ASC committee chairmen elected During elections recently held in Lancaster County, the following men were elected to chairmanship positions for the 1976 ASC Communities: Community (1) - Victor F. Dohner, Elizabethtown Rl; (2) - Donald B. brager, Marietta Rl; (3) - Clyde Wolgemuth, Manheim R 2; (4) - H. Richard Bombergcr, Lititz; (5) - Earl F. Smoker, Stevens; (6) - Larry R. AUCTION FURNITURE, TOOLS, MACHINERY & ANTIQUES SATURDAY, DEC. LAWRENCE WHITE ESTATE, Just off Rt 49 at Harrison Valley Pa. 24 miles from Coudersport, Pa. 75 miles from Elmira IM.Y. Watch for Auction Arrows. H Farmall, new tires, two way plows, excellent condition, 2 bottom plows - Cultivators - mower - 2-2 section drags - 2 hay elevators (1 skeleton) - side rake on iron - hay tedder - manure spreader - grain binder - drive belt -11 hole grain drill - riding lawn mower - fence posts - De Laval milker & pump - milk cooler - wash tank - lots of milk cans - milk stools - ball of barb wire-post mauls-crow bars - grinder - vise - Brush a saw - hammers - squares -'levels - hand saws - sr - lacks - insulators - electric hot water heater - electric drill - 2 horse blankets - tool box full of tools - sap spiles - lots of forks and shovels - milk pail - some. baled hay & straw - Shot gun - 22 rifle - refrigerator - wringer washer - Chest type freezer - dinette set w-€ chairs - odd chairs - recliner - ironing board - Oak table w-3 leaves - canister set - end table - electric fry pan - electric cooker - new pressure cooker - gas hot plate - electric hotplate - 3 pc. bedroom suite - 2 beds w springs and mattress - 2 dressers - desk - magazine rack - library table - wardrobe - rocking chairs - porch furniture - Cardboard fireplace - odd & ends of dishes - Westinghouse toaster - 6 qt. ice cream freezer - Santa picture - fan - planters - 2 Norelco triplehead shavers ■ Antiques: wash tubs - copper boiler w-cover - Ig. blue dish pap - sleigh bells - hall tree - egg crate - cast iron kettles - Victrola, real good - high chair, folds into stroller - Canning jars - 3 straight razors - 3 lanterns - wash board - cow bells - Vinetian red powder - vacuum cleaner, not electric - crocks - jugs - medicine cabinet - waffle iron - egg scales - scythes - egg candler - grain cradle - high back chairs - Many many items too numerous to -mention - These items are in excellent condition, been well housed and cared for. Don’t forget this date, everything must be sold. Terms; Cash or good check Si Pepperman - Auctioneer Weaver, New Holland; (7) - Luke Zimmerman, Ephrata R 2; (8) - Raymond M. Hoover, Gap; (9) - Harlan Keener, Lancaster; (10) - James E. Kettering, Manheim Rl; (ii) - j. Clauton Charles, Lancaster R 2; (12) - Kenneth R. Murphy, Quarryville R 3; (13) - C. Nevin Hershey, Ronks; (14) - Robert C. Burkins, Holtwood and (15) - Loran W. Brinton, Not tingham Rl. 20 Lunch Cattlemen’s Association slates annual convention for January DENVER. Colo. - Leading public figures and com mentators will be among the speakers at the American National Cattlemen's Association’s 79th Annual Convention, set for January 28-30 in Phoeniz, Arizona. Cattlemen and women from throughout the nation will hear talks by former Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr., Congressman John Rhodes and members of public television’s “Washington 37TH YORKSHIRE SWINE SALE OUR WINTER SALE Friday, January 16, 1976, 1:00 P.M. At the farm Production Tested - Certified Meat Tested Offering 50 Bred Gilts • 100 Open Gilts • 25 Boars THE SALE WITH THE TEST RECORDS Our 1974 BIG Winner - Grand Champion J 1 000 00 Keystone international Carcass Barrow 1975 Begins with Big, Big, Big and Bigger winners We had the Grand Champion Carcass, the Ist light wl. Ist med wt, Ist H wt and Ist H wt pair All carcass winners at Eastern National, Md Catalogs available BROOKS END and PAR KAY FARMS Reno H. Thomas, Sale Mgr. Beavertown, PA 17813 Phone 717-658-5821; 6544 or 7007 PUBLIC SALE TWO HERD DISPERSAL 65 HOLSTEiNS, COWS & HEIFERS MILKING EQUIPMENT, CROPS, STOCK BULLS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1975 LOCATION: 1 miles south of Honey Brook, along Route 10; 10 miles north of Parkesburg, Chester County, Penna. FIRST HERD; Consists of 45 Registered and High Grade Cows. One Paclamar Capsule; One Rosafe Centurion (one Jersey) Lavender’s Highfield Ross; balance are High Grade Holsteins in all stages of lactation. Most Cows are first and second calf Heifers, and home raised. Six will freshen in December, 6 in January, 5 in February. Present milk record average 50 pounds a day. 2' Bred Heifers; 5 Yearling Stock Bulls SECOND HERD: Consists of 20 Registered and High Grade Cows, mostly first calf Heifers. One Paclamar Bootmaker (first calf); 9 month old Heifer from SoUenberger Ivanhoe Star. Balance are high grade Holsteins in all stages of lactation. Some will freshen - before sale, 3 in January, 2 in February, others at later dates. Health Charts furnished; Pregnancy checked. IF LOOKING FOR GOOD GRADE REPLACEMENT COWS, DON’T MISS THIS SALE. SALE HELD UNDER ROOF. MILKING EQUIPMENT Top Line Dumping Station with Control Unit; 200- gal. Girton Bulk Tank; DeLaval 76 MULer Pump, 2 hp. Motor, A-l shape; DeLaval 73 Vacuum Pump, % hp. Motor; 2 DeLaval Milkers, one 50 pounds and one 40 pounds; Bray Breeding Chart; Milk Strainer and Buckets; Cow Trainers. Approximately 90 Tons Silage in Silo, easy loading; 12 Tons Straw; 7 Tons First Cutting Mixed Hay; 4 Tons Second Cutting Mixed Hay; 3 Tons Hay. SALE ORDER: COWS, MILKING EQUIPMENT,CROPS. SALE BY SYLVESTER & DANIEL PIERCE 215-383-4293 AUCTIONEERS: Nevin Z. Martin 717-354-7186 Lewis B. Groff 717-354-7826 REFRESHMENTS SERVED NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Week in Review’’ news team. The discussions of public and governmental affairs of Importance to the cattle industry are Just part of an over-all program which also will include a trade show and educational sessions dealing with economic and other subjects of importance to owners and managers of all types of cattle operations. The Convention’s general sessions will be held Wed- 12:00 NOON CROPS Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Dec. 13,1975 — ncsday-Friday, January 28- answer cattlemen’s 30, at the new Phoenix questions. It is estimated Convention Center, and the that at least 1 million oer- Trade Show will be open sons regularly watch the from January 27 through “Washington Week in January 30. Committee Review” show on Friday meetings and other special evenings on public television events will be held January stations. 28-27. A featured inspirational Gordon Van Vleck, ANCA President, pointed out that a record crowd is expected at the Convention, whose theme will be "A Past to Honor ... A Future to Build.” "The over-all program,” he said, “is appropriate for the nation’s Bicentennial Year. We will honor the industry’s past ac complishments, and we also will look closely at the present and future of the cattle industry, which is by far the largest segment of American agriculture." One of the Convention highlights, Van Vleck noted, will be the January 30 talk by Senator Ervin, who attained most prominenece during the Watergate hearings. Ervin is not only a top authority on constitutional law and opponent of ex cessive executive authority, but he also is a strong proponent of private en terprise. His opposition to burdensome bureaucracy includes opposition to the Consumer Advocacy Agency legislation. Congressman Rhodes, from Arizona, is Republican Leader in the U.S. House of Representatives. He currently is in his 12th consecutive term, longer than anyone in Arizona history lias served in the Congress. Also speaking will be Governor Paul Castro of Arizona. Further insight into what has been happening and what is likely to happen in the Federal government and politics will be provided January 29 through a live on the-spot presentation to cattlemen by panelistfrom the award-winning “Washington Week in Revier” program. Moderator Paul Duke and regular panelists and professional journalists Peter Lisagor, Charles Corddry and Neil McNeil will conduct a discussion and CONSIGNMENT SALE SATURDAY, DEC. 20, 1975 9;30 A.M. Location: Vi mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster Co., PA. Tractors; Farm Machinery; Horse Drawn Implements; New Tools, Lumber, etc., etc. We have buyers for hay and straw. N.H. No. 352 Grinder - Mixer, like new; Int. No. 56 4-row corn planter used 3 years; 400 sheets of paneling assorted colors; new doors, new windows, lots of lumber, trusses 22 and 24 ft. long. Also 2 loads of Citrus Fruit Direct from Florida, Fish, Oysters and Shrimp. We Sell On Commission POSITIVELY NO DAVID H. GOOD HOUSEHOLD GOODS "* 717-656-9024 F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth, C. Diller, J. Fry Aucts. NEXT SALE WEDNESDAY, JAN. 7. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS speaker at the traditional prayer breakfast on January 28 will be Air Force Brigadier General Robinson Risner, a Vietnam prisoner of war for 7 years and 4 months. Risner was the first returning prisoner to step off the plane in the U.S. in February, 1973, and he spoke for all of his fellow POW’s. In addition to all of the speaking and educational sessions, the Convention will include luncheons, a concert and show and the annual ANCA dinner-dance. For more information on the Convention, including registration information, contact Tom Pellet, ANCA Director of Special Services, P.O. Box 569, Denver, Colorado 80201 (303-861- 1904). CARRY A GRUDGE Mules A mule is a cross-breed between a male donkey and a female horse. It can sur vive on poor food, and works equally well in cold or hot climates Mules were probably first bred m western Asia When tired, the mule simply stops working More than 1,000 Union soldiers qualified for disability pay after the Civil War because they had been kicked by mules. 73
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers