Farmers (~) | Continued from Page 1| There's one report in Lancaster County of a dairyman having lost a tank ful of milk due to his com pressor having frozen up and the milk went slightly sour. There were several in stances of pumps freezing in milk houses, or valves being stuck and milk therefore not being transferred into the tank properly. Some electric motors were burned up due to the extra heavy load the cold temperatures and Q Champion in the Five Acre contest with a yield of 204.6 bushel per acre with Muncy Chief SXBOBB. Mr. Bishop receives a merchandise certificate for $250.00 and a trophy. c Pennsylvania State Champion in the One Acre Contest is Kent Burd of Honey Grove, PA. He had a fine yield of 210.5 bushel per acre with Muncy Chief 5X777 and will receive a $lOO 00 scholarship and a trophy. James Springman, Muncy, PA. Muncy- Chief 5X777 with a yield of 186 bushel per acre in the five acre contest. Quantity Wanted MUNCY-CHIEF MUNCY-CHIEF MUNCY-CHIEF MUNCY-CHIEF MUNCY-CHIEF MUNCY-CHIEF ............. CORNELL MUNCY-CHIEF DOUBLE CROSS HYBRID SEED CORN MUNCY-CHIEF H 764 115 TO 120 DAYS 27.50 25.50 MUNCY-CHIEF H4Ol 90 TO 95 DAYS 27.50 25.50 MUNCY-CHIEF H 304 90TO95DAYS 27.50 25.50 MUNCY-CHIEF H 270 85 TO 90 DAYS 27.50 25.50 MUNCY-CHIEF H2OBE 80 TO 85 DAYS 27.50 25.50 CERT. MINN. 806 80 TO 85 DAYS 25-50 23.50 MUNCY SILO CHIEF 85 to 100 Days For Silo 25.50 23.50 MUNCY-CHIEF LUCKY 7 40.00 38.00 MUNCY-CHIEF SPONSORS PENN WINTERNATIONALS HARRISBURG, PA. JANUARY 28-29,1977 MUNCY-CHIEF HYBRIDS frozen conditions were causing. Nuisances on the farm silo unloaders working very slowly or not at all, cows walking delicately on frozen manure and ice, and of course the every-day problem of broken and frozen water pipes. Trying to get tractors started on these cold mor nings is another common difficulty. Those with heaters on their diesel engines considered them selves fortunate. Milking machines were another item subject to the cold, as they performed erratically on some farms, ✓ ** ♦ POPULAR MUNCY-CHIEF SINGLE CROSS HYBRIDS Treated Seed - Full 56 Pound Bushel Please mark or circle size BU MF 5X777 110 TO 115 DAYS 37.50 5X662 105 TO 110 DAYS 37.50 SXSSO 100 TO 105 DAYS 37.50 5X442 95 TO 100 DAYS 37.50 SX22O 90 TO 95 DAYS 37.50 MUNCY-CHIEF 3-WAY CROSS HYBRIDS 3X553 100 TO 105 DAYS 32.50 110 80 TO 85 DAYS 32.50 Ask For Special Price On 50 Bushels Or More And Other Hybrids especially if pneumatic pulsation was still in use. According to mapy, the problems farmers have been experiencing so far are just one phase. More could come later, even as late as this Summer when soil moisture - might be badly needed The ground in some areas is reported to be frozen to a depth of more than two feet. That will take a long time to thaw out, and that being the case, the melting snow and ice will not be able to penetrate the soil. Fur thermore, the problem of flooding this Spring is compounded. Ice jams could cause havoc in some areas Be mr* to sign your tickets for FREE Door Frizes at Winter National, Harrisburg. Sponsored by Muncy-Chief Hybrids. and a good many fences along streams will probably take a beating. Depending on the area and whom a person talks to, the first three weeks of January have been the coldest anyone can remember. In some cases it’s been the coldest Winter on record, Newspaperheadlines and TV and radio news broad casts have driven that point home to us on a daily basis. Some examples: “Zero c-c-cold isn’t budging” proclaimed a Lancaster newspaper headline on Tuesday mor ning. As in areas to the north BU MR 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 BU U or R 34.50 34.50 34.50 34.50 34.50 30.50 30.50 29.50 29.50 _ 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 22.50 22.50 37.00 A Muncy Chief Trailer will again be at C. E. Sauder Mill, East Eari, PA To Serve Farmers And Dealers Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 22,1977 of here, temperatures hung in around zero degrees. “So cold, ocean could freeze!” proclaimed an Associated Press story. Small wonder that fanners find so many of their pipes frozen. But it’s not just the cold that has caused problems. The snow and ice have played havoc with people and equipment as well. Since shortly after Christmas, the area has been blanketed by the white stuff. But if we think we have it bad here, check the situation in Buf falo, N.Y. once; CUP & MAIL i To MUNCY CHIEF HYBRIDS | MUNCY, PENNSYLVANIA 17756 I j □ Please Mail Catalog & Price List | □ Please send information on tickets | [ n I’m interested in dealership. I I n |'m interested in being a salesman for j I Muncy Chief. I Order Enclosed I 1...... ! I NAME I ADDRESS | RHONE-. I □ Fanner □ Dealer i MUNCY, PENNSYLVANIA 17756 PHONE (717) MS-5981 That city has spent nearly $700,000 so far for snow removal this Winter, due to the 123 inches of snow they’ve received. While Buffalo and other areas to the north are buried in the stuff. Southerners got themselves a thrill by seeing snow for the first time in their lives. It’s down South where the agricultural scene has really taken a beating from the weather. An entire crop of citrus fruits may have been ruined. Morris Young, Peach Bottom, PA planted Muncy-Chief SXB7B and yielded 184 bushels per acre, good for a 3rd place in the 1-acre contest. Donald Everitt, Jr. Mifffinlown, PA planted Muncy-Chief 5X777 this year and had a yield of 184.3 busjiel per acre. Donald was National Champion in 1974. Robin Stinson, Albion, NY with Muncy Chief 5X777. Robin had a yield of 233.49 bushel per acre. □ Corn Acres 15
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