; sie Landis (Continued from Page 50] length of time the soil in the bucket will need _ however. the herbs have their own particular advantages Many are hard to keep under control. DING- REMODELING CUSTOM HOME BUILDING paneling CEILING TILE ALUMINUM SIDING ROOFING additions S. D. ITH RONKS ROAD RONKS, PA 17572 Call 687-7348 'enings or Sat call €B7-6267 or 394-4197 BICENTENNIAL SALE - SATURDAY ONLY CLOSED MONDAY, JULY 5, 1976 * * * * * * ? 7fi* l * MEN'S HARNESS | I BOOTS I | LEATHER & MANMADE UPPERS SUPER SPEC,AL PR,CE | I LIMITED QUANTITY STf TC* * ? NOT ALL SIZES AVAILABLE M Mm V ? LARGE SELECTION OF LADIES $ MEN’S GENUINE LEATHER DRESS | SANDALS 1 * * SUPER SPECIAL PRICE # ■ ■ OXFORDS & LOAFERS NOT ALL SIZES AVAILABLE COLORS: PURPLE & RED ONLY $ g g C SUPER SPECIAL PRICE §uM W NOT ALL SIZES AVAILABLE - REPAIRS - KITCHENS - RECREATION ROOMS - BATHROOMS - FORMICA STOLTZFUS LARGE SELECTION OF BOYS SHOES MEN’S & BOYS CONVERSE COACH SNEAKERS SUPER SPECIAL PRICED AT Rosemary will not winter well in Pennsylvania and must be taken indoors during the coldest months but the at traction of fragrance and visual beauty outweigh the problems,” remarks Mrs. Landis. Although some herbs can thrive on poor soil conditions, Mrs. Landis says they should, for the most part, have good soil with proper drainage and plenty of sun. The plants may be started from seed or purchased ready to tran splant from garden centers. Many such as mint, dill, and fennel are hardy perennials which will winter well and reappear in the spring to continue another year's growth. A number of magazines and books are available from state and national garden societies and bookstores providing herb garden cultivation information. Very recently many cookbooks have come on the market containing recipes for using fresh and dried herbs. Several delicious recipes follow, which use common foods for their base. They may whet your appetite and urge you to dig up a spot in the garden to plant an herb for your own use. Cook the potatoes in their jackets and then peel very quickly. Roll them in a pan in which butter and caraway seeds have been simmering for about five minutes. Asparagus and Chive Butter To serve four have two pounds of asparagus, cut off the bottom woody part of the stalks. Steam over hot water for about 20 minutes, or until a fork goes easily into the thickest stem. Remove to a hot plate and serve with melted butter to which has been added one teaspoon lemon juice and a large tablespoon of finely chopped AMERICAN BN9 VALUES TO *5.98 New Potatoes and Caraway Butter E ENNUI COMFORT TOP 100% NYLON COLORS: BEIGE, PECAN, & CINNAMON SOLD IN 4 PAIR PACKS ONLY RODEO BY TEXAS BOOT Lancaster Farming, Saturday. July 3.197' Count out two pizzas for each person served. English muffins, split with a fork. Toast outside hi very lightly in a broiler. On each untoasted side place slice American cheese, one large slice ripe tom; Sprinkle with olive oil, then with finely minced gai oregano and basil. Put under the broiler till tomato cheese are done. Dried herbs work as well as fresh in recipe. Steep a good handful of mint stalks right along with tea for five minutes. Then pour off into a big pitr before it gets bitter. Garnish each glass with a sprij mint. Do not add sugar or sugar syrup unless you pr sweet teas. You may already have a number of herbs gn around your home of which you were not aware, cording to the definition of an herb as “a plant which be used for physic, flavor or fragrance,” (THE GROWER, July, 1950), the list includes bachelor’s bm fall dandelion, goldenrod, johnny-jump-up, milkw» mountain laural, Queen Anne’s lace, roses, violets ; verbena. Now that you know what they are you only n< to blow how to use them for physic, flavor and fragra. Find some books on herbs or better yet go to the Full House and see the herb garden there. You may be 1 tunate enough to meet Mrs. Landis or the other ht enthusiasts of the Dmmore Flower Club working in beds. You’ll not get away without at least a spark of terest in growing and using your own herbs. ms LADIES & TEENS KNEE HI NYLONS BOOT Individual Pizzas Iced Mint Tea SUPER SPECIAL PRICE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers