Candidates in special series irKwamr, »*• • pouurai indidate* from South Pmnajrtvanla will t r.fmot ooe another on * -t* prime-time series r rt-durrd by WITF-TV, < ». Herahey, t-eg inning Friday. October «, at ‘f .10 pm The four part »rnr* of 90-mlnufe programa. called "The Voting Machine." will feature candidate* running in state legislative and U.S ( ongrcsslonal race* In VUTT s ten-county coverage area I hiring the programs, each dealing with a specific population center, can dies from that geographic area will make opening Elements and then discuss GET PREPARED CHECK WITH US FOR YOUR LIQUID MANURE The , is Coming FAST EQUIPMENT isai Tox-O-Wik GRAIN DRYER Better Bilt Vacuum Spreaders with or without Injection Chisels " • Low Operating Cost j. • Simple Operation nUSKJf spre3defS • Self Loading and Unloading • Grain Cleaner within Dryer 1250 Gal. - 3750 Gal. We Have More Husky Manure Pumps Dryers in Stock " s,uny Gun ” for that Tough Pumping Job Models No. 370 and No. 570 gig •1 UK- K MILKERS y * Pail Milkers Electric or Vacuum Pulsator * Around the Barn Pipeline * Herringbone Milking Parios * Carousels and Polygon Parlors •Auto. Teat Cup Detachers SQIE. WOODS DRIVE, lititz. pa 1/543 ANSWERING SERVICE (717) 733-1224 phone (7i7) 6261151 the Issue* with politics) )oumalM John Baer and a local member of the league of Women Voters Scattered throughout the program* will be specially produced spots" designed to provide basic voter in formation. Including a demonstration of the operation of a voting machine and a tongue- in chcek cartoon mini-aerie* called Field Guide for Candidate Watchers," which will identify types of 'political birds ” The first "voting Machine" program (on October 8) will feature candidates from the York and Gettysburg areas and will be repeated on Satur- GRAIN BINS v Grain Augers Transport and Utility SHENK'S FARM Oct 9. at 2JO YORK. GETTYSBURG AREA CANDIDATES Pa Senate District J 3 Pa House Districts 89. SC. 91. 72. 93. 94. 56. I lt>3 Fri . Oct 15 Repeats Sal , Oct 16. at 530 LAN CASTER. IJvBANON AREA CANDIDATES Pa Senate District 13 Pa House IJlstricls 96. 97. 98, 99. 100, 101, tt 102 Fn . Oct 22 Repeats Sal, Oct 23. at 5 30 HARRISBURG. WEST AUTOMATED BATCH DRYER CIRCLE Some Sizes in Stock THE MILKER DAIRYMEN ARE TALKING ABOUT Complete Planning Installation day. October 9. at 3 30 p m The complete series is scheduled a* follow* PROGRAM 1 Fri . Oct 8 Repeal* Sat PROGRAM I PROGRAM 3 Model No. AS3OO Call Us For A Demonstration In Your Stable or Parlor SHORE. ItTRSHKY ART.A CANDIDATES Pa Sm*t» Districts IS and 31 Pa Houae District* tt. 87. 88. 103. 104. ICC. t, 108 PROGRAM 4 n . Ort 79 Hepeat* Sat . Oct 30. at 3 30 WITT AREA US ( ONC.RKSMONAL CANDIDATES 9th US ( ongressional District (Serving Juniata, Perry. Western ( umbcrland. Franklin, and Snyder Counties | 16th U S Congressional District (Serving I,ancaster and Southern I e ban on Counties, including the city of Lebanon) 17th U S Congressional District (Serving Dauphin and Northern I>c ban on Counties) BULK MILK COOLERS ( Service SERVICE Lancaattr Firming. Satui *322 paid for lamb V I’IIHATA • A record price of fT per pound was P»*d by Noah Wenger Last week for the champion carcass lamb at the Kphrata Fair Wenger, who is a candidate for the 99th IHstrirt State Houae scat, aulhonie-d that the money be donated to a charity of his choice The previous record price for such a sale was |6 per pound, set in 1974 The champion lamb, a Dorset, belonged to Barbara Herr of Narvon Weighing 46 pounds on the rail, it had 19lh U S Congressional District (Serving Adams, Eastern Cumberland, and York Counties) .X ~ m- - Oct 2.1976 rirUcr pUc»d third In on the-hoof ramp*thion Sieve Slt«um' impound Hampshire tm the reserve champion ol both the live weight and on nil *how* WGSA r* dlo of Kphmta paid >2 M per pound for the animal The on hoof placing* follow 1 Rick Straus*. 2 Steve Strauss, 3 Barbara Herr. 4 Robert Strauss. > Eliiabeth Herr, 6 Dean ?jcgler, 7 Brian Martin On rail placing* were in this order 1 Barbara Herr, 2 Steve Strauss, 3 Rick Strauss. 4 Elizabeth Herr, 5 Robert Strauss. 6 Dean Ziegler, 7 Brian Martin Pa, hog route restricted NEW YORK, N Y. - State and federal hog cholera quarantines on New Jersey swine have been lifted, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced. Still in effect, however, are state restrictions on swine shipments into Penn sylvania. Swine owners in New Jersey should contact state animal health officials before shipping hogs into Pennsylvania. Although quarantines have been lifted, a concentrated surveillance in Gloucester and Cape May counties will be continued. APHIS of ficials emphasized that testing of blood serums of slaughter hogs will be a major part of the sur veillance. A cooperative state-federal hog cholera task force has been in operation since Aug. 2, the the disease was confirmed in Cape May county. l Soybeans way up WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. stocks of old crop soybeans are estimated at 244 million bushels as of September 1, USDA reported last week. The figure is up more than a third from a year ago and 49 per cent above the Sept. 1974 level. The only year to top it was 1969 when 327 million bushels were on hand. On the farm soybean stocks totaled a record high 85 million bushels, up 10 million bushels from the previous high set a year ago. Off the farm stocks, at 159 million bushels, are up 44 per cent from a year earlier. The big carryover came despite a September 1975- August 1976 disappearance of 1.46 billion bushels that was up 22 per cent from the> previous year. Caught Doodling In the middle of a ge ography lesson, Stew was caught doodling on his desk “Stew,” said the teacher, “v/hat do you know about the Rumanian border’” Sur prised, Stew could only say “Oh, he’s the guy that goes out with my aunt and my father doesn’t like it 1 ” 19
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