READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS FEEDER PiG SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1976 2'j mile* South ot Bethel from US 22 and 6 mile* North of Myerstown. Pa along US 501 425 TO 450 40 TO SO LB. CHOICE FEEDER PIGS HAMPSHIRE, DUROC AND YORK CROSS All pigs .irr vaccinated (or t rysipeias Castrated younp Wormed, Sprayed fro Mange and Lice All pigs were raised on (his farm No outside pigs will sell on this sale Also pigs wiM not have to be moved the day of Sale These arc some of the finer quality feeder pigs m the East Sale at 1:30 P.M. NORMAN M. MARTIN RDI. Myerstown, PA PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, GARDEN TRACTOR THUR. EVE., SEPT. 30, 1976 6:00 P.M. Sharp Located at Christiana Fire Company, Slocum Street Christiana, Pa., off Route 41. ANTIQUES Oak Larkin Desk; Brass Clothes Tree; Oak Swivel Chair; 4 Bentwood Chairs; 2 Brass Hand Bells; Oak Dresser; Record Cabinet; 1813 Horn; Picture Frames; Kellogg’s Washington Print; Mirrors; Oak Clothes Tree; Oak Desk; Table; Wicker Chair; Decorated Boston Cheese Cutter Rocker; Violin; 28 Sleigh Bells; Mantle Clock; Bookrack; Shirley Temple Pitcher; Press Glass; 6-pc. Bavarian China Dishes; Reverse Painting; Depression Ware; Cruet; Treadle Sewing Machine; Hoosier Kitchen Cupboard; Iron Fire Engine and Horses; Bill Holder; School Desk; Pine Cupboard; Wooden Deed Box; National Clock; Deep Walnut Picture Frames; Crocks; Solid Cherry Wardrobe (beveled mirror in door); Iron Pot; Stereopticon and Cards; Iron Tea Kettle; Milk Can; Oval Victorian Stand; Crib; plus other antiques. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND TOOLS 5-pc. Maple Bedroom Suite; 25-in. Zenith Color T.V., excellent; Two 5,000 B.T.U. Carrier Air Conditioners; Singer Electric Sewing Machine; 7-pc. Breakfast Set; Wringer Washer; 12 cu. ft. Hot-point Refrigerator; Apartment Size Hotpoint Dryer; 2-pc. Living Room Suite; Single Bed; Wardrobe; Small Yale Safe, like new; Occasional Chairs; Lamps; Royal Typewriter; Bath Scales; 3-pc. Coffee Table Set; Fan; Recliner; Record Player; Books; Roaster; Rival Juice-O-Matic; Rugs; Hand Tools; Socket Set; Electrolux Sweeper; Porch Chairs; Dishes; Apartment Size Washer; Wilton 5-in. Vise with anvil; Metal File Cabinet; Nord Craft Gas Barbeque Grill; Home Pasteurizer; Tape Recorder; Check Writer; 6-in. Cummings Grinder; Pipe Threader; Axe; 4-in. Vise; plus other household goods. 9 H.P. Bohlens Garden Tractor, high and low range, electric start, mower and 36-in. snow blower. Good condition. Inspection: 5:30 p.m. till Sale Time. Terms - Cash. Lunch Available By Christiana Fire Company Not Responsible For Accidents. Sale by ESTATE OF I CLYDE WALTER Administrator, Dan Walter Auctioneer: Ronald Funk & Associates R.D. No. 1, Paradise, Pa. Phone: 717-442-4279 or John Autotore RD No. 1 Bloomsburg 717-784-3506 AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Watch for Coming Auction of Name Brand Furniture and Tools at the Guernsey Sales Pavilion on December 3 and 4. Public Sales Register KRI (KT I 12 30 I’M HeKistem! Holstein Com plete Dispersal located fit the r'arm 3 mile* south of (ocalonius and 3 miles rati of Hast Salem Watch for talc sltfns 3 miles east of McAllslervllle. on route 33 Sale by Mr & Mrs Robert W Klsanscr and Son. McAlistcrvilJc. Pa owner, long Bros , Auct TOP QUALITY atg—ga HOLSTEIN auction SAT., OCT. 2, 1976 at 11.30 A M Hopewell, N J. For Frank Klevze located on the Saint Michaels Orphanage Farm ’/« mi. South of Hopewell, N J. off Rt 569 Hopewell is 12 mi. Sof Remington, N. J. From Pa. take Rt. 518 at Lambertville, N J to Hopewell. Sale held due to illness! 1000 Gal. Girton Bulk Tank 5 hp., 60 cow Dc Laval Glass Pipeline, 4 De Laval milkers, On an 7 KW generator. 87 hd. of the Best ABS hi grade Holsteins! 74 cows, average under 5 years of age. 13 heifers due Nov. and Dec. Fall Production! 20 hd fresh recently, 28 hd. due Oct. and Nov., 9 hd. due Dec. balance bred and milking very well! Cows milking up to 80 lbs. with an average butter fat test 3.65! Cattle show tremendous type and carry outstanding strength m well attached udders! By far an outstanding herd of holsteins which could only increase the value of many dairys! More cannot be said, but can be seen by at tending this dispersal! T.B. & Blood tested and eligible for immediate interstate shipment! Pregnancy examined! Auctioneers Note; One of the finest grade herds ever to be offered at public auction in the State of New Jersey! Owner & auctioneer not responsible for accidents! Lunch available! Terms Cash or Good Check Sale Day! Sale Conducted By: Col. Fred R. Daniel Auctioneers, Inc., Neshanic Sta.. N.J. 08853 (201) 369-4784 "LINTON-HILL” HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1976 at 12 Noon Located in Perry Co., 3 miles west of Dun cannon, Pa., on Route 274, then north on Linton Hill road to second farm. 44 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS CERTIFIED ACCREDITED —D.H.I. RECORDS 32 Cows and Heifers in milk, 4 Bred Heifers; 4 Open Yearlings; 1 Heifer bom in Jan.; Twin Heifers bom in June. A Red and White Bull bom in March from a lovely Red and White • Milk & Honey dau. with 14,408 milk, 562 fat, 3.9 percent, at 2 yrs. in 340 days. Next dam a Performer with 19,710 milk, 679 fat at 3 yrs., 365 days. Sire—Metcalfs Telstar Citation-Red. s A good number fresh, some due after sale and the balance are scattered, many with records from 15,000 to over 19,000 milk. Sire include Ivanhoe Star 7, Performer 5, Jack 3, Apollo, Gay, Rocket, Complete, Lucky, C Charmcross, Transmitter, etc. A Good Young Herd To Select From DAIRY EQUIPMENT 500 gal. Milkeeper tank with new compressor; 3 Surge units with large pails; Surge vacuum pump and motor; 2 carrying pails; 2 S. S. strainers; 55 gal. water heater: S. S. double tubs; racks; wash bowl, etc. 540 International manure spreader with cylinder and endgate LUNCH TENT CATALOGS PORTER D. & BETTY HOSTETTER, Owners R.l, Duncannon, Pa. 17020 Dean Shull, Auct. Fred Naugie, Pedigrees SAT (KT 9 ■ Harford p a Susa Co (minty Hub Sale A 1 .Smith, Pedigrees. M I Bunnell, Auctioneer Springvtlle, Pa FBI CXI 9-7 P M Special Feeder Cattle Sale All Charolals Show and Sale, at Vintage Sales Stables, Inc . 10 miles cast of I-ancasler, Paradise, Pa 1 * It. 11. 1 11 1 J 11:30AM Owner Frank Klevze Hopewell, NJ. Lancaster Farming,SalurtUr.Sapt 75.1976 111 SAT (KT 9 12 CO Scon Public Auction and Open House of Snowmobile* & lawn Tractors. Snowmobile Trailer* Accessories location Route 322 Hast to Hinkletown Turn left into Martindale Turn left at the Square and hollow the Sale Arrows Terms h> I-awn (are of Penna Randal V' Kline & l.lovcl Krelder. Auctioneers SAT (XT 9 • 1 P M Public Auction, Ijfc lime collection of guns, rifles, some bows, swords, spotting scopes, pistols, automobiles will be held in the pvllion at New Freedom Play Grounds in the Borough of New Freedom, Vork Co, Pa Ram or shine Arrow signs posted Sale by Henry Clay Hughes, owner, New Freedom, Pa Charles W Shrodcs and David W Shrodes, Auctioneers SALE EVERY TUESDAY Graded Sale Ist Tuesday each month 2PM Horse Auction 2nd Saturday each month pAUQUIER I LIVESTOCK I EXCHANGE Marshall, Va 703 364-1566 PUBLIC SALE Farm Machinery, industrial Equipment & Tools Sat Oct. 9,1976 AT 10:00 AM. Located approx. 