ft Uocaittr fatmint Saturday. Oct 2. 19/0 I Jeff Marlin 1 U'*Smuf j (toKii r Jiff 1J land* High l.anra«trr. who has been showing hrp( animals for w\ en s ears She said II takes a lot of practice before the show vi the animal will do exactly what sou want it to do Von m«sl lead it a lot it knows what you ri doing and knows what to expect In commenting on showmanship Dobrosky said he placed Imda over second place Jeff Martin because she was more relaxed and had a smile As a result, she looked like she was en joying it while being in terested in her ammal Dobroiky offered some general advice to showmen, saying 4-H'crs shouldn’t forget to use the combs they carry He said animals should be shown as safely as possible, and added, “Don't ever turn your back to a steer - you can lose the animal that way." He said in his opinion, showmen should not change the halter from their left hand to their right hand, but should simply back away and look at the judge as he passes to the front of the animal. Safety, Dobrosky said, is the most important factor. Kathy Martin, New Holland R 3, was grand champion fitter, with Dobrosky characterizing her Know Where the Activities Will Be? the Farm Women Calendar, animal as being pretli uniform and exceptions 11» t lean Other show results are ( rotibred Steers Jeff Martrn. New Holland 7 landa High l-anras-tc-r. 1 Donna f-f>rrh. I att I arl. -t Tami Groff. New Hollanfl 1> Joanne Groff, l-anrasler. f> Glenn Yoder, Morgantown 7 Gerald Lberly, hast I,arl f! Audrey Hoover Gap. r » Michael Martin. Hast P arl. 10 Randy Martin. Last 1- arl Angus LTimGroff, New Holland. 2 Randy Mussclman, New Holland 3 Doug Higb. Paradise, t Vickie Hare, Witmer. 5 Dave Bowman, Honks, 6 Don Bowman. Honks. 7 Merle Groff, Lancaster Herefords 1 Dale L Hcrshcy, Honks, 2 Kathy Martin, New Holland, 3 Phyllis Witmer, New Holland. 4 Robert Groff, Leola, 5 Kathy Denhnger, Gap, 6. Bob Weaver, East Earl, 7 Jane Groff, Leola, 8. Billy Martin, East Earl. Showmanship 1. Linda High, 2 Jeff Martin, 3. Vicki Bare, 4. Gerald Eberly. Fitting 1. Kathy Martui, 2. Dale Hershey, 3. Jeff Martin, 4. Glenn Yoder BEEFSALE Later in the afternoon at Read !l»r (jorf iaSc Jrff Martin rrt rivrsl a near rert-td |7 f<«r fua f. - fan<l rharnpion rrnvil«fr<) |>rrf on lf»r W(1 r-f Moltjftta Mrat.s li trrr n.t sr < <«n(rndrra m (hr rhan> pifitishlp bidding •metr Hot) frame of S intake Salrt Stables and H t) Ma!; Wilh his champion steer weighing mi pounds the bidding left Jrff Martin with 17 770 for hi.s efforts in railing the 4 II project Thr reserve grand champion steer, owned In Dale I Hershev sold for 65 cents pc- pound and was purchased h> Terre Mill Silos Ilw eighedlW pounds Tohil value of vale animals was $16.563 65 with an average of 53 26 rents without the champion Total poundage was 27,375 Among those purchasing 4- H animals at the sale were F.arl Saudcr Feed Mill, New Holland Supply Company. Guernsey Restaurant, Victor K Weaver, Inc . Weaver and Martin Trucking, Carl Venetia, H D Matz, I.an caster Silo Company, I>arry Goetz Trucking, Robert Frame, Steller and Martin Auctioneers, John F Martin Meats, Gale Sensemg, Frank Fillipo, Edgar Black, Homing Farm Agency, New Holland Sales Bams, Far- STOLTZFUS MEAT MARKET « I ATTENTION FARMERS I ) K I CUSTOM BUTCHERING Hy I OUR SPECIALITY K -FRESH BEEF AND PORK— , I \ OUR OWN HOME MADE f M SCRAPPLE & FRESH SAUSAGE Bacon and Country Cured Hams Orders taken for freezer Meats PH. 768-3941 Directions: 1 block east of Intercourse on Rt. 772 - Newport Road STORE HOURS ™ RS " Or Call 717-426-3286 Write HIESTAND DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Box 96, Marietta, PA 17547 Jell Martin (r) poses championship steer and chasers who paid 5200 mers Bank, and John Yoder Yoder In addition to providing the facilities at no cost to the 4- H’ers, the New Holland Sales Barns also donated $5 to each participant in the show and sale. with his From left arc Amos Stoltzlus, Ike the pur- Stoltzlus. and Ken Stoltzfus a pound USED HARVESTORE CALL (717) 354-4051 C&fglHE FRONT RUNNER CASE 156 PTO HP 1370 AGRI KING •PARTS •SERVICE •RECONDITIONED TRACTORS •CONVENIENT FINANCING • TRACTOR CAN BE SPLIT WITHOUT REMOVING CAB •CONSOLE CONTROL THESE FEATURES SINCE 1970 In Stock Ready For Delivery Priced under Received just before $lOOO.OO price increase Call us for a Free Demonstration No Obligation SALES & SERVICE BINKLEY & HURST BROS. A 133 Rothsville Station Rd Lilitz, PA 17543 Phone (717) 626-4705 FOR SALE 2027-1750 • BIG 504 TURBO-CUBE ENGINE • SELF-CLEANING AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM • OIL SPRAY PISTON COOLING SYSTEM • 3 ON THE GO POWER SHIFTS IN EACH OF 4 RANGES • CASE ENVIRONMENT CONTROL WITH OUTSIDE CAB AIR FILTER NO MESS INSIDE
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