ijmo»U»r farmin*. Njlurda 110 Public Sales Register ( arllxle to the v UUgr of h rh i Perry (o i turn right go to thr second intersection ■watch for sale signs i Sale bv Glen H StrSaughtoei Owner. KllioUburg Pa S Art Kling, Auctioneer .SAT (XT 2 3 30 AM Sharp MGS Inventory K eduction Auction IxKalloo North of Ijuic - Heading Turnpike In terchange. along Ht 222 (Old) Turn right onto Muddy Creek CTiurch Road, premises on the right Sale by MGS Incorporated Sale conducted by Randal V Kline ti IJoyd H Krcldcr. Auctioneer! SAT OCT 2 10 30 AM Public Auction of Tractors and Farm Machinery located at Rcmholds, Lan caster County. Pa Terms by Jacob H. Gocklcy SAT. OCT. 2-0 30 A M Kaul Farm Dispersal at Dundee, N. Y. including 104 Holslems, a big line of equipment, Hay, Straw and Oats. Sale managed by Rumsey Sales, Bath, N Y. SAT. OCT. 2 -11 A.M. Public Auction of 140 Head Reg. Angus Cows and Calves, full line of Farm Machinery, M.F. 300 Combine w-3-row com head, etc. at Rossmor Farm located at Shallcross Wharf Locust Grove, North of Kennedyville, Md. Rt. 213. Sale by Dr. R. J. Simpson, Rossmor Farm, Robert Fanning, Herdsman, Ken nedyville, Md. H. Rudnick and Sons, Inc. Sales Managers and Auctioneers SAT. OCT. 2-9 a.m. Public Sale of Real Estate (8 acre farm) Antiques, Household Goods, Tools, Tractor, Equipment, Watches and Guns located along Rt. 999 about 4 miles west of Millersville, Manor Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. (just west of the Central Manor Church of God). Sale by Esther S. Charles Estate, Mrs. David G. Charles; Howard Shaub, Auctioneer and Roy C. Probst. 40th YORKSHIRE SWINE SALE OUR FALL SALE FRIDAY, OCT. 8, 1976 1:00 P.M. at the farm Production Tested—Certified Meat Tested Offering 40 bred Gilts—loo Open Gilts 40 Boars The Herds With The Test Records. 1976 Starts with big winners. January Pennsylvania Farm Show Grand Champion Bred Gilt, Reserve Grand Champion Bred Gilt January National Type Conference, Kinston, N.C. Reserve Champion Bred Gilt. February Pennsylvania State Show & Sale Champion Bred Gilt, Reserve Champion Bred Gilt, Champion Open Gilt, Champion Open Gilt Litter Pair, Reserve Champion Boar. March Penna, Invitational show champion Boar, Champion Open Gilt. March Eastern National Spring Hog Show Reserve Champion Carcass Pair. NEW Outcross Irish Imports Both large White and Landrace breeds. 1 year ago we imported new sow and sire lines direct from Ireland to our farm. You can be the first to own straight Irish blood from their off spring. Catalogs available BROOKS END AND PAR KAY FARMS Reno H. Thomas, Sale Mgr. Beavertcwn, PA 17813 Phone 717-658-5821,6544 or 7007 Vpt 75 19/6 SAT (KT 2 9 X) A M haul harm Ih»peraal of 104 In Irritate tested HoUtrins To |>e hrld on the Dundee Himrod Road, between Rtrs 14 & 14A 30 mi from Hath. N Y or Watkins Glen Mr and Sirs Jack haul, owners Rumies Sales Hath. NY TTKS (XT 5 12 Noon ( omplrte Holstein IHspersal located S mile' North of Nottingham Fa . 9 miles South of Quarryvillc on Roberts Road along Rl 272 at Oak Hill follow arrows North G mile Terms by Mrs Alice K Brmton, Kxeculnx of the Kstatc of Ix)ran W Bnnton J Kvcrcll Krcider and Carl Dillcr, Auctioneers WED OCT 6 - 4 30 P M auction for Da\c Bowman who sold his Tcxico Station, located on Ridge Avc. and Jefferson Street, Bloom sburg, Pa t Alley behind Moose) Sale by David Bowman, John Autotore, Auctioneer WED OCT 6 - 10 AM. Annual Dairy Cow Show and Sale at the Belleville Livestock Mkt, Belleville, Pa. Sale at 1 P.M. Sale by Belleville Livestock Market. WED. OCT. 6 - 9:30 A.M. Consignment Sale by David H. Good. Location: mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lan caster Co., PA. Watch for Sale Sign. Auctioneers - F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth, C. Ddler, J. Fry THURS. OCT. 7 - 7:00 