—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 15, 1976 Livestock For Sale Livestock For Sale For Sale - 2 Holstein Heifers, will calf in May from good stock. Keith Robinson, Brogue, Pa. 717-927-6385 For Sale - 20 registered and commercial Angus cows bred to Chianina or Angus bulls. Some cows w-calves at sides. Also a 3 year old registered bull by Dynamo. Call 717-741-0281 or 741-3845 Duroc Boars for Sale from Tested & Show winning bloodlines. Dutch Valley Farm, R 5, Manheim, Pa. Mark Nestleroth, PH: 717- 665-6220 Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm R 2, Strasburg, Pa. 717- 786-2562 For Sale - 3 mo. old lamb (Ram). Thoroughbred stud service. Horse boarding ana turn out new modem bam. Woodstown, N.J. 609-769-2140 Livestock for Sale - Reg. Holstein Bulls; one year old and younger - out of dams with records to 24.000 M & 900 lbs. B. F. Stump Acres 717- 792-3216 (York Co.) For Sale - 200 lb. Yorkshire boar, service age. Benuel M. Fisher, RD2, New Holland, Peter’s Road. Wanted - Entire herd or pan of herd of dairy cows or springing heifers. Call 301- 358-0412 after 8 p.m. Holstein cattle for sale. 30 springers. 3020 J.D. in ex cellent condition. Also forage boxes and bale throw racks. Ph; 717-547-8062 Hampshire and Yorkshire Service Age Boars and Gilts from certified meat type breeding. Contact John Strawbridge, Stewartstown, PA 17363. Phone 301-996-2022. M s?sf! ce WEST EARL WOOLEN MILL RD2, Ephrata, PA 17522 Ph; 717-859-2241 Livestock For Sale 3 Mantadale ewes yearlings. 1 - 2 yr. old with lamb. 1 - 2 yr. old bred. Call 717-768-3200 Holstein herd of 24 young cows, in various stages of lactation. Many due in summer St early fall. This is a good herd. Priced for immediate sale $12,000. Fed free to call collect. 717-866- 4208 S. K. Norma, Rl, Lebanon, Pa. 17042 For Sale-20 milk cows in all stages of lactation several are springers some bred for fall freshening, 6 yrs. and under. John Byler, R 3, Wyalusing, Pa. 18853 For Sale - 2 Holstein heifers freshen, June 20 & July 20 T.B. St Bruc. tested, very nice. Barry Reachard, Rl, Spring Grove, Pa. 717-225- For Sale - Service age Holstein Bulls, by popular sires, Dam records to over 23,000 lbs. M, 1000 lbs. F. John Stump, Bemville, Pa. 215-488-1965 For Sale - 1 pr. 5 yr. old sorrel mules, good size. Need work. Jonathan E. Smucker, Rl, Kinzers, Pa. 17535 along Rt. 340 at Spring Garden For Sale - Herd of 20 young Holstein Cows. Mostly Fall freshening. A real produc tive herd. Clemens Nissley, RD2, Leroysville, Pa. 18829 For Sale - 3 mos. old Holstein Bull. Dam is a Kingpin. Sired by Gay Ideal. Dam milked up to 95 lbs. a day with 700 of Fat. 5.0 test. Daniel B. Stoltzfus, Christiana RDI, Box 14, Pa. 17509 (along Lower Valley Road). For Sale - Registered Polled Hereford, TB & Bangs tested. Cows & calves. Bred cows, open heifers, bred heifers. Herd bull - highest testing bull in 1975 Penn State Bull Sale. PH: 717-732- 4035 For Sale - Registered Holstein Herd, 28 head plus 11 bred Heifers. Herd average 14,049, 3.8, 535. 19 cows due June to Dec. Heifers bred for July to Aug. Albert Y. Rush, RDI, Box 22, Hampton, N.H. 201-537-2746 Dairy Equipment Livestock For Sole Livestock For Sole Livestock For Sole Bred sows & gilts, $4OO a piece. Due to Farrow soon. PH: 717-933-5123 For Sale - Feeder Pigs. PH 717-626-6169 2 Holstein bulls for sale. 1 yr. old. 1 Dam excellent at 93-3 E Production 18000 M 930 F. Other Dam excellent at 91- 2E Production 20700 M 825 F. Paul B. Zimmerman, R 1 Ephrata, Pa. 17522. PH: 717- 733-8442 Duroc Breeding Stock LAWRENCE ARNOLD HE. Maple St. Myerstown, PA 17067 Ph: (717)866-7061 For Sale - Lambs, $4O to $6O. Choice. Hinchman, Lebanon, NJ 08833 201-832-2072 Wanted - Ponies - Matched pair, 46” to 50”. Must be well broke. Call evenings after 8 P.M. 215-395-4422 For Sale - 35 choice Angus Heifers and 10 choice Angus steers, farm raised. 301-734- 6022 after 6 p.m. 9H129 Kingstead RlSE—twin, GP (84) USDA 1/76 RIP 47% Rpt 73% 63 Dtrs 45 Herds 15,894 m 3 30% 525 f Pred. DIM. (74) + $73 + 1166 m - .20% 4-121 HFA Type Not Summarized To Date For Sole CHIANINA World’s Largest C - Cows with calves at sid - Bred and Open rfeifers, Member Cooperative* Northeastern Breeders Associate.. Maryland Artificial Breeding Cooperative Inc West Virginia Artificial Breeders Cooperative me HFA 2/76 Type Data 24 Dtrs avg 79 0 Actual, 81 6 age ad] 24 Dams avg 80 7 Actual, 81 0 age adj Pred. Dlff. +0.37 Rpt. 69% TQ (2/76) - Also Beefalo. TWIN OAK FARMS Quarryville, PA 717-/86-2146 717-786-2201 9H130 Kingstead SHINE- twin, VG (88) GM 9/75 USDA 1/76 RIP 34% Rpt 86% 174 Dtrs 99 Herds 15,491 m 3 65% 566 f Pred. DIM. (74) + $46 + 603 m - .05% +l5l FEEDER CATTLE Will buy on order, truck to your farm or assemble for your trucker. DENZiL HEISHMAN Rt 1. Box 2328 Strasburg, VA Ph [7o3] 465 5785 YORKSHIRE SERVICE AGE BOARS FOR SALE Large quantity with very good quality. Delivery Available. Write or Call Elwood.E. Houser R 5 Box 179 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-272-5798 Charolais Breeding age Registered Per formance Tested Charolais Bulls that will add $25 to $5O to the value of your calves. Younger bulls and open heifers also available. John W. Stump Clermont Mill Road Street, Maryland 21154 Phone 301-452-8700 For Sale - 550 gal. Sunset milk tank and 5 HP Bruenner compressor, good condition. Apply to Daniel P. Kauff man, Box 156, RD2, Honey Brook, Pa. 19344. For Sale - New 5 h.p. motor Universal Dumping Station; Bender Line & milker washer; DeLaval line dryer; Stainless wash tubs, 2 DeLaval 73 vacuum pumps w-motors, complete vacuum control; 20 magnetic stall cocks; 3 DeLaval milker units; 40 can trainers. Lowell Shearer, Honey Grove, Pa. 17035 PH: 717-734-3462 or 717- 734-3084 For Sale - Double 3 Herringbone milking parlor with stainless steel electric fevers, Klenzade automatic pipeline and tank washer, double stainless steel rinse tubs. 3 calibrated 65 lb. weigh jars. Girton 500 gallon milk tank with almost new 5 horse compressor. 215-682- 6443 300 gal Girton milk tank, good condition 440 gal. Esco tank, good cond. 500 gal. Girton w-4 h.p. compressor Star 12-Can open front milk cooler, good cond CLARK ELECTRIC RDI, Kinzer, PA Phone Intercourse 768-8228 Gaither Rise 125 (Grade) 2-6 254 d 12,440 m 441 f (me) (ME projected 16,870 m 576 f) Udder Photo of Gaither Rise 125 (Grade) Mars-Haven Fondue, VG 87 2-4 305 d 16986 m 3 6% 608 f RISE and SHINE have an illustrious pedigree They combine two great sires, Tidy Burke Elevation, GM and Irvington Pride Admiral, EX (92) GM Their dam, Kmgstead Bess, EX (92) GM, had a top record exceeding 28,000 lbs of milk RISE and SHINE’S maternal grandam was a 3E (94) Gold Medal dam that produced over 230,000 lbs of milk f'fetime The Predicted Differences on both RISE and SHINE continue to improve RISE is now and SHINE is +603 P D milk + 1166 PD milk Both bulls sire a similar type pattern they will improve strength of front end and loin They are also exceptional udder support improvers Teat shape and size, milking speed and disposition improvement is above average The RISE and SHINE production and type information is the result of random sampling and a 100% AI proof We expect even better results in the future We highly recommend RISE and SHINE Contact your nearest Sire Power Representative or phone 717 836 3168 or 301 898 9101 For N.E BA. Technician Service 9H129 RISE SlO 00 breeding fee, includes one free repeat 9H130 SHINE, S 8 00 breeding fee includes one free repeat S 3 00 charge for additional services ! 3 / Kingstead Bass EX-92, GMO 1- 342 d 2X 17,510 m 36% 6281 2- 365 d 2X 23,770 m 36% 8461 4- 1 326 d 2X 20,470 m 37% 7531 5- 2 365 d 2X 26,520 m 35% 9241 7- 9 349 d 2X 28,210 m 36% 10041 All-Maryland 4-Year-Old, 1968 Gay-Ridge Rise Susan 2-0 365 d 19,350 m 33% 641 f Kingstead Mistress Bess, 3E-94-GMD Hon Men All-American 4-Year-Old, 1958 2nd Aged Cow Royal Winter Fair, 1961 4-5 3X 315 d 19,952 m 43% 867 f 8 8 3X 320 d 22,084 m 39% 869 f 11-9 2X 363 d 20 660 m 4 1% 840 f 15-9 2X 364 d 19,320 m 4 2%-8031 Lifetime 238 847 4 0 9672 Mail to Sire Power, Inc. RD 2, Tunkhannock, Pa. 18657 PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION - ) Herd Analysis Program ) Direct Herd A I Training ) Semen or Equipment Purchase ) I want details on professional technician service from N E B A I Name I Address Student I Phone State I Breed Herd Size I Do you breed your own cows 9 I 1 40
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