (To read meters each month would increase costs to all customers.) 2. For those months when we do not read your meter, we will send you a bill based on an estimate of what you have used. This estimate will be made from a history of your previous use level adjusted for expected seasonal variations. 3. If the estimate is higher or lower than the amount you actually used, your usage for the following month will be adjusted automatically, up or down, when we read your meter again. 4. If you elect to receive a monthly bill, the conditions of payment for the monthly bill will be the same as your present bimonthly bill. 5. Should you decide at a later date that monthly billing does not satisfactorily meet your needs, we will return you to the bimonthly billing routine at your request. Monthly billing will not affect the cost of electricity yoli use, but it is one way to help you with your monthly budgeting. If you want to receive a bill each month, just fill in and return the coupon below or give us the same information on the telephone. If you're undecided and want more information, please call PP&L at the number listed >n your telephone directory under Pennsylvania Power & Light Company. Mr Richard Bohner, TW-17 PP&L 2 N 9th St Allentown, PA 18101 Name Service Address City *Your customer number can be found on your electric service bill directly beneath | your name. J will be held at the Holiday Penn State Extension Ser- Inn on the Baltimore Pike vice, Toal Building 2nd and west of Media, (Route 1) on Orange Sts., Media, Pa. March 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 19063, along with name, 2:30 p.m. The registration address and phone number, fee of $5 includes lunch. . Registration is due by March To register, make a check 1. The public is invited to payable to “Hopie- attend. Economics Workshops” and At the workshop coor maii it to Mrs. Greta Vairo, dination of furniture design, I wish to receive my electric bills monthly. Customer Number* Telephone Number ( ) State color, and texture in the home will be taught. Mary Saylor, related arts specialist from Penn State University, will be the guest speaker. Other topics covered will be care of wood furniture, how to hang wallpaper, the core of upholstered furniture, and the selection of furniture and accessories for the home. PP&L Zip Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 26,1977 Ida’s | Notebook I’ve always been in terested in historical items and I have a good imagination. (Although, sometimes that “good imagination” can get me into trouble). The nearest village to our farm is a small place called Oregon. It was first settled inn 1717 by a Jacob Bear who built two mills on Carters Creek, now Lititz Creek. The locality was often called “Catfish” from the great abundance of those fish in the creek. It was a thriving place at one time and contained a post office, hotel, dry-goods store, coach makers shop, shoemaker and blacksmiths shops, two butcher shops, four cigar manufactories, a grist mill and a church. Lately, I’ve been reading entries made in the Oregon i Mill book when it was owned by my great, great grand father, Benjamin Landis from 1836 to 1844. Then, even as now, some grains pur chased in 1840, ‘4l, and ‘42 were not paid until 1846. And then they were paid with a copper kettle $l2, a sow and •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Plant lovers’ comer RUTGERS, N. J. - Now is a good time to remove the old canes and dead wood from your climber or old-fashion rambler rose bush. The plant is still dormant and it is almost safe to assume that the worst of the winter damage is about over, says Donald B. Lacey, Ex-i tension specialist in home horticulture at Cook College, ■ Rutgers University. If the canes are about an inch in diameter and the plant is six to eight years old or more, remove the canes fairly close to the ground or at least to the point where you find some younger and more productive canes coming out. Brown or dead tips on remaining canes should also be pruned. The severed ends should be covered with tree wound paint, chewing gum, melted paraffin wax or any sticky substance to prevent rose borers from entering the stems, says Lacey. After the old canes are removed, train the younger shoots by tying them to a fence or trellis. This will distribute the blooms more attractively as well as an chor them against the strong March winds. Young climbers planted in the last year or two should not be pruned until they are sturdier and well established, Lacey advises. Ida Risser a boar $l6 or five bushel of apples for $l. A George Weidler hauled three hogsheads of whiskey to Lancaster for $1.87; 18 barrels of flour to Lancaster for $l.BO, brought one load of boards from Marietta for five and also delivered two ton of plaster from Conestoga Navigation for $1.50. One entry wbich I did’t understand - Levi Reist, “Boulting 100 barrels flour $25 on March 22,1844 71 - what is Boulting? An interesting item was the fact that Isaac Landis paid the |2 bill of “Black John”, who got 86 pd. of flour Dec. 18,1843. In 1840 one bushel of bran was 15 cents one bushel corn 40 cents, one bushel wheat 1.05, one bushel oats 25 cent and one bushel rye 65 cent. Mostly, the people seemed to come for one, two, or three bushel of grain at a time. Widow Good got three bushel of wheat in May of 1843 and apparently only ever paid 28 cent of her $3 bill in October. Even though life moved slower in those .days, I’m sure it was full of frustrations too. 45 t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers