70 larxavte-r Farmir*. Saturday Oct 7 1976 Ayrshire All-American held HAHHISBUJU, f nines from Maryland and New York took the banners toe grand champion bull and female* in Ok All American Ayrshire Show. last week ath the 13th Annual Fenn sylvanta All American Hairy Show The exceptions were TowrrricwJeremy, ahull calf named junior champion, exhibited by Toweryiew Farm, Cochram illc. and a two-year-old bull, ' Cove Creek Flashy Boy." from the Cove Creek Farms, Bedford. Fa . which earned reserve senior and grand champion honors The senior and grand champion bull for the second straight year was another two-year-old, “Haynes Farm Don's Robin Hood," exhibited by the Haynes Farm, Tully, N Y Maple Dell Farm, Woodbine, Md Conservationists converse HARRISBURG - The 29th Joint Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation District Directors, Inc. and the State Conservation Commission will be held October 4-6 in Carlisle with the theme, “Conserve to Assure a Tricentennial.” Hundreds of people con cerned with conservation are expected to attend the conference which will in clude conservation district directors, district staff. Broilers HARRISBURG - Poultry production in the Com monwealth during the week ending September 18 con tinued the upward trend of the past several months, according to the Penn sylvania Crop Reporting Service. Placements of broiler chicks were 1,745,000. The placements were 28 per cent above the same week a year ago, but four per cent below the previous week. Average placements during the past ten weeks were 19 per cent above a year earlier. Placements in the 21 key poultry producing states were 63,042,000. This figure represents an increase of two per cent over the previous week and is 12 per cent more than the same week in 1975. A H-TPlUffl Liß" RDI, Box 77 Klnzer, PA 17535 Phone (717) 768-3873 exhibited the reserve junior champion bull. Maple Dell Brum Harvey Belmont flash) Bridesmaid. a four-)ear old exhibited b> the I’alm)ra Farm. Hager stown. Md . earned the senior and grand champion female banner A seven vear-old row named "Oak Hidge Bruis Flonnie," exhiled by the Fhnchurst Farms. Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, was named reserve senior and grand champion A senior yearling heifer. 'Chestnut Ridge Classy Danisc," from the Chestnut Ridge h arm, Amherst, New Hampshire, was the junior champion female, while a senior yearling calf, “Elmknowl Flashy Cassie,” from the Elmknowl Farm, West Kingston, Rhode Island was named reserve junior champion. agency representatives, local Environmental Ad visory Council represen tatives and guests in a program of speeches, workshops and awards. Keynote speaker at the October 4 luncheon will be David Unger, executive secretary of the National Association of Conservation District. He is a former executive secretary of the Pennsylvania State Con servation Commission. still up Average placements in the 21 key poultry producing states during die past ten weeks were ten per cent above a year ago. Rishels win LINCOLN, Neb. - Angus herds from a five state area competed for top honors at the 1976 Nebraska State Pair Open Show held here recently. Judging the 112 head of breeding cattle was Jerry Fitzgerald, Harrison, Nebraska. Grand champion bull trophy went to the senior champ, an entry of Bill Rishel, North Platte, Nebraska and Rishel’s Edlyn Farm, York, Pa. The winner was Hedgerows New Criterion. EQUIPMENT Sam Diehl of Cove Creek Farms, Bedford, with his reserve grand champion bull. Premier breeder honors went to the LaFranchi Brothers, of the Oak Ridge Stock Farm, Calistoga, Calif., for the second straight year m a row. Ralph Shank, Palymra Farm, Hager stown, Md. was named premier exhibitor. The premier sire was “Oak Ridge Flashy Klondike,” owned by Sire Power. Although Pennsylvanians had few champions, they put on a strong showing nonetheless. Pennsylvania breeders Hey, if you need a new MODEL 255 TRACTOR LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO. mak can you a deal! This Model 255 was: *B2OO You can buy it right now Personalized MF financing, parts & service available. LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO. 700 E. Linden St. Richland, PA Phone: (717)866-7518 were especially strong in the junior heifer calf class, although they failed to win the top spot. But from there on down it was a cleah sweep for Ayrshire breeders, from the Keystone State as Towerview Farm, Toll Gate Ayr Farms, Rose Clubb, and Betty Diehl checked in that order. Cove Creek showed the top junior yearling heifer, while Towerview bad the third and fourth place animals. In the senior yearling class, Ardrossan Farms of 1 “ t, 7200 Villanove placed fourth, while George Knight of Aimlle took the fifth slot. Towerview placed first in the junior-get-of-sire class, Maulfair Acres of Jonestown placed second, and another Pennsylvania outfit, Cove Creek Farms of Bedford, took third. Pennsylvania was also strong in the 3 - year old dry cow class, with Cove Creek, MF M—Ttiumh The junior champion bull of the Ayrshire All- American belonged to Kennard Henley of Cochranville. JERSEY - Jersey dairymen make more money with less in vestment than dairymen milking larger breeds. A New York study shows Jersey herds had: 1.13 percent less labor, expense. 2.14 percent less capital investment. 3. 24 percent less total acres. ' 4. 23 percent less crop acres. Jersey milk contains a higher percentage of protein & other solids than milk from other dairy breeds. Jersey’s efficently convert forage to high quality human food. „ JERSEY - The Cow For Tomorrow Milk Cows - Future Show Animals - Family Cows - Young Bulls. To locate Jersey breeders in your area, write for PJCC Breeders Directory from: OREISBACH LONGMEAOOWS FARM R 1 Hamburg, PA 19526 PENNSYLVANIA JERSEY CATTLE CLUB IN William Ocker, and Ar drossan Farms taking the top three spots in that order Keystone State Ayrshires continued to be recognized in the next two classes as Towervlew Farm captured first places in the 2 - year old best udder classes. The judge for the All- American Ayrshire show was Richard E. Keene of Gilbertsville, N.Y. The Cow For Today i
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