P.M. EDT. 41st Annual Feeder and Stocker Calf Sale to be held at the Shenandoah Valley Livestock Sales, Inc., 1044 Edom Road, Harrisonburg, Va. 22801. THURS. OCT. 7 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment at Marion, Pa. Ralph W. Horst, Sale Manager THURS. OCT. 7 - 7:00 P.M. Public sale of real estate; business, house and mobile 'iome spaces. Located along NEW NEW Ht 7J7m al«out 1 mile north of Quarrsville HI)? New Providence Providence Twp Ijvnr (o Pa Sale by Mr L Sirs V leo Davis. Aurt Howard Shaub THt’KS (XT 7 11AM William C Adams Holstein Sale at Shoemakemille. Pa Sale held at the farm Follow Hie 61 north from Reading to I ecsport Turn east in center of I>eesport on Ger nants CTiurch Rd, follow to Ontelawmec Drive and turn left, then left again on R Austin Backus Inc Sale Mgrs and Auctioneers, Mexico. N Y and Pcnna Hoi Assoc . 839 Benner Pike, State College, Pa FKI OCT 8 • Complete milking herd Holstein dispersal Alone Ht 272 15 miles south of Lancaster Terms Clair E and Betty PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1976 Starting at 10:30 A.M. Reinholds, Lancaster County. PA. TRACTORS FARM MACHINERY also Antique Collection of Gas Engines. Tractors And Implements Titen, Moline Universal, Fordson, 18 HP. Farquar Steam Engine, also a 1937 White i-ire Truck Light Plant Rentzel and Wolgemuth, Auctioneers Terms by JACOB H. GOCKLEY PUBLIC SALE OF BLACKSMITH & PALLET SHOP EQUIP. & OLD ANTIQUES SATURDAY, OCT. 9, 1976 Located - IVz miles northeast of Kirkwood, Pa., Lane. Co. 1 mile east of Rt. 472 along Noble Road. Band-Saw 40” wheel and 4” blades, 26” double head planer, swinging Cut-off saw, heavy steel conveyor rollers 7’ & 15’ sections, 8” table saw, lumber cart (4’ x 8’) on 30’ track 5-ton Euclid Hoist Trolly on 32’ I-beam 40’ length, 3-ton pallet hand truck, self-feed table saw w-24” blade, cost elevator, 3 h.p. compressor w-tank. Large log stove, 42”x96” steel table, blacksmith forge, (2) air drills, air hose bander w-200 lb. banding, dock plate 36”x48”, 12 blacksmith tongs, heartys, (2) sets metal shelves, pulley puller, socket wrenches, V belts & pulleys, bolts, nuts, “C” clamps, 2 sets pipe threaders, horseshoe nails, heavy bag wagon, wooden wheels, yokes, trees, block & falls, hydraulic motors, “pick-a-nut” pack assortment. Antiques: School bell, double school desks, school master desk, blacksmith box, Maytag engines, hay carriage, wooden fly-wheel, milk cans, wooden fellows, jacks, handblower for forge, buggy springs, shafts for breaking cart, right & left buggy axle threader, butter scales, earthen pie plates, some old dishes, iron stone pitcher,- cross cut saw, scythe, horseshoe box, spoke pointer, spoke shaver, (2) swival arm chairs. Miscellaneous: Horseshoe nails, washers, log bolts, shovel handles, carriage supplies, saw blades, boxes for buggy wheels, 12” belts for elevator, roll of chain, rotary water pump, strap iron, pumps, pipes, hoses, fittings, log chains (1) heavy duty, digging iron, welding rods, saw blades, horse mineral, linament, come-a-long, miscellaneous lumber, items too numerous from a blacksmith shop. Sale by, Moses S. Fisher Auctioneers: Carl Oilier, 464-2233 J. Everett Kreider, 786-1545 Not Responsible for Accidents. Lots Of Good Eats Mar Krrtdrr Krritlrr ami Ihllrr. auctioneer* KIU (XT 8 1 PM 40th Ynrkihire Swine Snip. Our kail Sale al the Farm. Mrook* End and Par Ha) Farms Hmo H Thor.ia*. Sale Mgr . Heavertown. Pa 17813 (atalngs available FHI (XT 8 • 1 00 P M The M & M Milking Herd & Bred Heifer Dispersal location - 2 miles South of Canton, Pa , Bradford County. 