Services Offered Services Offered FARM AND HOME CENTER Lancaster, PA Modern Office Space (2100 sq ft. area) Incl. pvt. offices, heat, aircond., parking and janitor service - now available. PHONE: 392-4911 Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, cow bams, chicken houses. Will do Block and Concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509. Call driver 717-529-2992 or 215-932-2976 FISHER’S RESTORATION WORK RESTORE OLD HOMES ALL KINDS OF STONEWORK. REMODELING OR NEW CARPENTRY WRITE TO: ELAM E. FISHER RDI, Honey Brook, PA 19344 TRY A CLASSIFIED or Call 273-3751 or 273-3048 Farming fever strikes again. Week-end farm work wanted near Lititz. Call 717-626-1480 •FERTILIZER AD! Looking for work, Willing to paint farm buildings at a reasonable rate. Phone 717- 859-2350 Are you tired of paying $l5O or $2OO or more per ton for fertilizer? Try dry poultry manure fresh from the broiler houses. Delivered and dumped on your farm in 8 to 16 ton loads within 50 miles of Lancaster. You can buy 8 to 100 tons. Next delivery in May. $25.00 per ton delivered. Write Box 27, Strasburg, PA 17579 Custom Work Custom round bailing, hay or straw. 15 miles of Oxford. Phone 215-932-5231 : SILO REPAIRS : : • Tear Down : t * Rebuild : J * Replaster ; • * Roofs Installed I • * Extensions I ; * Distributors and Pipes • : DAVE DETWEILER \ ' RD#2, Newvilfe, PA : ' 717-776-7533 : Custom Silo Filling Hay or Corn with Fox Self- Propelled. 717-442-8312 Inter seeding with new JL power till seeder. Custom round baling. Will do 50 mi. of West Grove. PH: 215-869- 3068 after 6 p.m. For Sale - Ammonium nitrate fertilizer in 50 lb. bags 34 percent nitrogen, $139.00 per ton while lasts. Also 1968 Chevy 30 series 1 ton dump truck $1500.00. PH: 609-737-2375 Livestock and Custom Hauling - Hay, Straw & corn. Also for sale 500 gal. milk tank. Oliver 550. 1965 House 1 Trailer for Sale, PH: 626-6904 Custom Work ALL TYPES WASHING and SPRAYING for your Poultry Houses, Dairy Barns, etc. ELMER H. LEHMAN Donegal Springs Road RDI, Marietta, Pa. Ph; 717-426-3276 or 717-367-2010 AT SPECIAL PRICES WOW 990 mower-conditioner . . . the great quality and time saver; in 7 or 9-ft. cutting widths. 990 Mower-Conditioner 9 ft. Only 53,650.00 rs • 241 Bigroll baler . builds the best round bale you can find. 241 Big Roll Only 55.200.00 11l 113 West Main Street, Mountvilie Phone 285- 4538 Q INTERNATIONAL QUALITY PARTS M FACTORY TRAINED SERVICE MEN INTERNAIIONAL HARVESTER Haying equipment for sale! We’ve got everything you need H|. • 430/440 balers with 17 and 19- ton per hour capacity. R. S. HOLLINGER & SON Open Mon thruThurs Bto 8 Fn 8 to 5 30 Sit. till 12 Services Offered Masonry work, lay brick, fireplace, blocks and stone work on houses and bams. Stucco and white coats and concrete work. Contact Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, PA Box 388, 17509, Call driver 717-529-2992 or 717-687- 6178 GROFFS TIRE SERVICE Farm, Passenger, Truck and Industrial Tires • Most Modern Equipment • Low overhead SPECIALIZING IN “ON THE FARM" TRACTOR TIRE SERVICE. 717-284-4796 At Beth-View Dairy Farm, just West of Muddy Run Rec Park, off Rt. 372 near Holtwood. SPOUTING, ROOF COATING & REPAIR Colored Aluminum Coating: WHITE GREY BLACK GREEN RED PLAIN Sales & Installation J. BLANK Call before 6:30 A.M. or after 6:00 P.M. PH: 717-354-9922 nd or exclusive hydraulic reel 35 Rake Only $1,290.00 111 430 Custom Pickup Only $3,681.00 For Rent Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 15,1976 Services Offered J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. Termite Pest, Rodent and Smoke control. Lawn and Shrubbery spraying. Free Estimates, 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, PA Phone 717- 397-3722. Trucks For Sale - Cattle truck - /4 Int. 20 ft. Aluminum bed, A-l shape, Phone 717-789-3227 For Sale - 27’ 1972 Aluminum Fruehauf dump trailer in excellent condition with new tires & brake lining. PH: 717- 649-5552 1975 Ford C 600 3,500 miles, 16 ft. cattle rack, every possible extra. This truck was built for over-the-road driving but too large for my use. Will sell with or without body. This truck can be seen business hours at M. H. Eby’s Truck Bodies, Blue Ball, Pa. Make offer. Don’t phone Eby’s Phone JO JO The Dog Man, mornings only 609-452-8903 with your offer. USED TRUCK FOR SALE C 750 Ford Tilt-Cab with 24-Ft. Grove Rollback Body. HERMIT K. KISTLER Lynnport PA CALL 215-298-3270 TURN YOUR PICKUP INTO A.. . *7L DUMP TRUCK! Now with a JET HOIST electnc/hydraulic offloader accessory, you can unload your pickup truck fast and easy' Just press a button JET HOIST tilts your pickup box and offloads more than 2 tons in just 15 seconds' Saves time, money and manpower Pays for itself with the savings Contrac tors, farmers, nurserymen, maintenance people all who haul dirt, sand, feed, construction materials or other loads say they wouldn't be without JET HOIST. Installs readily on Vi-, %- and 1-ton pickups with no change in body lines. Let your pickup do the work. SEE A DEMONSTRATION AND GET YOUR JET HOIST RIGHT AWAY. Contact. . TRUCKERS SUPPLY of Southwestern Penna. RDI New Holland, PA 17557 Phone: [7l7] 354-8288 Dealer Inquiries Invited 1976 four wheel drive pickup Vz ton 1972 Vz ton Pickup 6 cyl. auto 1974 D-100 Pickup, P.S. V-8 Stick 1974 D-Club Cab Pickup, V* T. Camp. Spec. 1975 D-Van (unbelievable) 1971 Ford Pickup 3 A ton 1975 AMC Hornet, like new - special 1967 Scout 4 x 4 - V 8 1975 Dart 4 Dr. Custom, Air BUY A TRUCK AT DEALER COST! BRAND NEW 1976 60-SERIES CAB & CHASSIS ★ 6 cylinder, 292 engine with 2 speed axle, 900 tires, 149" wheel base, 84" cab to axle, class 7 registration, 21,000 license. JUST ARRIVED. . . NEW CHEVY PICKUP $ 3700 Six Cylinder, 3 speed, 8 ft. Bed, Power Steering, Radio, Step Bumper, Heavy Duty Springs. For More Information Contact Dealer MENTE CHEVROLET INC. Kutztown, PA 19530 PH: 215-683-8787 39
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