New Holland Daily Wed, Dec. 17 Reported receipts of 92 cows, 19 heifers and 3 bulls. Market steady with last week. Load of New York State cows fresh - 595-725 and springers 590-700; load of Wisconsin cows fresh 840- 910; load of Pa. cows fresh 640-860 and 470-1000. springers 700-935. Locally consigned cows 350-840; springing heifers 400-610 and bulls 340-175. From All Of Us To Our Many Customers and Friends We Wish All “HAPPY HOLIDAYS” And A Prosperous 1976 Season LANCASTER COUNTY C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, PA (768 8231) COPE & WEAVER CO New Providence, PA (786-7351) ' JOHN KREIDER Lancaster, PA 299 2536 JAMES GARBER Mount Joy, PA (717-653-5750) CHESTER COUNTY: NEVIN MYER & SON Chester Springs, PA (215-827-7481) ZOOK’S FARM STORE Honey Brook, PA (215-273 9730) LEBANON COUNTY: LARRY HIESTAND Lebanon, PA (273-7394) FRANKLIN COUNTY DON MARTIN EQUIP CO Chambersburg PA (717 263-3505) BERKS COUNTY ROBERT HEFFNER R 2 Heetwood PA (215 926 2806) EARL EBLING Bethel. PA (934 2690) 2436 CREEK HILL ROAD Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, Pa. December 16,1975 CATTLE 267. Compared with last Tuesday's market, slaughter steers about steady. Slaughter cows 50 cents to $1.50 higher. Choice slaughter steers 45.35-50 00, Good 40.10-45.10, Standard 32.00-41.00, Utility 27.60- 31.10. One Choice slaughter heifer at 43.10, few Standard UNCASTER SILO CO., INC. MANUFACTURER OF QUALITY CONCRETE STAVE SILOS, “WET-CAST” "LOCK-RIB" "CORRUGATED" “VIBRATED" 27.7033.75. few Utility 21.00 25.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 24.50-26.35, couple 26.60 and 27.10, Cutters 22.10-24.85, Canners 20.00-23.25, Shells down to 17.50. Two Choice slaughter bullocks 39.75 and 42.75, Good 31.00-39.00, Standard 27.75-31.10, few Utility 25.00-27.10. Few Yield Grade No. 1300-1700 lbs. slaughter bulls 28.85-31.50. Few Good 475-575 lbs. feeder steers 26.25-30.75, few Medium 475-710 lbs. 22.85- 24.25. CALVES 202. Vealers grading Standard & Good $2 to $4 higher, Utility $2 to $3 lower. Few Choice vealers 54.00-61.00, Good 46.50-53.50, Here’s a good neighbor for life J. Wilbur Sollenberser 303 Mable Avenue Smoketown PA Bus. 717-397-3579 Res. 717-392-8900 A GOOD man to see for all your family life insurance He can provide you with a Slate Farm life policy de signed to fit your needs exactly And with his spe ciat training and expen ence, he’s qualified to help you get what you want out of life Lik* a |*W Ml|hk«r State farm It there STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY iMSwa«Mci HimeOfhct lllmtis I J LANCASTER, PA 17061 $ DAUPHIN COUNTY; LEO LANDIS Millersburg, PA (692-4647) YORK COUNTY KENNETH LSPAHR Thomasville, PA (225-1064) FISHER BROS. Red Lion, PA (244-2178) ( MIFFLIN COUNTY NORMAN YODER Belleville, PA (717-935-2994) BUCKS COUNTY: JJ LG. AG SALES it Silverdale fti (215-257-5135) « COLUMBIA COUNTY: RAY PFLEEGOR $ Bloomsburg, PA (717 784-9314) ® MARYLAND: !S ENFIELD EQUIP., INC. 0 Whitford, MD S (301-452-5252) if W.ROGER ROOP JjJ Union Bridge, MO if 2008 HORSESHOE ROAD Standard 35.00-44.50, Utility 110-125 lbs. 25.50-32.50, 90-110 lbs. 19.00-24.00, 70-85 lbs. 15.00- Farm calves, holstcin bulla 90-110 lbs. 24.50-29.00; beef cross bulls & heifers 90-170 lbs. 24.00-34.00. SHEEP 27. Choice 75-120 lbs. woolcd slaughter lambs 45.00- Good 40-90 lbs. 44.00- USDA Report Monday Dec. 15 CATTLE 475. Slaughter steers and heifers uneven to averaging steady. Cows - firm to 50 cents higher. Bulls 50-1.50 higher - fedder cattle firm. Supply included 25 percent slaughter steers, 50 percent cows, 20 percent feeders and balance - bulls. STEERS - Choice 1100-1160 lbs. 46.00-47.00, Good-Choice 1070-1250 lbs. 44.00-45.00, Good 39.00-43.50, few Good 1300-1450 lbs. Standard to low good 30.00-37.00. HEIFERS - Good to Choice 2-4 39.50-42.00, few Good 36.75-38.50. COWS - Utility 21.50-26.00, Cutter 18.00-21.50, Canner 14.00-18.00. BULLS - Yield grade 1 1100-2035 lbs. 26.85-29.50. FEEDER