3Vi miles northeast of Fawn Grove, off Rt. 425 along gravel Rd. near Gar vine’s Mill, in Fawn Twp., York Co. Pa. Watch for arrows leading to sale. Ford 4000 tractor w- No. 727 H.D. loader; H Farmall tractor; 2 Int. No. 45 balers IPTO & 1 w- motor; J.D. 3 pt. 3 -16 in. bottom plow; new 3 pt. hitch disc harrow; Ford com workers; 3 pt. scraper balde; J.D. No. 507 3 pt. rotary mower; J.D. 2 row com planter; 3 pt. hook weed sprayer; JD. No. 18 combine; A.C. com workers; fence charger; hammer mill, etc. industrial Equipment & Tools Massey Ferguson No. 200 tractor w- front end loader & back hoe attachment; heavy duty 3 axle Low-Boy trailer; small metal two wheel trailer; 1975 Suzukie G.T. 750 motorcycle w- 2100 miles, like new; York Safe & Lock Co. safe, size 3 x 3; 2-5 HP air compressors w gasmotors; 2 - 5 HP portable gasoline motors; electric generators; 5 or more 5 HP electric motors; 4 fluorescent tube type light fixtures; asst, of electrical cords; 12 or more alum, ladders from 10 ft. to 40 ft.; step ladders; Ig. metal 5 ft. x 18 in. tool box; other Ig. & small tool boxes; single & double trailer axles & wheels; roof shingle elevator; roto-tiller; hyd. power jack; burning tools; Ig. asst, of nails; nuts; bolts; building paper & roofing; log chains; steel I beams & channell iron; 2 in. black iron pipe; hyd. lift cyl. for dump truck bed; hyd. lift truck tail gate; P.U. 8 ft. truck bed; new saw sharpening machine for chain saws & others; 2 1941 Chevy’s for restoring or parts; farm implement wheels; solid rubber tire wagon wheels; 2 bench vises; electric drills; hand saws & carpenter tools; metal desk; cabinets for hardware; Power Craft & Penn Craft tools; Chevy wheel & 6 ply tire; 2 extra wide van tires; & many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: cash or approved check Robert L. & Thomas H. Sechrist. auctioneers Ph. 382-4379 Anderson & Warner, clerks Refreshments by Fawn Grove Ladies Am. Not responsible for accidents SAT (XT 9 10 A M Public Sale of y arm Marh‘ner>. Industrial Ikjuipmrnl and Tool* located appro* V'j mile* norlheaat of y awn (.rtne off HI 4Zi along (.ra\el Hd near Gamine * Mill. In yawn Twp . York (o. f’a Watch for arrow* leading to sale Sale Joe Horton and (Twrlr* Wood* owner*. Robert I. and Thomas H Scchrlst. Aur lion err* SAT (XT 9 - 9 A M Urge Public Sale of Steam Knglncs, Antique Farm Machinery, Old Tool.* for the collection of Dr John J Knox Kslate located 1 mile West of Gettysburg on Route 116 (Gcttysburg-Fairflcld lioad i tum right at Pcnna State Police Bamckj, onto Mill Road and sale site (Sale Signs Pasted) Sale by Mrs Rita H Knox, owner, (' David Redding, Auctioneer SAT OCT 9-11 AM Public Sale of Farm Implements, Household Items and An tiques located 1 mile East of Kimlmg church, Lebanon Co, Pa. Sale by Robert Hartman; John Breidegam, Auctioneer SAT OCT. 9 - 9 a m Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods, Tools & Antiques. Located on Rt. 501 between Schaefferstovm and Myerstown m the village of Riestville. Sale by Abraham G. Keener. Copenhaver and Wiek, Aucts. Farm Machinery joe Horton Charles Woods, owners
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