Farmers’ efficiency noted Pa \meriran farmer* are aa m>rh a* ~i limrji morr rf 'irtnil than farmer* in other parti of thr world. I>r Hiram IVarhe told the an - lal convention of IVnnAg Industrie* Association ta*( seek Their 9#lh annual . nnvcnUoo wa* held hrrr at the Mer*he> Convention (enter Drachc La a professor of hiatory at Concordia College in Moorchcad, Minn . an well as a farmer with a 1400-arrc 'iccf feeding operation TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Built like the strongest, priced with the lowest SPECIAL FALL PRICES IN EFFECT NOW a BINKLEY & HURST BROS. /3h\ ( afntal ami slrrstrd Although there arc mam who disagree aith Hu virus Iharhe U wtdel) rccognlied a» an agriculture tart still operated h) <arml> units < »nc reaaon the American farmer is so Hfioenl is because he relies on outside pro-fcmiorval help in making management derision* The more the farmer relies, on people like )ou.’‘ he told the PennAg member*, 'the better )ob he’* able to do " Farm population* have declined drastically .since the country was founded. TANDEM DISK HARROWS OFFSE DISK HARROW THREE-BAR CHISEL PLOWS 133 Rothsville Station Road Lltitz, PA. Phone 717-626-4705 Ittac'ir cl !n ,7V it t'» k (hr ULrir r A 39 farm workers (o p»tn >de rrvough ('«•*! for Ihrmae.’ves and nnr other perwor m town Ih 3930 every (arm worker was enough (nod (ter himwif and seven other people H) 3%0. earh (arm worker was fending 26 people In 1970 U»e figure had risen lo M. and b) the year 2000 Drache predicts that r\ cry (arm worker will t*> feeding 300 people Hut if that prcdirlion does i cci<r !r .e ■! w,!! mean a !rrme«t ,s r hang e,n (he wav farmers operate "Ahere onre !a(«or »j; (he moil mipoflan! r requirement m 'oorj prrdurtKei rap.lal and management have (income more important That (art will herome even more pronounced in the vearv ahead I>rarhe (eel* I d like In tell vow the i M s of farming * he said the five things a farmer needs lo be sucrr.vsful today The> are. in increasing order of importance mechanization, money, management, motivation and mother " Mechanization cuts labor costs and increases the amount of work that can be done by an individual I know of a college sophomore - a girl - who plows 320 acres a da> with a four-wheel dnve tractor ‘Il takes money to bu> that kind of equipment II takes management to keep a highly capitalized farm operation going, and it takes an individual motivation to want to do the job “Most importantly, though, it takes ‘mother’, another way of saying farm wife. Without the help and encouragement of his wife, a farmer will have a tough time doing all the things that need to be done to make an operation successful. “But if a husband-and-wife farming team make up their minds that they’re gomg to do something, there’s nothing in the world that can stop them. I amastar farming Saturday Vpt ?*> 19/b 10/ C ONTHOI. A modem farmer adjusts the climate in side the cab of his air conditioned radKM-quipprd tractor in a t alifomta field hquipment surh as this ran cost up wards of CO 000 Public Sales Register SAT SEPT 25 - 10 A M Public Sale of Household Goods and Antiques of the Late Mrs Eva Sentz located 153 Myrtle St , Opposite Rolling Acres School, Lit tlestown, Pa. Sale by Harold 0 Sentz, and Robert E Sentz, Executors for the Estate of Eva Sentz; Ralph L Schuchart, Auctioneer. SAT. SEPT. 25 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques located eastof Elizabethtown along Ridge Road, 3rd house west of Greentree Church Road, Mt. Joy Twp. Sale by John H. Gantz; Raymond Miller and Rufus Geib, Auctioneers. SAT. SEPT. 25 - 9 A.M. Sharp Public Sale of Farm Im plements, Household Goods and Antiques on the premises in Jackson Township, Lebanon County, midway Detween Myerstown and Frystown. Take Route No. 645, turn west at Williams’ Gas Station towards Jacksonville Grange Hall. First Farm. Watch for Sale Signs. Terms by Charles Holub; Copenhaver and Risser, Auctioneers. SAT. SEPT. 25 - 2:00 P.M. Public Sale of 30-Acre Farm. Located between Lancaster and Ephrata, along Route 272 - Vi mile south of route 222 and route 772 In terchange (near Brown stown), west Earl Township, Lancaster County, Penn sylvania. Terms by Reid E.’ Wissler & A. Margaret Wissler T Glenn Horst, Auctioneer SAT, SEPT 25 - Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate and Dairy Herd, approx. 50 acre farm, locatea 2 miles North of Lititz along Bom berger Road Sale by B. Landis Huber and Anna W. Huber, owners; E. M. Murry, Auctioneer. FRI. SEPT. 25 - 12 Noon Horse Sale at the Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Rt. 522 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selmsgrove, Pa. Don and Walt Keister, Owners; Art Khng and Larry Long, Auctioneers. SAT. SEPT. 25 -10:00 A.M. - Public sale of real estate, antiques, household goods, and automobile. Located at 347 Pleasant View Drive, West Hempfield Twp., Lancaster Co., PA. Sale by; Elizabeth M. Sauder Estate. Aucts: Howard Shaub and Roy C. Probst. SAT. SEPT. 25 - 1 P.M. Public Auction of Real Estate located along Charming Forge Road, about 2 mi. North of Rt. No. 422, Robesonia, Heidelberg Twp, Berks Co., Pa. Sale for Estate of John W. Eisenhauer; Executor, Bank of Pa. Horning Farm Agency, Morgantown, Pa. Auctioneers Alvin and Elton Homing SAT. SEPT. 25 - Rush, Pa. Susq. Co. Annual Heifer Sale. M. L. Bunnell, Auct Springville, Pa. A 1 Smith, Pedigrees. SAT. SEPT. 25 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Van, Feed, Lumber, Tools, Household, Antiques, Etc. located in York County, Pa. 2% miles East of East Berlin on Route 234 then turn North at Ad mire Road about 4% miles next to the Village of Ad mire. Sale by Mervin S. Livingston, RD 3600 Admire Road, Dover, Pa; Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. SAT. SEPT. 25-10: A.M. Public Auction of 25 Farm Tractors & 75 Pieces of Farm Equipment. Con signments Welcome. York Co. Farm & Industrial Equipment Co. Inc. SAT. SEPT. 25 - 9 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable Antiques, Collector’s Items, Household Goods, etc. at the home of the late Wilbert “Bud” Zarr at 47 So. Main
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