—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dae. 13. 1975 72 Lung Assoc, uses symbol for crusade The red double-barred cross will again join Christmas trees, stockings, holly wreaths, candles and nativity scenes as time honored symbols of the holiday season. It is the official emblem of the fight for healthy lungs in the United States. Adopted in this country in 1906, it was first associated with the movement to control tuberculosis, which was then America's number one killer. Today, as the insignia of the American Lung Association, the double-barred cross is a unifying mark for its more than 200 affiliated associations across the country, including Lancaster County Lung Association, as they conduct the annual Christmas Seal campaign to raise funds for the prevention and control of lung disease. The red double-barred cross is an essential iden tification sign on the Christmas Seals which decorate millions of letters, *Cowgirls , over the years and owns 500 acres out of the total 1,400 acres he farms. All of his land (owned or rented) is within 44 miles of the home place. The middle-aged dairyman continued to look for bigger and better things to come “I’ve always believed in looking ahead,” he stated confidently. His present goal is to milk 400 cows, “but I don’t think I’ll stop at that,” he added quickly. Although his cows are not on test, he estimates production figures would average out to about 450 pounds of butterfat per cow. “We’re not out for the 100-pound cow,” he continued, “and we turn over about a quarter of our herd each year we have a lot of first-calf heifers.” Miller’s biggest problem with the dairy operation are retained placentas. He reported no significant problems with milk fever or conception rates. Breeding has been taken care of by a bull for the past few years, although Jeff is trained in doing AI work. Depending heavily on the five Harvestores at the main farm. Miller’s feeding program includes high moisture com, haylage, corn silage, wheatlage, a 40 per cent non urea protein supplement, minerals, and salt. Two con crete stave silos round out the feed storage facilities at the mam farm. Claiming he saves $3,000 per year on milking costs with his present feeding system. Miller describes his program as being handy and practical for cutting comers. Cows are presently housed in a 274-stall freestall bam and a 120 addition is already on the way. When completed, Miller will have facilities for dividing his herd according to production, age, show string, hospitalization, mater nity, and other criteria. Strongly emphasizing the importance of the family farm, and using his own situation as an example of how it can work even on a big scale, Miller brushes any ideas of incorporating aside in short order. As far as he is con cerned the future of the dairy business is healthy, and keeping it all within one big family is one way of assuring profits and satisfaction for the years ahead. PUBLIC AUCTION At Holly Beach Farm, Vz mile west side of Bay Bridge Rt. 301 & 50 & RD2 (signs at Sunoco Station), Annapolis, Md. (Westtnghouse Rd.) SATURDAY, DEC. 20, 1975 Al N £ n °° Farm Equipment: Massey Ferguson 1105 Diesel Tractor (187 hrs.), Massey Ferguson 300 Combine - 3 row corn head No 33 Quick hitch -13’ header w-robot attch. -a-ccab (new-70hrs.), Casell7o Diesel Tractor a-c cab (T 593 hrs. - 451 turbo engine). Case 6 bottom plows, Case 15’ disc w-wmgs, Case 4-bottom plows, Int. 400 Cyclo 6-row planter, Int mounted rotary cutter, JD No 1600 chisel plow, Maasland - Holland pto mounted seeder, JD cultimulcher, Wood Cadet 84 rotary cutter, M F 620 disc, Brillion crowfoot cultipacker on trailer wheels, Agrotec sprayer trailer, M F. Baler, Int. 4 row rear cult., JD 6 row rear cult. Oliver front end loader on track No. 3WI, Oliver - Ware back hoe attch 1962 Jeep 4-wheel drive dump truck, etc , etc. Special Note: 1954 Packard Clipper 4-door sedan. DR. W. T. SPENCE Holly Beach Farm, Annapolis, Md. HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC. Sales Managers & Auctioneers greeting cards and gift packages at holiday time. Although the Seal designs change each year, the lung association symbol remains constant. Velma Hart, Executive Director of the Lancaster County Lung Association, said "The double-barred cross is now the emblem of a modern-day crusade against emphysema, chronic bronchitis and asthma as well as the still present but vastly reduced threat of TB. In addition, it symbolizes the lung associations efforts to reduce the dangers to the lungs from cigarette smoking and air pollution. The National Tuberculosis Association, as the American Lung Association once was known, adopted the double-barred cross as its official emblem at its second annual meeting on May 17, 1906, the year before the first Christmas Seal was used in the United States. However, the cross began to appear in a variety of styles and shapes, and no effort was made to standardize it until about six years later when a special committee was ap pointed for that purpose. The committee recommended to an annual meeting of the association in 1913 stan dardization of the cross in the form in which it is seen today. The current cross is characterized by equal cross-arms with pointed ends, placed at the upper half of the staff, which also has pointed ends. The reason given by the committee for favoring this form was that it was "furthest removed" from any religious significance and from the well-known emblem of the American National Red Cross. On November 23,1920, the double-barred cross was registered as a trademark