—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, July 3. 1976 52 FFA Princess will do them justice in By JOANNE SPAHR QUARK YVILLE The phones had been ringing at her Quarryville R 2 home for nearly a week, and photographers and in terviewers had been taking up whole chunks of her time since she had received the title of State FFA Princess and Miss Congeniality at FFA State days the week before. Yet, with all this hustle and bustle in her life, Marcia Hess was poised and friendly, with an air of sophistication about her when it was time for our interview. It was obvious she is going to make a good representative for the Future Farmers of America during her year’s reign as princess. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Hess, she’s an advocate of FFA. “It’s really a great organization. I have so much respect of everybody in it,” says the sleek and stylish young lady with conviction. Her belief in the Marcia Hess, this year’s Pennsylvania FFA Princess, poses before her home in Quarryville. For 12 months she will reign over the state organization of Future Farmers of America and will compete in the national American Royal Queen Contest in Kansas City in November. 4 DAY SPECIALS JULY 7,8, 9 and 10 Jumbo Bounty Towels 52c a roll 32 oz. Miracle Whip 99c 32 oz. Heinz Ketchup 82c 46 oz. Unlabeled Orange & Grapefruit $4.75 by case only 46 oz. B.C. Orange & Apricot 56c 46 oz. Pear nectar 39c 32 oz. Fasten Clean Fabric softener 35c 32 oz. Clear View Window Cleaner 20c 2% oz. Powdered Bubble Bath 29c 31b.Crisco $1.39 42 oz. Spry $1.15 Smoked Boneless Ham $1.57 a lb. A load of fresh watermelon coming in. j i I Heilmans Mayonnaise | I »<*• 89* 1 I With coupon & $lO.OO order Good July 7,8,9,10 ! * • ™ w w M w mb _ k mb m m m mb mb mb <m i PETERSHEIM’S STORE Christiana, PA 1 mile East of Nickel Mines, comer of White Oak and Old Dam Road. OMER R. PETERSHEIM Gordonville 1 % miles South of Intercourse, PA. North of Belmont Road. organization was especially strengthened by her week at FFA State Days in the middle of June, during which tune she received her title. “Everyone there was working so closely together for the same cause,” she explains. “It was un believable how close we became in that short time.” She expresses a desire to see all of her newly found friends again, sometime, and is certain she will meet a few, at least, in the up coming months. Her itinerary is quite full. This is only the third year FFA has had a princess, and they plan to use Marcia to a fuller extent in their public relations work this year. « One of the bigger events on her schedule, and one she is looking forward to, is the National FFA Contest in. Kansas City in November, where she will be escorted by this year’s president; Randy Ranck. Randy and Marcia have been neighbors for years and attended high Marcia'Hess school together, so the national event will carry special meaning for both of them. Some other things she’will do as princess are speaking at banquets and par ticipating in fairs. So now, FFA is going to become a large part of her life. Marcia says it wasn’t always that way in the beginning of high school, but her years at Willow Street Vo Tech were instrumental in changing her attitude. , “It’s a great experience and a good opportunity to learn a trade,” she says speaking of Vo-Tech school. “My second year was really rewarding,” she continues. Floriculture - her specialization - and hor- UNCLAIMED FREIGHT CO. AND LIQUIDATION SALES CLOSED MONDAY, JULY STH , SHOW SPECIALS PURCHASED AT CHICAGO ELECTRONICS SHOW 15 STEREO COMP. AM-FM STEREO TURNTABLE REG. $189.95 OUR PRICE $109.95. ■ 15 STEREO COMP. AM-FM STEREO-, TURNTABLE - 8 TRACK TAPE PLAYER REG. $249.95 OUR PRICE $129.95 15 - SAME AS ABOVE WITH RECORDER $139.95 12 8 TRACK PLAY & RECORD DECKS - REG. $129.95 OUR PRICE $65.00 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM GREAT SAVINGS 6 STEREO CONSOLES AM-FM STEREO 8 TRACK-TURNTABLE-4 SPEAKER DUOCONE AUDIO SYSTEM REG. $269.95 OUR PRICES $159.95 MANY MORE CONSOLES TO CHOOSE FROM GREAT SAVINGS 9 19” COLOR PORT. TV’S, LIQUIDATING FOR DISTR. - 100 PERCENT SOLID STATAE REG. $449.95 OUR PRICE $329.95 102 LAMPS —REG. $39.95 OUR PRICE $lO.OO 30 SETS B.S. & MATT. SINGLES - $45,00 SET DOUBLES - $49.95 SET. 21 AIR CONDITIONERS, UNDER DEALER’S COST, 5000 - 24,000 B.T.U. 100 - LAMPS, ASSORTED STYLES, DEALER REFUSED UP STATE WE PURCHASED WHOLESALE & UNDER 50 - ROCKERS & CHAIRS, WOOD REFUSED UP STATE NEW YORK, WE PURCHASED BEING SOLD AT WHOLESALE PRICE. 150 BAR STOOLS, PINE, MAPLE, FULL SIZE ■ REG. $79.95 OUR PRICE $32.50 20 2 PC. SUITES, EARLY AMERICAN, HER CULON & NYLON REG. $529.00 & UP OUR PRICE $269.00 3 - 3 PC. SUITES, SOFA, LOVE SEAT, CHAIR - REG. $599.95 OUR PRICE $329.95 6 BENCH VISES REG. $79.95 OUR PRICE $29.50 THESE NEXT ITEMS WERE MADE UP FOR CHAIN STORE, THEY CANCELLED WE PURCHASED AT SPECIAL PRICE 50 PERCENT 80 PERCENT SAVINGS. 120 CRYSTAL SET, (PETS), 6 TO A BOX REG, $5.85 OUR PRICE $.85 . 200 BUCKSKIN & LEATHER HAND BAGS, WELL KNOWN BRAND NAME REG. $19.95 OUR PRICE $4.00 25 & TOOL BOXES REG. $14.95 OUR PRICE $7.00 15 ROCKER LOVE SEATS REG. $369.95 OUR PRICE $149.95 50 LARGE CHARCOAL KEG PLANTER - REG, $49.95 OUR PRICE $12.95 22 7 PC. SCREW DRIVER SET REG. $7.95 OUR PRICE $3.00 15 BENCH VISES REG. $59.95 OUR PRICE $19.95 ticultnre are the two programs in V o Tech which are part of FFA. This is how she became affiliated with the program which she now represents Through her two-year course at Vo-Tech sRe earned hei Star 'Chapter Farmer degree, and was treasurer of her chapter. She also, participated in com mittee work - Her floriculture courses included design, flower arranging, greenhouse work, bookwork, and other necessary skills needed to run a florist business. Floriculture is one of the careers Marcia may pursue now that she has graduated from Solanco High School. She’s already begun the job by working part-tune for her mother, who has a small florist business. The other career Marcia is considering as a possibility for the future is working with children who need special education. She should know because she student-taught this type of child' at Quarryville Elementary School during high school and found it fulfilling. Some of her other school related activities were chorus, student senate, and youth education association. And, during her sophomore year, she was treasurer for FHA. Marcia is also active in the Mechanic Grove Church where she is secretary of the youth group. AM-FM CASSETT RECORD & PLAY BACK, CROC POTS, TENNIS SETS, KNIVES, GOLF BALL BLENDERS, DIG. CLOCK RADIOS. MANY MOR ITEMS ... 40 —4% ALUM. TENNIS RACKETS REG. $39 OUR PRICE $15.00 ' r 25 5 PC. MAPLE DINING ROOM SETS - RE( $389.95 OUR PRICE $189.95 ALL TYPES SEWING MACHINES CAB.-.& POBI 50 PERCENT —.70 PERCENT OFF. 350 RECLINERS REG. $189.00 to 329.00 OU PRICE $69.00 & UP 28 BUNK BEDS SETS, INCL. BEDDING, MAPL PINE, REG. $309.95 OUR PRICE $149.95 & 169.95 100 LARGE CONTOUR LOUNGES REG. $269 OUR PRICE $85.00 60 3 PC. END TABLE SETS REG. $189.95 01 PRICE $99.95 6-SWIVEL ROCKERS, HERCULON—REG. $159 OUR PRICE $59.00 ? r 40 DESKS, ALL SIZES, WHOLESALE’& UNDI 24—6 PC. STEAK KNIFE SET—$l.5O 24 ELECTRIC KNIFE SHARPENER & CAI OPENER $6.50 TRAILER LOAD B.S. & MATT. SINGLES DOUBLES QUEENS KINGS STARTING $49.; A SET (SAVE 50 PERCENT & MORE GUAR/ TEED) 50 COMPLETE BEDROOM SETS & ODD PCS 100 —lOOO WATT HAIR DRYERS REG. $28.95 01 PRICE $9.00 24 74 PC. STAINLESS FLATWARE SETS REI $189.95 OUR PRICE $26.00 80 40 PC. STAINLESS FLATWARE SETS RE( $59.95 OUR PRICE $lO.OO 140 2 & 3 PC. CARVING SETS REG. $10.95 01 PRICE $2.00 12 10 PC. CLEAVER SETS REG. $18.95 01 PRICE $4.00 12 CROCK POTS $7.00 EACH TRAILER LOAD OF HIDE-A—BEDS, SINGLES REG. $339.95 OUR PRICE $149.95; DOUBLES R® $389 & up OUR PRICE $169.95; QUEENS REG. $489 UP OUR PRICE $189.95 BASKETBALLS, 8 TRACKS, TAPE PLAYEK SPEAKERS, C.B. RADIOS, STOVES, REP FREEZERS. ETC. 100’S OF OTHER ITEMS TOO MANY TO MENU® ALL, IF YOU DON’T SEE IT—ASK FOR IT. FU? WARRANTY, FINANCING THRU BANK, A' CEPTANCE CORP. & LAY—A—WAY. 3019 HEMPLAND RD., NEXT TO 84 LUMBER CO. LANCASTER. PA. HOURS: MON.—FRI. 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT.—IO A.M. TO 5 P.M. ’76 - In her spare time - she is going to have a h time finding in the com year - she enjoys deli c artful hobbies. The g home is decorated with flj arrangements planted on of sand painting, wj Marcia does herself “I love working , plants the most of all: hobbies,” - she_ expij Crewel work, embroid flower arranging, ; macrame are "just a fg the other crafts she em .Lucky for FFA, Mi does enjoy plants the mi because of this interest,) found themselves a woi princess who is certain represent them well m upcoming year.
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