—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 22, 1977 16 Farm Calendar (Continued from Page 10| 14th annual Agribusiness public meeting on Seminar, co-sponsored programs for by the York Area agriculture, at the Chamber of Commerce Cultural Center, Trenton, a "d the York County Ag N.J. 9:30 a.m. Extension Service. New Jersey State Avalongs Restaurant, Agricultural Convention, 9:30 a-m -today and tomorrow. Dair y Engineering meeting, Ephrata Area Adult Far- 7:30 p.m. at the Farm mers meeting. Topic: a °d Home Gen dairy breeding. 7:45 p.m. ter .Lancaster at the high school. AI Garden Spot Young Farmers reps on hand with swine tour > leaves hi § h Dresentatinn school 3t 13 1 30 p.m. Tour York Holstein ***? «» GSYFA directors luncheon, 11:30 members only, a.m. at Moser’s Alinual Extension farm Restaurant, York income tax meeting at Pennsylvania Farmers South Tamaqua, Zerby’s Union convention con- * ce Cream House, 10 a.m. tinues in Camp Hill at the * 0 3:39 P- m - Penn Harris Motor Inn. Adult welding class, 7-9 p.m. Lime, Fertilizer and a * Garden Spot High Pesticide Conference at School. Classes continue Penn State, continues evei Y Thursday evening through Thursday. through Feb. 17 Extension offices have Friday, Jan. 28 details. 64th annual meeting of the Wednesday, Jan. 26 Delaware Dairy Day, Ramada Inn, Route 13, Dover, 10 a.m. Mount Joy Farmers’ Cooperative Assn, holds annual banquet and meeting at Hostetter’s Banquet Hall, Mount Joy, 12 noon. Drumore Township Planning Commission meets on land use controls, 8 p.m. at the Township building. Organizational meeting of the Southern Lancaster County 4-H Soil and Water Conservation Club, 7:30 p.m. at the Shutz Environmental Center, Lancaster County Central Park. Regular monthly meeting of the Berks County Con servation District, board of directors, 2 p.m. at the Ag Center. Thursday, Jan. 27 Annual meeting of the Farm and Home Foundation of Lancaster County, 6:30 p.m. at the Farm and Home Center. COST CUTTER The cost of diesel fuel has jumped nearly 70 percent since October, 1973 and it's still about three cents a gallon cheaper than gasoline. Higher fuel costs call for a closer look at total operating costs when you buy engines. Deutz air-cooled engines use 20 to 40 percent less fuel than most water-cooled diesel engines - far less than gasoline engines. And they are com petitively priced. So hadn't you better buy or specify the cost cutter - Deutz? 10 to 500 bhp. 1876 1976 DCUTV FIRST FOUR STROKE CYCLE ENGINE Chester County Cooperative Extension Service, 7 p.m. at the Kimberton Fire Hall (2 miles west of Phoenix ville) Montgomery County Ex tension Service annual meeting, Towamencin Fire Hall, Kulpsville. Social hour, 6:15 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. State Grange leaders meeting at Chester Valley Grange, 7:30 p.m. Seminar for Pennsylvania grain dealers and other agribusiness people on pesticides, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, King of Prussia. sth annual Penn Win temational Tractor Pull, begins today, first session at 1 p.m., evening program at 7:30. See details on page 31 of this issue. Saturday, Jan. 29 Wintemational Tractor Pull continues, pulls at 1 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. See details on page 31 of this issue. STAUFFER DIESEL, INC. 312 W. Main St New Holland, PA Ph. 717-354-4181 Economy stressed The annual Pennsylvania The following budgets Five-Acre Com Club affords were developed from the an excellent opportunity to crop years of 1974 and 1975: examine costs and returns in Conventional tillage-corn com production on farms harvested as ear com - crops throughout the Com- value per acre - $360.25. monwealth. Approximately Minimum tillage-corn eight farmers participate in harvested as ear com - crop the cost of production budget value per acre - $340.72. option each year, says Conventional tillage-corn William K. Waters, Ex- harvested as shelled com - tension area farm crop value per acre - $290.12. management specialist. Minimum tillage-corn Kittanning, Pa. harvested as shelled com - YESTERDAY’S EQUIPMENT DOESN’T HELP TODAY’S FARMER. NEITHER DOES YESTERDAY’S INSURANCE. fnmtuine Seiiviees Imsuinamee Meeting Tomorrow’s Needs Today 5 East Mam Street • Mechanicsburg, Pa 17055 • (717) 766-7621 ' 'ii.f There’s no other way to stop both pneumonia* and atrophic rhinitis losses with one feed: there’s no other way For Tylan plus Sulfa in your swine feed. See your local feed supplier serviced by New Holland Supply Co. crop value per acre - $370.42. proximately the si - No-Till-com harvested as two-thirds of the i ear corn-crop value per acre w^a t we refer to - $328.62. medium and long No-Till-com harvested as variety areas, says shelled com - crop value per acre - $339.07. The budgets are from those counties from ap- •“ rf TRANSPLY, INC industrial Supplies Lancaster Dillsburg 330 Centerville Rd. 6 mi. So. Rl. 194 Ph 717 397-4885 PH 717-432-9714 or 845-2685 BALDOR MOTORS V-Belts Sheaves * Caused by Pasteurella multocida and Corynebacterium pyogenes. 'A HP IoIOOH.P 1 Phase - 3 Phase Roller Chain Sprockets stai
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