35 miles North of Williamsport, Pa on Route 14 Sale by Mannus & Mabel N Deßruin, owners I) O Rockwell & Associates, Sales Manager Fill EVENING OCT 8-7 30 P M 11th Annual Susquehanna Valley Feeder Cattle Sale at the Danville Livestock Market, Old Rl 11, Danville, Penna. For information call 717-275-2880 10:00 A.M. Sharp Kirkwood, PA Know Where the Activities Will Be 7 Read the Farm Women Calendar. PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1976 The undersigned, located off Pa Rt 74. 20 mile* N of Carlisle to the village of Erly (Perry Co ). Turn right go to the second intersection (watch for sale signs), will sell the following FARM MACHINERY I H 574 Diesel Tractor with less than 100 hr* . I H I*so loader with 5' Utility Bucket It Snow Blade. I H 990 Haybinc fl yr old). Farmall BN Tractor with cultivators. 2 ■ 16’ Kicker Wagons (6 T Gears I. 18’ Wagon with flat; Oliver T-62 Roto-FTow Baler. Oliver T-62 Rolo-Flow Kicker Baler. Oliver Hay Rake, Massey Harris Hay Rake, Oliver 2-row 3 pt Com Planter, 8’ Disk, 8' Drag, Post Hole Digger. Feed Box: Com Shcllcr, tog Chain. Ihhp Single-phase Elec. Motor, 250 gal Fuel Tank. TRUCKS & AUTOMOBILE 1973 LTD Ford Car, Auto., P.S . Air Cond , Radial Tires, 4 dr.; 1971 Ford F 350, 12’ Stake Body. 40,000 miles; 1955 Chevy Dump Truck, Inspected. Good Shape; 1956 Dodge T. Truck with cattle rack; 1948 Ford Pickup-Farm Truck & 7’ x 9' Dump truck Bed & Hoist HAY & CORN First Cutting Timothy - 500 bales; Second Cutting Timothy -1000 bales; Mixed Hay - 500 bales; 3 Ton Ear Com. LUMBER (AIR DRIED) Sawed Locust Posts-4x4-7’; 500 pc. White Pme-2x4 - 8’ Long; 20 ea. 2 x 6 -12’, 14’, 16’ - Oak & Pine; 2x4- 12’, 14’ - Pine; Meat Bench Planks; Air-dried Large Pile of Boards (Walnut, maple, birch, oak, white pine, cedar) IV* thick. Note: Not many small items, don’t be late! Lunch Stand Reserved. Not Responsible fpr Accidents. GLEN R. McNAUGHTON, ow„ e r Elliottsburg, Pa. 582-2543 V. Art Kling, Auctioneer Smith & Kling, Clerks PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FARM, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FARM EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, OCT. 2,1976 Located along Milton Grove Road midway between Risser’s Menn. Church & Milton Grove, 4 miles east of Elizabethtown, Mt. Joy Twp. Farm consists of 42 acres, more or less, 37 acres under cultivation, land is in high state of cultivation, frame dwelling consists of 3 rooms & large kitchen Ist floor, 2nd floor - 5 rooms, bath, small summer house semi attached. 40 x 80 frame bam, 20 x 30 hog bam attached, 2 car garage, slate roofs on all buildings. Persons wishing to inspect property may do so by calling 367-3801 for an appointment. Real Estate will be offered at 1 o’clock. Farm Equipment: Farmall H (w) loader, 3 bottom A.C. plow, double 8’ cultipacker, Oliver mower, J.D. 75 bu. spreader, Uni system crane lift, tractor chains, 2 wheel trailer, com sheller, log chains, cow chains, chain saw, ladders, elec, motors, elec, metal saw, ton of cement mix on bags, Mountville bag wagon scales, milk cans, 15’ wooden boat, forks, shovels, bolts, pipe fittings, lead pot, ladder jack, post hole axe, wooden plane, wagon wheels, planet jr. garden tractor, lum ber, etc Household goods: Piano, 9 pc. dining room suite, buffet, cookstove, 6 plank bottom chairs, boston rocker, victrola, small tables, end tables, platform rocker,' bookcase, high chair, benches, wall mirror, highboy, double bed, heatrola, crocks, jars, coffee grinder, meat grinder, meat bench, duo-therm heaters, Guns: 8 m.m., 7 m.m., 97 winchester 16 ga. pump, double barrel birdshot, set fine china for 12, carnival glass, irnsdent glass, pots, pans, dishes, baskets, pump trough, Brunnerville 2 kettle iron furnace, 160’ new ram spoutmg, 2 T. nut coal, many other articles. Lunch available. Order of sale; Household goods - real estate - farm equip. Sale by JACOB E. FORRY Aucts. Raymond Miller Rufus Geib Attorney - Wm. C. Crosswell 11 00A.M AT 10:00
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