V 01.21 No. 4 Reaction to McHale is mixed By Dieter Krieg LITiTZ - Until they know who will replace Jim McHale &s Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Agriculture, most farmers would rather not say whether McHale’s recent defeat in tbe Senate is for better or worse. Out of 36 formers con tacted by this writer on Wednesday, 12 indicated Economy tied to world trade CHICAGO, ILL. The future of American agriculture is tied to the world .market and the world economy, William J. Kuh fuss, president o'f- the American Farm Bureau Federation, said here recently in addressing the Fifth International Com modities Conference in the Palmer House. Production awards presented ByMelissaPlper LANCASTER - Three hundred and ninety-three dairy herds in Lancaster County exceeded an average production of 425 pounds of butter fat for the year with their herdsmen honored for their efforts at the annual DHIA banquet held here on Tuesday afternoon. J. Z. Nolt’s herd of Dairymen praised for records By Melissa Piper LANCASTER - “Lan caster County dairymen have produced invaluable DHIA records which I’m confident could not be matched - elsewhere in the United States,” noted Don Ace, dairy extension specialist; at the annual DHIA meeting held Tuesday Serving The Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania Areas Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Dec. 13,1975 they were undecided about tbe action taken by the State Senate on Tuesday when McHale lost the con firmation vote 27 to 20,-tt was the second time within a six month period that tbe 47- year old former dairy far mer was rejected fay the Senate. McHale has served as tbe state’s Agriculture Secretary since the begin “The outlook for a healthy and viable U.S. farm economy is bright, if agricultural producers are free to compete in tbe world market without interference from government in the form of export restrictions, participation in international commodity agreements, government-held reserves, or high commodity loan registered Holsteins recorded the highest figures by producing 709 pounds of ' butterfat with 19,216 pounds of milk. 'The Leola Rl dairyman’s herd was the only herd in the county to exceed the 600 pound but terfat mark. Four other dairymen having over 650 pounds of butterfat in their herds in-' afternoon at the Farm and character of most herds in Home Center here. Lancaster County, Ace While his opening remarks quickly reminded tbe reflected the high production dairymen that production in In this issue Sale Register 74 Farm Almanac 8 Classified Ads 25 Homestead Notes 42 Home on the Range 46 ning of the Shapp ad ministration in 1971 and is tbe governor’s hand-picked choice to lead the Agriculture Department But Ids days in office are numbered now, and be is expected to be assigned to another position fay the end of the year. Two of the 36 formers contacted said they thought rates,” the national form leader said. The head of the nation's largest general farm organisation with 2£ million form families in 49 states and Puerto Rico said that the dramatic changes in the agricultural situation since. 1970 offer almost unlimited opportunities for a dynamic chided: Rufus G. Martin, Ephrata R 3, with 687 pounds of butterfat and 18,953 pounds of milk; Ben K. Stottzfos, GordonviOe Rl, 687 pounds of butterfat and 18,504 pounds of milk; Paul B. Zimmerman, Ephrata Rl, 678 pounds of butterfat and 16,275 pounds of milk and Curtis E. Akers, Quarryville Rl, with 666 pounds of but Country Comer 42 Lancaster DHIA 60 Thoughts in Passing 49 SdnqMifieß SO Commentary 10 McHale’s removal from office was definitely for the betterment of Pennsylvania agriculture. Only one in dividual, who spoke on her own behalf, as well as for her husband, believed the Senate action was a blow to the state’s formers. Eleven formers said they [Continued on P*e 12] and productive U.S. agriculture. Among the fundamental changes that have'occurred in the past four years, Kub fuss cited the following: Under the present system of “floating” exchange rates, tbe UJS. dollar is no longer overvalued and tbe ability of U.S. formers to {Continued on Page 14] terfat and 16,844 pounds of milk. Six plaques were also presented to county dairymen having the best breed production. K. D. and Elsie Linde, Oxford Rl, captured tbe award for having the best producing herd of Guernseys with [Continued on Page 25] the northeastern portion of the United States has been “lacking over the years.” Explaining that two problems had been reoc curing over the years, Ace expressed his hope that they could be controlled. “Coo trolling reproduction problems and herd mastitis {Continued on Pa* 13] $3.00 Per Year
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