V0L21N0.25 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 8,1976 Farm vote considered important By DIETER KREIG WASHINGTON, D.C. - Both political parties are and will be looking for the farm vote in fins election year because .there is a “significant vote in the Senate and electoral college” which represents fanning ants. That’s file word from Hyde Murray, member of the House agriculture committee. The congressman made the comment at a meeting with newspaper farm editors last ijcek. Murray noted that there are some basic differences in [CMfiand 00 Page 15] Youth selects dairy career By MELISSA PIPER MIUBACH SPRINGS - 8 Dairying has not always been the moat prosperous career for a young person to panne but Kirby Horst is optimistic about Mi future in the enterprise ahd as an FFA member, has already started a dairy herd of his own.- •- Kirby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin . Horst, Newmanstown R 1 and is a junior at Eastern Lebanon County High School. For the past fooryears, Kirby has ■- taken dairy as m FFA project and currently owns [CbaSnsed on Page 26] r Oxford FFA’er looking forward By HOSIER KBIEG OXFORD The ad vantages of fanning by far outweigh the disadvantages, and that’s the major reason why Bill Hostetter, a 17-year old senior at Oxford Area . High School, is going into the dairy hnahiess right after graduation next month. He chose dairying because that’s the program which has already hem established on file home farm, and it offers a more stable income than other forms of agriculture. Young Hostetter, who serves as president of both the Oxford Chapter and Chester County FFA, says he’s looking for a good future in agriculture, hi fact, be believes things have been getting better for the farmer during die last few years and he expects that trend to continue. He credits the FFA [Continued on Page 31] CIA releases bleak forecast WASHINGTON. D.C. - “The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to many areas of the world ... the economic and political impact of major dhnatic shift is almost beyond comprehension”, so states a recently declassified CIA study on climatological research released by Representative Fred Rich mood (D.-N.Y.). The 36-page study further states that long term changes in weather may cause a major drought In India every four years resulting in file starvation of 150 milßwi Indians, a major famine in China every five years and the loss of file Russian wheat fields of Kmkhrfm The Irepatt, “A Study of Climatological Research As It Pertains to Intelligence Problems”, was prepared by the CIA in 1974, just before irnahani on Par 15] d this issue arm Calendar 10 arm Commentaries 10 fcssifieds 33 lomestead Notes 50 huntry Corner SO tome on the Range 52 up-date 56 (ini-vacation feature 60 ife on the farm 63 >rain exports and production outlook 73 ierksDHlA 74 ISSR grain sales 7$ bicentennial farm 75 hisds and plows 79 Story dan accident 81 ‘ublic Sale Register 84 Side Reports 90 chappy Mother’s 'Day
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers