10® I f arming. Saturday. S<fpl 2b 19/6 Public Sales Register V( Stimr) Pa C.r-rtrude law owner. Mm I-rale) ami Son Auctioneer .SAT .SKIT 25 10 A M Sharp Pierre HolU Public Sate of Household (roods. Too In and Antiques located in the \ dlage of Schaef frrstown lelianon (mints. Pa Conditions b> Pierce HolU. John Hreidegam and Paul Gilbert. Auctioneers .SAT .SKIT 25 - 10 A M Skinner Antiques located at 504 N Hroad .Street, Em porium, Penna Mr & Mrs Skinner. Owners. Si Pep perman. Auctioneer SAT .SKIT 25 - 12 Noon Public Sale of Miscellaneous Items and 8N Ford I x>cation West side of Route 272 h mile south of Hcnsel. 15 mile south of Terms by - Wiley Heck Kreider £. Diller. Auc tioneers SAT SEPT 25 - 9 30 A M P'idler's Complete Farm Dispersal (Farm Sold) Ixication - 4 miles East of Salladasburg, Pa , Lycoming County, 10 miles South of Williamsport, Pa , off Route 220 on Pine Run Road William G & Lois A Fidler, owners. D. 0 Rock well & Associates, Sale Managers MON. SEPT. 27 - 12 Noon “Linton-Hill” Holstein Dispersal located m Perry Co., 3 miles west of Dun cannon, Pa. on Route 274, then north on Linton Hill road to second farm. Sale by Porter D. and Betty Hostetler, Owners, RDI, thmrannon Pa .Dean Shull, Auctioneer I- red Nangle, Pedigrees MON SKIT 27 800 P M Warren Johns HegLstered Jrr«e> t attle Dispersal Inrated 1 mile south of Gainesville. G mile west of HI 19. 5 miles west of t aside, 10 miles south of Warsaw at 5060 School Hoad. Gainesville. NY William Kent. Inc . Sale Manager i. Auctioneer TUKS SKIT 28 - 11 a m Public Sale of 4 Tractors, harm Equipment. 84 acres corn In Ficla located Midway between Manhcim and IjtiU, ILancaster Co , Pa From lutitr go West on luncoln Avc to Doc Run Rd From Manheim go East on E High St to Doe Run Rd Turn North on Elm Rd to Fairvicw Rd Farm located along Fairvicw Rd Look for sale arrows Sale by J Mark Eshlcman, C H Wolgcmuth and W Hosier, Auctioneers TUES EVE SEPT 28 - 8 P M Night Dairy’ Cattle Auction at our Dairy Bam, on Cameron St. in Bath, N.Y 60 Top Interstate-Tested Holstems Sale by Rumsey Sales, Bath, N. Y TUES SEPT. 28 - 1 P.M Special Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penna. TUES. EVE. SEPT. 28 - Construction Equipment Auction. Location - between Prattsburg and Branchport, N.Y. Owned by Gudinas ( oartruction Victor Pirrung and Son Aurtlnnrrrs. Wav land. New York TUKS EVE SKIT 28 • 8 PM Night Cattle Auction at Humsevn Dairy Ham in Hath. NY Hum.se) Sales. - Auctioneers Manager TUKS EVE SKIT 28 7 PM Gudinas (oastruclion Complete Dispersal at Hranchport. New York located retween PratLsburg and Hranchport, next to the "Blue Eagle Bar" Watch for Auction pointers or, Mam Street in PratLsburg (Rtc 53) or at 4-corncrs in Hranchport (rtc ) Sale b> Mr & Mrs Frank Gudinas, Hranchport, N Y , Owners, Victor Pirrung and Son. Auctioneers WED SEPT 29 - 12 00 Sharp Wheeler’s Complete Hera Dispersal Located in Jackson Summitt, Pa , on Rt 328 leading from Tioga, Pa ,to Elmira, N.Y Owners - John & Judy Sheeler, Jr Auctioneer - Arlow Kiehl WED SEPT 29 - 12 00 Sharp Wheeler’s Complete CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AUCTION coming up TUES. EVE. SEPT. 28 between Prattsburg and Branchport, N.Y. Selling complete