&~ L»nc»%*»r Farmint. Saturday, Dec 20. 1975 Chambersburg Auction Ckambenbtirg. PA December 11. 1975 CATTIJ-: 357 Compared with Ust Thursday's market, slaughter steer* SO cenU to tl 23 higher Slaughter cowa weak to mostly 30 rents lower Good slaughter steers 40 O(H3 00, Standard 33 50 39 00. Utility 27 00-31.75 Couple Good slaughter heifers 37 00 and 38 25. few Standard 27 25-31 75. few Utility 21 75-27 75 Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22 35-24 60, Cutlers 20 60-22 60, Canncrs 18 00-20 75, Shells down to 14 00 Few Good slaughter bullocks 30 00-39 75, few Standard 28 00-30 25, Utility 24 25-27 25 Few Yield Grade No 1 1200-1900 lbs slaughter bulls 25 75-30 50 CALVES 640 Vcalers grading Good & Choice |1 to 14 higher, Utility |1 to mostly J 2 lower Few Prune vealers Leesport Leesport, PA Dec. 17.1975 CATTLE 277. Supply in cluded 115 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers about steady. Slaughter cows steady to $1 higher. Few Choice slaughter steers 46.00- Good 41.10-46.00, Standard 32.0041.25, Utility 25.00- Good slaughter heifers 32.00-38.00, few Standard 31.00-32.00, few Utility 22.75-27.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 24.00-26,75, one at 27.25, Cutters 21.50- 24.50, Canners 18.85-22.75. One Good slaughter bullock at 39 00, Standard 27.00-32.25. Few Choice 430-820 lbs. feeder steers 36 50-39.00, Good & Choice 800-1000 lbs. 39.00- Good 300-770 lbs. 29.00- Medium 300-900 lbs. 21.00-29.75; few Choice 590-650 lbs. feeder heifers 25.25-26.00, few Good 500-600 lbs. 20.00-23.75, Medium 200- Try A Classified Ad It Pays! TSC TSC TSC TSC O c/) W BALER TWIN! TRACTOR SUPPLY CO. 2217 LINCOLN HWY E Lancaster, PA 717-393-3149 TSC ISC TSC TSC T! 72 00-73 50. Choice 58 50- 89 00, Good 44.00-50 00, Standard 33 00-43 00, Utility 90-115 lbs 24 5031 50, 7085 Iba 21 00-24 00 Farm calves, holatcln bulls 90-110 lbs 25 00-30 00, hoLsleln heifers 95-120 lbs 27 00-40 00, Slaughter calves. Good & Choice 150300 lbs. 35 00 47 00 HOGS 107 Barrows 8c Gilts $2 50 to (3 lower. US No 13 200235 lbs barrows 8c gilts 50 0050 25, lot No 23 230 lbs. 49 60 Few US No 13 300625 lbs sows 37.75-46 75 Few Boars 28 0036 25 FEEDER PIGS 64. US No. 1-3 2035 lbs. feeder pigs 22 0032 50 per head, No. 13 40-60 lbs. 33.50-41 50 per head SHEEP 52. Good & Choice 70-90 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 40.50-47.00, lot Utility 60 lbs. 33.00. Several lots ewes 27 00 per head. Auction 600 lbs. 14.50-20.00; Medium 300-700 lbs. feeder bulls 15.75- 20 50 CALVES 148. Vealers grading Standard to Good about steady; Utility $3 to $5 lower. Good vealers 40.00- 50.00, Standard 35.00-40.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 22.00- 30.00, 90-110 lbs. 17.00-22.00; 70-85 lbs. 12.00-18.00. HOGS 222. Barrows & Gilts 50 cents to $2 lower. US No. 1- 3 210-235 lbs. barrows & gilts 51.10-52.00, No. 2-3 190-245 lbs. 50.60-51.25, No. 2-4 260- 280 lbs. 47.25-50.09. US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 40.0046.75, No. 2-3 200625 lbs. 37.00- 40.00. Boars 27.00-34.00, few 120-275 lbs. 38.50 FEEDER PIGS 124. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 24.0040.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 34.0049.00, No. 1-3 50-75 lbs. 45.50-57.00 per head. SHEEP 15. Choice 70-120 lbs. 44.00-50.00; few yearlings 15.00-27.00. Few Slaughter ewes 5.00-16.00. TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC ORDER NOW AT $1^.99 ■ Jgj | PER 9000’ BALE HIGH TENSILE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR 1976 SPRING DELIVERY WITH 50c PER BALE DEPOSIT OFFER GOOD NOW THRU JAN. 31ST AT THESE STORES 2400 W. MARKET ST, York, PA 717-792-0014 IC TSC TSC TSC t: Omaha Cattle Dec. 11. 