CATTLE - 36.25- 38.50. St. Louis Auction Dec. 18 Weekly cattle review continued: Weekly feeder cattle auction. Receipts around 2800. Feeder steers and heifers unevenly 1.00- 4.00 lower, most decline on weights under 500 lbs. Supply mainly good to mostly choice 300-700 lb. feeder steers and 400-600 lb. feeder. (301-775 7356) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec 20,1975 FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-400 lbs. 25.00 30.00 ; 400-500 lbs. 29.00-33.00; 500600 lbs. , 600-700 lbs. 34.00-37.75 ; 700-900 lbs. 36.00 39.00. Mixed Good and Choice 300400 lbs. 23.00 27.50; 400500 lbs. 24.0029.50; 500-600 lbs. 27.00-31.00. Standard to mostly good Holsteins 700900 lbs. 22.00 23.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 400500 lbs. 21.00 28 00; 500600 lbs. 24.5030.50; 600700 lbs. 28.00-31.50; 700 800 lbs. 30.5034.25. Mixed good and choice 300400 lbs. 17.0022.00; 400-500 lbs. 20.50 24.00 ; 500600 lbs. 22.0025.50. Weekly Cattle Review Receipts This Week 9,300 Week Ago 10,300 Year Ago 8,400 Compared to last Tuesday, slaughter steers and heifers 50 to mostly 1.00 lower. Cows 2.00- higher, instances 4.00 higher. Bulls fully steady. Bulk of steer and heifer supply good and choice YG 2-4 950-1150 lb. steers and 700-950 lb. heifers, with near 20 percent cows and balance largely feeder cattle. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Part load choice including prime 1100 lbs. YG 3-4 45.50 on Monday. Choice 950-1200 lbs. YG 2-4 43.00-45.00, closing mostly 43.50-44.50. Mixed good and choice 900- 1150 lbs. 40.00-43.00. Good 37.00- Mostly good Holsteins 1100-1400 lbs. 35.00- 38.00. Standard and Good 30.00- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice including few prime 900-1000 lbs. YG 2-4 42.50- 44.00, closing mostly 42.50- 43.50. Mostly choice 700-900 lb. YG 2-4 40.00-43.00. Mixed Good and choice 37.00-41.00. Good 34.00-38.00. COWS: Utility and com mercial 21.00-24.00, high yielding 25.00. Canner and cutter 18.00-21.00. Canner 14.00-18.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1100-2000 lbs. 24.00-28.00, thin 900-1100 lbs. 20.00-22.00. NtMKWKMWnWKMRMSM «\ I * [. I* I * I .. I i i Alkyd Oirfctim,| LET US REJOICE ANEW "V THE SHINING WONDER OF CHRIST , it xAY THE PEACE AND HOPE AND LOVE OF THIS HOLY SEASON BE WITH US ALWAYS. i Smoketown, PA 717-299-2571 1 Carlisle Auction Carlisle, Pa. Dec. 16,1975 CATTLE 229. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter cows mostly |1 to $l5O higher. Two Choice slaughter steers 46.25 and 47 00, few Good 38.25-43.2- r few Standard & Low Goo 29.50-37.00, few Cutter & Utility 24.00-30.00. One Choice slaughter heifer at 40.50, Good 33.50-38.25, few Utility & Standard 22.00- 33.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 23.75-25.85, few Com mercial 22.00-27.50, Cutters 21.85-23.85, Canners 19.85- 21.85, Shells down to 14.25. Couple Good slaughter bullocks 28.25 and 28.85, few Utility & Standard 23.10- 27.25. Few Yield grade No. 1 1190-1360 lbs. slaughter bulls 25.25-29.50. CALVES 171. Vealers grading Utility $3 lower. One Prime vealer at 63.00, two Choice 54.50-62.50, few Good 46.00- few Standard 33.00- Utility 90-115 lbs. 20.50-25.00, 65-85 lbs. 16.50- 20.00. SHEEP 13. Few Good 75 wooled slaughter lambs 40.00, one Utility 55 lbs. 22.00. HOGS 266. Barrows & Gilts $1 to $1.50 lower. US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. barrows & gilts 51.10-51.75, No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 50.25-51.10, No. 2-3 195- 260 lbs. 48.0049.50. US No. 1-3 295450 lbs. sows 37.0044.50, two head 49.00 and 49.25, No. 2-3 400-555 lbs. 32.00-39.00. Few Boars 31.75-32.75, few light weights 40.2543.00. FEEDER PIGS 147. US No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. feeder pigs 21.00-24.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-45 lbs. 30.00-36.00, No. 1-3 50-60 lbs. 40.00-43.00 per head. 9 I I
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