DAIRY CONSIGNMENT SALE Our monthly consignment sale will be held at VALLEY STOCKYARDS. INC., located just off Route 220, Athens, Penna., on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 17th AT 2:00 P.M. We will have a good run of Fresh and Close Springers. Also First Calf Heifers. All Cattle Must Be Blood and T.B. Tested We welcome all consignments. We have buyers for yearling heifers. If you wish to sell your dairy, please contact us. Cattle accepted Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK DAY OF SALE VALLEY STOCKYARDS INC. ATHENS. PA Phone BS3-1031 Restaurant Will Be Open. Ralph W Horst FredM.Naugle GosserU Eberly. HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL The undersigned quitting farming will sell on their farm 15 mi. Southwest of Carlisle or 8 miles Northeast of Shippensburg, PA., Vz mile South of Stoughstown off Rte. 11 along Stoughstown to Walnut Bottom Road, watch for signs in Stoughstown on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17,1975 Sale at 11:30 A.M. 60 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN CATTLE Certified; Accredited; 3 are registered, bal. are artificial sired grades from A.B.C. sires. Herd consists of 44 milk cows, some fresh this fall, others due soon, bal. various stages of lactation, 16 heifers from yearlings up, some bred with 4 due in January. This is a good producing herd with a lot of cows with size and good udders. Many are young. 2 red and white Holsteins. Sires include - Bonus, Fair Hill Ivan Marc, Burk Gov Sensation, London, Idol, Milk and Honey Ivanhoe, Performer, Doncroft Majesty, Optimist, Sampson and others. Bred animals carry A.B.C. service. Plan to see these sell. DAIRY EQUIPMENT - CHICKENS 100 Leghorn yearling laying hens, a few pullets, milk cans, some new; strainers, buckets, milker unit, hip clcinipy etc. Terms; Cash; Lunch at Sale; Sale in Tent. MR. & MRS. CLARENCE HOLTRY, SR. * 9 RD2, Shippensburg, PA Please Note Farm Equipment Sale Tues., December 30, 1975. with the U.S. Patent Office to prevent unauthorized ex ploitation. Sometimes referred to as the “Cross of Lorraine," the double-barred cross of the Christmas Seals actually resembles more closely the Patriarchal Cross, also known as the Jerusalem Cross. The Patriarchal Cross has flat ends, and unequal double cross bars at the top of the staff, or standard. It was carried by the patriarchs of Jeruslaem and Constantinople. The crusades of the 11th through 14th centuries familiarized Europe with the double barred cross as seen on Greek churches of Asia Minor and Turkey. Godfrey de Bouillon, Duke of Lorraine, leader of the first crusade, adopted the double-barred cross as his Auctioneer .Announcements Clerks standard when he became ruler of Jerusalem in 1099. It became the emblem of the House of Lorraine in France, differing from the Patriarchal Cross in having the lower cross bar near the base. Dr. Gilbert Sersiron of Paris suggested that the double-barred cross be adopted as the emblem of the international anti- SPECIAL NOTICE GILBERT’S STORE RDI Wrightsville, PA at Long Level Vi PRICE ON ENTIRE STORE STOCK Special hours for this special sale. OPEN 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. Daily, Sat. 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Last day of this sale is Friday, Dec. 19. Drive a few miles and save 50 percent on everything. ALL SALES CASH A FINAL (-5) * HOLSTEIN SALE MELVIN KOLB, INC. THURSDAY, DEC. 18,1975 12:00 Noon At my Maryland Barn located Vz mile N.W. of Woodsboro on Rt 550 in Frederick Co. FREE LUNCH: All you can eat FREE TURKEYS: Everyone that buys a cow receives a free turkey. 150 HEAD OF HOLSTEINS HAND PICKED BY US PERSONALLY 150 Consisting of 75 of the finest Pure Breds you have ever seen put together in one bam. 75 Grade cows the best group we ever put together. A lot of above cows have records and have calved. Several cows milking from 80 to 100 lbs. per day. A few highlights of this Sale: A 18,000 lb. Lassie Leader; 2 Bootmakers, 1 with 15,000 as a 2 yr. old • testing VERY GOOD; 2 Seiling Rockman; Pineyhill Majority; Admiral Imperial Chief; Buddy Burke; 1 Rocky Ivanhoe Dina Charm bred to Merry King; 2 Paclamar Astronauts; Glenafton Rag Apple Hagen; Kilinsdale Ivanhoe Jack; Tidy Burke Jerry; Paclamar Triune Complete; - Comerset Centurion Medalist; Citation R Maple; Paclarmar Capsule; Wis Achievement. Many more from the best Sires in the Studs. We flew and drove thousands of miles to put this group of cows together. They are the best group we ever had for a Sale. If you need top cows come to the Sale. Several Pure Bred Heifer Calves will be sold. EVERYONE Come early - get all you can eat and buy a cow and receive a FREE turkey. Sincerely MEL KOLB Lancaster County Residents: If you need tran sportation to go to the Sale please call 393-7459 or 393- 6891 before Sale day and someone will pick you up. James Trout Robert Muilendore s Marvin A. Eshleman Pedigrees Mehrle Wachter Clerk Home Farm: Maryland Farm: 621 Willow Road RDI Lancaster, PA 17601 Woodsboro, MD 21798 717-393-7459 301-898-7663 tuberculosis movement, and the International Tuber culosis Conference in Berlin agreed enthusiastically on October 23, 1902. “The red double-barred cross, in its earlier forms a symbol of peace and brotherly undenrtandlng, is now a symbol of hope for those with lung disease and a call for help to protect the lungs of all people," Miss Hart said. “You can answer the call by answering your Christmas Seal letter - the one with the double-barred cross." 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