READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. V ' 1 10 Miles East of Lancaster. Paradise, Pa THREE SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALES FRI. OCT. 9- 7 P.M. ALL CHAROLAIS SHOW AND SALE FRI. OCT. 29- 7 P.M. ALL WEIGHTS AND BREEDS FRI. NOV. 12- 7 P.M. ALL WEIGHTS AND BREEDS Feeder Pig Sale Ist and 3rd Friday of every month at I P.M. Next Sale Oct 1. Oct. 15. Nov. 5, Nov. 19 Every Thursday at 1 P M HAY - STRAW & GRAIN For Information Call 717-442-4181 or 717-768-8204 Home Phone 215-458-5060 L Robert Frame, Manager PUBLIC SALE 4 TRACTORS - FARM EQUIP. 84 ACRES CORN IN FIELD (Approx.) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 ll:OOA.M. LOCATED: MIDWAY BETWEEN MANHEIM AND LITIT2, LANCASTER CO. PA. FROM LITITZ GO WEST ON LINCOLN AVE. TO DOE RUN RD. FROM MANHEIM GO EAST ON E. HIGH ST. TO DOE RUN RD. TURN NORTH ON ELM RD. TO FAIRVIEW RD. FARM LOCATED ALONG FAIRVIEW RD. LOOK FOR SALE ARROWS. OLIVER 1755 Diesel with roll-bar and oversized tires 20.8 x 34 (755 hrs.) JOHN DEERE 2630 Diesel, over sized tires 184,x30 (212 hrs.) J.D. 145 Manure Loader. OLIVER 1550 Diesel (1370 hrs.) MASSEY HARRIS COLT with cultivators and tobacco hoers. Good tires. 330 NEW IDEA 3-ROW 30” PULL TYPE CORN PICKER (165 ACRES) 3 OLIVER WAGONS with McCurdy bins. Little Giant 30 ft. Elevator, 2 hp. motor. McCurdy drag; 24 ft. Elevator with motor; 16 ft. Belt Conveyor with motor; 3” grain augers, 16 ft. long. WHITE 548 5-B. 18” PLOW (90 Acres) GEHLI2O HAMMERMILL WITH FEED ROLL (1 yr.) OLIVER 265 Heavy duty disc harrow; Brillion 12 ft. Cultimulcher; Brillion 13 ft. Cultipacker; Oliver 4-Row 3-pt. Cultivator; OLIVER 620 Pickup Baler; Superior Grain Drill; New Idea Hay Rake; Oliver Grass Mower; Hershey Transplanter; Hershey Tobacco Sprayer & Trailer; 200 Gal. Weed Sprayer (17 nozzles); New Holland 516 manure spreader, Oliver 470 manure spreader; 16 ft. flat wagon, 18 ft. wagon bed.; 5 hp. Clay air dryer and ducts; Double steel 24 ft. tobacco ladders; 3 single tob. ladders (20 ft.); 3-pt. Rotary cutter; tool bar. 1953 FORD F-3 TRUCK, stake bed; Small Equip. Disc harrow, 2 sp. harrows, com planter; rotary hoe, 3- pt. weeder, 3-pt. blade, Fairbanks scales, 180 amp. Welder, % H. air-compressor, high pressure washer, Truck & tractor chains, 2 Bulldozer fencers, tobacco lath, wooden wagon wheels, ladders, hog feeders & waterers, Garden tractor, etc. 80 DRAWER REVOLVING CARRIAGE SHOP CABINET WITH 9 DRAWERS IN BASE. Air conditioner, portable dish washer, kitchen chairs, rocker, book case, bed & frame, end tables, dressers, jars, cot, buffer, books, window fan, and many useful items not listed. Lunch Available. SALE ORDER SM. Goods, H.H. items, Equip. Corn in Field 1:00 o’clock. Please Note; This Equip, is in Excellent Condition. Don’t miss this sale. FOE INFORMATION Call 665-4921 or 665-5664. SALE BY J. MARK ESHLEMAN C. H. Wolgemuth & W. Hosier, AUCTS PH. 665-5664 Public Sales Register Bred Gilts. Service Age Hoar* and Open Gills Sale Ix>cated at Ixibanan Count) Fair Grounds. Penn* Koutc 72 to Rockcty Road Fast, Fair Grounds on Right Auctioneer - Harry Harhman FRI OCT 1 • 530 I'M Public Sale at Gap Auction located o(( Route 41, Lan caster Ave opposite Turkey Hill Mmit Market. Cross RR Bridge Antiques sold at every auction Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auctioneers PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE 66 ACRE FARM Located midway between Churchtown and Terre Hill, Lancaster Co.. Pa. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1976 l:OOP.M. 66 Acres of Mostly Limestone Soil, 52 tillable, remainder in pasture land, Stream, 11 room double story house m very good condition, smokehouse, spring house, com and implement shed, tobacco shed holds 7,000 lath, carnage shed. 72 ft. x 54 ft. stone and frame bank bam with 14 stanchions, steer stable, cement barnyard, 10 x 40 ft. Terre Hill Silo. Inspection by appointment. 10 percent down day of Sale. Settlement April 1,1977. HORNING FARM AGENCY Morgantown, Pa. 215-286-5183 Terms by MARY W. ZEIMER Elton and Alvin Horning, Auctioneers George A. Weaver, Inc., Clerks GUDINAS CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DISPERSAL TUES. EVE., SEPT. 28, Branchport, New York. Sale to be held at the residence located between Prattsburg and Branchport, next to the "Blue Eagle Bar". Watch for auction pointers on Main Street in Prattsburg (rte. 53) or at 4-corners in Branchport (rte. 54-A). Giving up the construction business due to other in terest, selling a good clean line of equipment as follows • 1975 I.H, “TD-9-B” dozer w-full R.O.P.S. cab, tilt blade, 400 act. hrs. Like new! 1972 I.H. “TD-15-C” dozer w-R.O.P.S. cab, semi-“U” tilt blade, A-l condition! Cat. “D-7” dozer w-cable blade pan control, new un dercarriage, new motor, rebuilt trans., etc.! I.H. “TD-18” dozer w-hyd. blade, rebuilt motor and trans. Case No. 310 diesel w-4 in 1” bucket and quick attach bsckho^l Woolridge 10 yard Pan; Flemco root rake; York heavy duty stone rake w-hyd. angle; Bush hog; Ford 4000 tractor; 1964 Mack No. 711, diesel tractor w-twm screw and quad-plex trans. A-l condition! 1971 Fruehof 25 ton low bed equipment trailer! 1974 Ford F-250 pick-up w-4-wheel drive, auto, trans., 360 engine, 29,000 miles! Plan for a good sale! There will be no small items, please come on time! Lunch available on site! Terms: Cash or check evening of sale with proper iden tification. Bank letter of credit requested! Nothing to be removed until settled for. Sale under lights! Equipment demonstration at 6:00 P.M. day of sale! Your inspection invited previous to sale by ap pointment with owner. Owned by MR. AND MRS. FRANK GUDINAS, Branchport, N.Y. 607-522-4126. Sale by Victor Pirrung and Son Auctioneers. Wayland, New York. 716-728-2520. Fill OCT 1 - Winchester. Virginia - Feeder t all Sale and Show (Show 10 A M Sale 1 PM) at the \r armers livestock F.xchange, Inc located l miles west of Winchester on U S Houle M FRI (XT 1 - 1 P M Ihibllc Sale of Valuable G 6 Acre Farm located midway between Churchlown and Terre Hill, Lancaster County, Pa Terms by Mary W Zciglcr. Kllon and Alvin Horning, Auctioneers, Horning Farm Agency, Morgantown, Pa 7:00 P.M. Lancaster Farming. Saturday, S*pt 25,1976 FRI (XT 1 - 1 P M Public Sale ol 114 Head of Holstein Dairy Cattle located I'-s miles west of Oxford 8 miles east of Quarryville. '“i mile east of Octoraro I,ake '-j mile west of Route 472, along Hetherl Hoad Sale by Mr i Mrs John W I.mdses, owners. A Diffenbach. Auctioneers SAT OCT 2, 130 PM Feeder Pig Sale located miles South of Bethel from US 22 and 6 miles North of Mycrstown, Pa along US 301 Sale by Norman M Martin, RDI, Mycrstown, Pa SAT OCT 2-10 A M Public Sale of Valuable Farm, Household Goods, Farm Equipment located along Muton Grove Road midway between Kisser's Mennonite Church and Milton Grove, 4 miles East of Elizabethtown, Mt. Joy, Two. Sale by Jacob E. Forry; Raymond Miller and Rufus Geib, Auc tioneers. SAT. OCT. 2 - 9:30 A M Fall Consignment sale to be held at tne Ivan R. Yost Warehouse on Lower Valley Road, 2 miles Southeast of PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY - SHEEP ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS SAT., OCT. 9,1976 9:00 a.m. sharp Located along Pinch Road, 6 miles north of Manheim, Pa. on Route 72. “Watch for Sale Sign off Route 72". 