—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 26. 1977 44 %v On being wife - other hazards m. Stepping through the bus somewhat awed and very door, I felt like a sixth curious, grader on a field trip - At the top of the broad Embroider lively tots on blocks; join for crib or car riage cover. Blocks may be framed for nursery pictures, JUST IN TIME Pre-Finished Chairs « J|(/ Two Styles Light and Dark ' In Stock At MINA Z. STOLTZFUS RDI Gordonville, PA 17529 Along RT. 30 in Paradise a farm and By Joyce Bupp and Easy |SFeiB-20 ( I r. u - V V "• , • r * *•. # i y J F Ij-i r J «« \ 923210 1 / 2 steps lay our state Capitol building, the impressive dome reaching high into the blue sky. There were 150 of us, Pennsylvania Farmers’ Association women, who had come to tour our state government headquarters and visit our legislators in their offices. I’d only ever had brief contact with elected officials in the past, and the chance to meet with them in their offices on the Hill was Lancaster County Society 29 meeting at 8 p.m. The program is a hockey game at the Hershey Sports Arena. Lancaster County Society 4 meeting at the Farm and Home Center. Monday, Feb. 28 Berks Co. Society 5 meeting at 7:30 p.m. Hostess is Sylvia Scharff. Program is candy making. Tuesday, March 1 Lancaster County Society 23 meeting. Program is speech by Raelene Harbold, IF YE. Wednesday, March 2 Berks Co, Society 9 meeting and celebrating their birthdays. Celebration will be held at the Ben Franklin Inn near Douglassville. Thursday, March 3 Lancaster County Society 17 meeting at 11a.m. » *■ ■22 y? Many specials on sofa beds, platform rockers, living room suites, bedroom suites, new ship ment of recliners coming, our existing stock of Ashly Cameron coal and wood heaters now at special prices. Numerous pieces of good used stoves and furniture in stock. Route 196 - 6 mi. south of Strasburf In VUbfe of Georgetown Box 57, Bart, Pa. Women’s Calendar Saturday, Feb. 26 OF MATTRESS SALE TO END OF FEBRUARY PLUS FISHER'S FURNITURE Hrs. S a.m. to 9 p.m. - Mon., Wed., Fri. S a.m. to 6 pjn., Toes., Thun., Sat. definitely an ad venture. Would they have time for us? Would they even care that we were in terested? This farm wife was not venturing into the vast, unknown hayen of worldly, knowledgeable political men •ij; alone • I’d brought a friend. :* She’d never been here either, i-i; Feeling like Laurel and Hardy, we ventured into the i# Senate wing, climbed the ;$ stairs and entered the office :;i; .of our Senator. A gracious S secretary ushered us into his office; and we were soon §: deep in converstion with his ri-i administrative assistant. The Governor had ' presented his budget that day; and before long, our 1 Senator arrived from caucus bearing his day’s homework - a budget appropriations volume the size of a Sears catalog and an ac companying document half as thick. In spite of the seriousness of the day’s business and his bulging schedule, we were warmly welcomed and discussed a range of subjects. But we still had representatives to see. Thanking the Senator for Lancaster County Society 20 meeting at the home of Jane Ferguson. Saturday, March 5 Lancaster County Society 10 meeting at 1:30 p.m. at the Neffsville Fire Hall. Program is the reading of child verse-Frances LeFevre. Lancaster County Society 6 meeting at the home of Minnie Wolgemuth. Program is on Brazil. Lancaster County Society 1 meeting at Goodwill Industries, 1048 N. Plum St, Lancaster for tour. Time is 1:30 p.m. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! sharing his valuable time, we hurried to the other wing of the Capitol. Poking our heads into a clerk’s office brought us directions to their offices. Then, rushing across the hall, we almost, literally, bumped into one of our representatives. He stopped and chatted with us about events and issues for about 20 minutes, until we had to hurry away to the basement offices for still another visit As we arrived, so did this legislator, just out of a meeting and carrying his “budget literature” too. “Don’t tell him his desk looks nice!” quipped his secretary, as he very cor dially invited us to sit down. He borrowed an extra chair from a fellow legislator in the crowded office, ignored the stack of work on his desk momentarily, and made phone calls and banted documents on a problem we bad brought for his advice. Unbelievably soon, we bad one minute to catch our bus. Charging out of the building and down the steps, we make it - the last two people on our bus. - Suddenly we remembered. Becoming so involved in meeting our legislators, we’d forgotten to take time and visit the Chambers, where the actual legislation voting takes place. Someday I hope to go see our Capitol building in Harrisburg. I sure hope it doesn’t take me as many years to get there the second time as it took me to get there the first.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers