What's New.. ./ i J The Agricultural Division of Ciba-Gelgy Corporation announces that with the raw material shortage cased, Maloran 50WP is being reintroduced to effectively control most annual broadleaf weeds and grasses commonly a problem in Irish potatoes. Maloran is Ciba-Geigy's chlorbromuron selective preemergence herbicide that should be applied either broadcast or in a band. Applications should be made after planting or after drag off, but preemergence to the crop. If there is a tendency for the soils to slough off after hilling, Maloran should not be ap plied until excessive soil movement has stopped. Do not plant crops other than Irish potatoes, corn or ♦ 2 SHENANGO STEEL BUILDINGS^ ♦ I IN STOCK TO BE SOLD AT 5 YEAR OLD PRICES! ♦ 24 x32x 10 (Two 16’ Bays) jggg With Posts, Girts and X-Bracing 30 x 32 x 10 (Two 16’ Bays) With Posts, Girts, X-Braces, Insulation, Sheathing & Trim 24 x 21'6" BUTLER SHELTER *440 KERMIT K. KISTLER Lynnport, PA Phone 215-298-3270 soybeans for six months after applying. And thoroughly till the soil prior to planting cereal crops In the fall following a spring application of Maloran. Maloran is also registered for weed control In wheat and can be used alone or In combination with Lasso on soybeans. For additional in formation, contact Ms. Betsy Wood, Agricultural Division, P.O. Box 11422, Greensboro, N.C. 27409. New Sire AtABS RENZ, one of the world’s very popular Simmental sires is now at American Breeders Service and is housed at the Wellington, Colorado facility. He is owned by Jake Nlessen, ALSO; Prices FOB Lynnport Pierson, Manitoba, Canada. RENZ is one of the very highly regarded sires in the United Stated and Canada. The 1975 American Sim mental Association National Sire Summary shows that his progeny excel in growth. In addition, they are very correct and stylish. ABS, a div ; 'ion of W. R. Grace & Co., is the world leader in superior genetics. The acquisition of RENZ is in line with the ABS program of supplying the world’s cattlemen with the best beef genetics that can be developed or located. 295M0161 RENZ semen is available from ABS Representatives and Distributors throughout North America and in many foreign countries. 12 - inch - diameter* Plasticast pipe in 4-foot sections that weigh just 14 pounds withstood shield deflection of 12 inches or more without joint separation in a carrier dramline installation. According to Centaur Manufacturing Inc. of Milpitas, Ca., their new, lightweight subsurface plastic pipe also completely eliminates the need for heavy hoisting and handling equipment. Comparable weights of concrete, clay and steel pipe are 588 pounds, 490 pounds and 400 pounds respectively. Because of an improved design combined with Cycolac grade JS ABS engineering thermoplastic supplied by Borg-Warner Chemicals, Plasticast offers *l9OO Plasticast Pipe Proves Rugged many other benefits to the contractor and property owner* The pipe is foam-cast permitting thin-wall design while retaining high structural strength. Con sequently, narrower tren ches and less gravel are needed for installation. Accurate centering and a controlled ft inch opening are provided by four shoulder lugs placed at 90 degree centers within the bell to facilitate water entry at the joint. The lugs provide a snap fit with a minimum of 60 pounds retention when the spigot is inserted into the bell. The spigot may be in serted into the bell nearly three inches, ac commodating a ten degree bend at the joint without separations. These features solve many of the problems which occur when heavyweight large diameter pipe is installed in sub surface drainlines. The Plasticast process also lends itself to the manufacturer of larger diameter pipe up to 72 indies. The first Plasticast agricultural drainage system was installed in severe soil conditions in California by McElvany Tile, Inc. m July, 1975. Contractor Ike McElvany said cave-ins pushed the shield 12 inches or more out of line at one joint. According to William R. Chew, president of Centaur, Plasticast is also manufactured as close joint drainage or low head Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec. 13,1975 irrigation systems. The primary material for manufacturing the closed joint pipe will be Cycolas ABS, supplied by Borg- Warncr, because ABS materials lend themselves to solvent welding. The closed joint pipe is a straight wall configuration with bell and spigot designed to meet standard R-4, Bureau of Reclamation “0” ring joint specification. An additional feature is a one-inch wide solvent welding ring situated on the spigot. Clearance between the bell and spigot at the welding ring is .005.” The solvent welded joint is watertight and as strong as the balance of the pipe. When the joint is solvent welded, the need for an “0” ring is eliminated. For more information on Plasticast, write to Centaur Manufacturing, Inc., 743 Landess Ave., Milpitas, Ca. 95035. HARVEST FINISHED? IT’S TIME TO SHOP FOR NEXT YEAR! CHECK US FOR GOOD USED EQUIPMENT and PLACE ORDERS NOW FOR NEW EQUIPMENT FOR SPRING. GOOD BUYS ON BALE WIRE AND LARGE TRACTOR TIRES. AGWAY, ALLENTOWN EQUIPMENT CENTER fAGWAYI Chapman ’ PA 215-398-2553 fii* sl\ * w instant Replay INC. @ 71
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