1972 JOHN DEERE JD No. 350-B BULL DOZER CRAWLER LOADER DISEL W-1250 HRS. (Like New), Serial No. 155185 T. Excellent condition. Ford tractor w-wide front end w-P.T.0.; 1960 Chev. Viking cattle truck; 1967 Ford dump truck; 900 Ford tractor w-P.T.0., PS, good rubber; 8’ Dearborn grass mower, 1 year old; No. 290 JD 2 row corn planter; Ontario grain drill; tractor mount post hole diggers for holes & trees, like new; JD disc plow; 6’ JD silage chopper; chisel on steel wheels, 2 bottom plow; V snowplow; 2 hay racks; weeder; hammermill; planter to plant traes; 15’ & 12’ metal & wooden gates; new, rubber tire wagon w-steel frame; 2 -12 hole pride of farm hog feeders; fail farm hand manure spreader; steel beams; 20’ Mayrath grain elevator, large disc;, 2 platform scales; 10 rolls 4’ wire fence (new); 5000 tobacco lath; Duotherm kerosene heater, new; hun dreds of bushel crates and baskets; flat bed trailer; barb wire; 15’ iron gate; anvils; bench vice; buffalo forge blower (new); shovel harrow; walking plows; feed carts; gas tanks; hundred of locust fence posts; piles of lumber; bam jacks; tractor cylinders; large grain bins; wagon wheels; hundreds of feet of 4” plastic drain pipe; 20’ & 25’ iron watering troughes and others; telephone poles; large bam fans; bag wagons; Ritchie cattle fountain (new); 40 bags of cement; H.P. electric grinder; bench vices; shop and hand tools; motors; log chains; grind stone; pulleys; scrap iron piles; ladders. Potted trees— Douglas Fir, Hemlock, White Pine, Scotch. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Large dinner bell; corner cupboard; low dry sink; small pine hutch; 5 oak spindle back chairs; plank bottom chairs; captain chairs; church benches; milk cans; upholstered chair; rope bed; bedroom suite; wooden bucket; Motorola stereo; portable black & white TV; iron kettle; firewood; beams for family room; hinges; water pump. Sale to begin at farm with small items, lumber, fence post St sheep, machinery, then to warehouse for shop and hand tools, large equipment at 1:00 p.m. and household goods, many other items. Food By Mount Hope Episcopal Church Auctioneers Note: Plan to attend this large sale and spend the day with us. Sale By MRS. CLARENCE R. MEIZLER (Dorothy) Sale Conducted By J. Omar Landis Auction Service J. Omar Landis and Jay M. Witman, Aucts. 717-665-5735 or 717-733-7917 Manheim, Pa. ( hrnfiana Selling Farm F.qulpmenl. Tools, and .Sugar Sale by han R Yost. Manager SAT (XT 2 - Public Sale of 87 Head ABS Bred Holstein Cattle. Top Herd, Selling due to illness Sale by Frank Klcvze. Rt 569 Hopewell, N J Col Fred H Daniels, Auctioneer SAT (XT 2 - 9 A M Public Sale of Antiques, Collector's Items, Household Goods and Tools of M E Barley, Coffee & Peanut Dist, of Hcllam, Pa located at 505 East Main St, Hcllam Boro, York Co . Pa Sale by M E Barley, The Coffee & Peanut Man, Hellam, Pa Robert L Scchnst, Auctioneer. SAT OCT 2 - Public Sale of Antiques and Household Goods located along Rt. 241, 1 mile off Rt. 322 towards Colebrook. Sale by William Spangler. Mays Kurtz and Nevin Hoover, Auctioneers. SAT. OCT. 2 -11 am. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Trucks and Automobile, Hay & Com and Lumber located off Pa. Rt. 74, 20 miles N. of Sh *ep>f* c « 109
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