197> Compared wllh the previous week's close Slaughter Steers 1 00-I.M lower Heifers 1 50-2 00 lower, Instances 2.25-2 SO off on 700450 lb# Cows SO-1 00 higher, bulls firm Four Day Receipts 18,200 as compared 19,400 previous week and 18,700 a year ago Slaughter steers ap proximately 39 percent, heifers 31 pet, cows 17 pci. and feeders for Friday auction 12 pet. Christmas trade on carcass beef the forepart of week brought live prices under severe down ward pressure with most of decline coming at midweek. STEERS: Few loads mostly High-Choice 1000-1250 lbs. Yield Grade 3-4 46.25- 46 50 early. At midweek low time, few loads Choice with few Prime 1150-1250 lbs Yield Grade 3-4 45.75-46.00. Bulk Choice 1050-1250 lbs. Yield Grade 2-4 44.00-45.50 late. Choice 950-1050 lbs mainly Yield Grade 3 43.00- 44.50. Mixed Good and Choice 900-1225 lbs. 42.00- 43.50. Good 38.50*42.50. Standard and low-good 36.00- 37.00. The average of LS-214 quotations for Choice 900- 1100 lb. steers this week 44.65; Choice 1100-1300 lbs. 45.00. HEIFERS: Early, few loads Choice and Prune 975- 1050 lbs. Yield Grade 3-4 45.00-45.50. At the close, three loads Choice with few Prime 975-1000 lbs. Yield Grade 3-4 43.50. Choice 900- 1025 lbs. Yield Grade 2-4 closed 42.00-43.00. Choice 800- 900 lbs. Yield Grade 3 41.00- 42.00. Mixed Good and Choice 750-975 lbs. 39.00- 41.00. Good 35.00-40.00. Standard and low-good 30.00- 32.00. - COWS: Utility and Commercial 20.50-23.50, a few 24.00. Canner and Cutter 16.50-21.00, mixed Cutter and low-Utility 21.25-21.50. Shelly Canner 13.00-15.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1400-1800 lbs. 23.00-26.50, few Yield Grade 27.00-28.00. 1818 N. CAMERON ST. Harrisburg, PA” 717-238-0436 SC TSC TSC TSC TSC Martin* burg, PA December 15,1975 CATTIJB 193. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows oboul steady. Few Good slaughter steers 40 10-41 00, few Standard 30 00-36 25, few Utility 25 DO -26 25. Few Good slaughter heifers 33.25-35.25, few Standard 24.00-29 85, few Utility 20.75-22.00. Utility and High Dressing Cutler slaughter cows 22.25-23.85, individual at 24.50, in dividual at 25.75, Cutters 20 85-22.85, Canners 16.00- 20.25, Shells down to 13.00. Few Standard slaughter bullocks 24.50-28.10, Utility 22 00-24.50. Individual Yield Grade No. 2, 1345 and 1585 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.10 and 28 00. Few Good 400-600 lbs. feeder steers 21.00-29.50, Medium 340-800 lbs. 16.50- 21.25; Medium 300-700 lbs. feeder heifers 12.50-21.75. Medium 400-800 lbs. feeder bulls 14.50-21.00. Wr l • I I I I I I I 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 TSC H </) O all the joys of the Holiday Season, and to join all men of good will in a prayer for worldwide peace and understanding. May your Holidays be merry and bright! Martinsburg Auction CALVES 248. Vcalera grading Standard to Choice $1 to |2 higher, Utility $1 to |5 lower. Choice vealers 55.00- 65.00, Good 46.00-55.00, Standard 34.00-44.00. Utility 110-125 lbs. 24.00-28.00, 90-110 lbs. 18.50-22 00, 70415 lbs. 14.50-19.00. Farm Calves; Holstein bulls 90-110 lbs. 20 50-28 50 HOGS 227. Barrows and gills weak to 75 cents lower US No 1-3 195-240 lbs. barrows and gilts 51.90-52.70, No 2-3 185-245 lbs. 51.25- 52.10, No 2-4 250-285 lbs. 47.00-50.90, No. 1-3 170-180 lbs. 41.75-47.00 US No. 1-3 300-525 lbs. sows 43.00-46.50, No. 2-3 335-660 lbs. 39.50- 41.25. Few Boars 30.25-41.50. On a recent Sunday af ternoon, the Solanco F F.A. held a walk-a-thon to raise money for the Solanco Fair Association. There were thirty-eight members who ** % I--. J J>s ” IMS*«M»MC**MS*«M»M*MSMSMiMiM*M«M«*«MSMS*«MS jjdbcch/ Farms DIVISION OF BABCOCK POULTRY FARM, INC. LITITZ, PENNSYLVANIA (717)626-8561 Lancaster feeder Cattle Friday. Dec. 12 Today Last Friday 705 TREND: Choice feeder steers 1.00-1.50 lower, Standard and Good steady to 50 lower; feeder bulls 50-1.00 lower. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 800-975 lb. 37.75-41.00, Choice 500-750 lb. 36.00-37.50; mixed Good and Choice 600- 900 lb 33.50-37.00; Good 550- 700 lb. 32.00-34.50; Standard and Good 3604135 lb. 22.75- 29,75. FEEDER BULLS: Standard and Good 500-935 lb. 22.25-26.00; few Choice 400-550 lb. 26.00-29.75. *450 raised walked seven miles and were sponsored by seventy-six different people. A total of $450 was raised and presented to the fair board at the December meeting. Mlessintjs... Every Christmas candle beams the light of the Star that shone over Bethlehem the night when Christ was born May the holy, blessed meaning of that Birth be reflected in this Christmas season, for you Feeder Cattle 808
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