line of heavy equipment including: 1975 “TD-9-B” dozer; 1972 “TD-15-C” dozer; “TD-18” dozer; Cat. “D-7” dozer; Case backhoe; Mack diesel tractor, twin screw; 25 ton low boy; Woolridge 10 yard pan; Ford 4000 tractor; other! Not a big sale but a good one! Watch for full listing or phone or write auc tioneers. Owned by Gudinas Construction. Sale by VICTOR PIRRUNG AND SON AUCTIONEERS Wayland, New York 716-728-2520. CONSIGNMENT SALE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6, 1976 AT 9:30 A.M. Location; Vz mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster Co., PA. Watch for Sale Sign. LARGE VARIETY OF LUMBER 150 SQUARES ALUMINUM SIDING & ROOFING (WHITE, GREEN, RED, GOLD & YELLOW) 50 pcs 3x6 14ft., 50 pcs. 4xB 18 and 20 ft., 800 pcs 2x6, all lengths, 400 pcs 2x4 all lengths, 200 pcs 2xlo 10 and 12 ft , 200 pcs 2x3 9 ft , 125 pcs 2x5 tongue and groove flooring, 1,000 board feet hardwood flooring, 10 pcs 12x12 various lengths, large lot of walnut and Red Wood lumber, some Red Wood fire damaged, 30 trusses, 100 pcs. V*" plywood, 200 pcs. 5 /«” plywood, lot of 8, 16 and 20 common nails, new hinges and latches Tractors, Farm Machinery, Horse Drawn Implements, New Tools, Hardware, Building Materials, Hay and Straw. We sell on Commission HAY SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY 12:00 Noon by HARVEY Z. MARTIN HOUSEHOLD GOODS DAVID H. GOOD 717-656-9024 F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth, C. Diller, J. Fry Aucts. NEXT SALE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Hrrd Dispersal. 130 Registered 4 Hi-Grade Holstein* located in Jackaon Summit. Pa on Hi 328 leading from Tioga. PA to Klmlm. NY Owner*. John 4 Judy Wheeler. Jr Sale Manager 4 Auctioneer. Gordon Wood Sales THUHS .SKIT 30 - 10 30 A M Machinery <on ugnmcnl Auction located at Alba. Pa Route 14 between Troy and Canton, Bradford County, I’a Tom Young. Auctioneer thuhs eve SEPT 30 • 6 P M Public Auction of Antiques, Household Goods, and Garden Tractor located at Christiana Fire Company. Slocum Street. Christiana, Pa .off Route4l Estate of J Clyde Walter, Ad ministrator, Dan Waller, Ronald Funk and John Aut otore, Auctioneers THURS SEPT. 30 - 1 00 P M Lynchburg Growth Feeder Calf Sale. To be held at the new Lynchburg Livestock Market, Lyn chburg, VA located 6 mi. south of Lynchburg on Route 29 south across from Cindy’s Truck Stop Sponaored by I ynthburg Feeder ( attle Ajunrialion. Inc THUHS SEI’T 30 • % X I* M Public Auction at the Hat 4 (rare! Auction Co located one mile North of IJUU along Rt Ml Wilbur H Hoaler, Auctiooe>er THUHS SKIT X ■ 6 P M Advance Notice Public Auction An Important Prnna Katate of Rare 4i Fine Antique* and Fur nlahlng# Sale at the Bran dywine Hilton Inn. Wilmington. Del . Naaman* Rd and Exit 11 off I-S3 Sale conducted by Rudnick 4 Matas, Auctioneer* FRI (XT 1 ■ 12 .30 P M Jcnnlngscrcss Select Sale WARREN JOHNS REGISTERED JERSEY CATTLE DISPERSAL MON., SEPT. 27, 1976 At 8 OO PM Located 1 mile south of Gainesville, l/ ! mile west of Rt 19. 5 miles west of Castile. 10 miles south of Warsaw, at SCBO School Road, Gainesville, NY 60 head of Registered Jersey cattle, 45 mature animals, 31 bred for fall and winter freshening, 10 head fresh during the last 2 months, with the balance bred heifers and calves. Featuring daughters of Milestone Generator, Milk King; Misty Vail Ciphen Lad, Sunnyhill Favorite Forester; Favorite Tristram Poet; and several daughters from sons of SS Quicksilver and The Trademark. Service sires include Lmmore Red Royal; Willnch Mercury: Favorite Tristram Poet; and Milk King. This is a primarily young dairy of Jersey cattle along with a well-started group of calves and bred heifers in an excellent state of herd health. The cattle will be inspected for udder health and pregnancy prior to sale. TERMS: cash or good check day of sale with ID, nothing to be removed until settled for. CREDIT available by contacting Roy Holland, Security Trust Co., Rochester, NY, phone 716-262-2886 prior to sale. WILLIAM KENT, INC. Sale Manager & Auctioneer Bergen, NY 716-494-1890 PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE (1740 STONE HOUSE) Also: Business, House & Mobile Home Spaces THURS. EVE. OCTOBER 7,1976 Loc. along rt. 222 about 1 mile north of Quarryville, R.D. No. 2 New Providence, Providence Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. Real Estate will be offered for sale as part I or part II or all together. PART I; 1740 Vh story stone, 7 room & IVa bath, house w- attached 3 room & bath apartment. House contents: kitchen w- knotty pine cabinets & walls, powder room, Ig. living room w- stone fireplace & cedar paneling, dining room, Ig. room w- stone fireplace & utility room on Ist floor; 3 bedrooms & full bath on 2nd floor; full attic. Nice hardwood flooring. Attached apartment has kitchen, living room, bedroom & full bath, fur nished. Cement basement, oil hot water heating system w- summer winter hook up, well water, sewage system, alum, storm windows, house in very nice condition in & out. Fox 16’ by 36” outside swimming pool. Lot size: 150’ along rt. 222 by 304’ depth more or less. PART II: 2 story frame bank barn used as body shop & machine shop w- other usable areas. Cement floor, opened bam floor, oil hot water heat. 1 Story frame, 3 room & full bath house. Contents: kitchen, living room, bedroom, full bath, enclosed porch, cement basement, oil hot water heating system, elec, water heater. Frame 40’ by 90’ utility building, enclosed on three sides open in front. 8 Lots or spaces for mobile homes w- under ground elec, cable TV, water & sewage. Total 2.58 acres of land 125’ frontage along rt. 222 by 375* depth more or less. Real Estate open for inspection: Sat’s. Sep. 18 - 25 & Oct. 2 from 1 till 3. Sale by MR. & MRS. V. LEO DAVIS Sam Ferguson Musser Atty. Howard Shaub Auctioneer I oration I miU*t .Vmth»a»l of MiUerton, Pa , Bradford (ounly. 12 mllna .South ol K.lmlra. NY. 12 mliaa Nor Ihwnrt ol Trot. I** . 11 mile* North of Manaflald. Pa i Auction algna from Houle X 9 unci (or) land ram cm i KHI (KT 1 • 730 P M Special Snip of Steer*, (.alvea, Cow* at loeaburg livestock Market. I or* burg. Va KHI (KT 1 ■noi’M Kreder Calf Sale (Horn* h bulla included I To be held at South Branch Stork) ard*. Inr . Moorrfirld, We*t Virginia KHI (XT 1 - Show spm Sale 730 pm Ist Pa Chester While it Berkshire Owner WARREN JOHNS Gainesville, NY At 7:00
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