—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Oac 13,1975 74 __._ _ _ Public Sales Register SAT. DEC. 13 - 11 A.M. «th Dairy Cow Salt to bis bald at the Shady Lane Dairy Cow Stable, located V« mile West of Quarryville off Oak Bottom Road. Glenn Firt, owner, Quarryville, Pa. Kersey Bradley and J. Everett Kreioer, Auc tioneers. SAT. DEC. 13-11:00 a.m. Public Auction of large Trucks and Trailers. Located at 31 Brown St.. Johnson City New York (near Binghamton), Take Rt. 81 or 17 west, get off Stella Ireland Exit No. 71; Downs Ave. to Glenwood, then to Brown Sr. • Watch for Arrows. Yashina Fuel & Supply Inc., Owner. Ed. Goodrich Jr., owner. SAT. DEC. 13 - 10 A.M. Auction-Furniture and Antiques a the Gunnar Peterson Farm, Smethport, Pa. off Rt. 40 and 146, bet ween Smethport and Em porium. Watch for Auction Arrows. Sale by Gunnar Peterson, owner: Si Pep perman. Auction. Sat. Dec. 13 - 10:30 ajn. Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Hay, Etc. located Vh. miles Southeast of Landenberg, Pa. on London Track Road, Chester County, Pa. Signs posted on Rt. 41 at Newark Road and 896 at Good Hope Road, just South of Kemnlesville, Pa. Sale by Forrest G. Thomp son, owner; Harold S. Hill and Son, Auctioneers. Garden Spot ag. dept. slates welding course An evening arc welding receive a certificate diploma school for fanners and other if they attend all five sessions, interested person will begin A fee of $7.00 will be charged Thursday, January 15, at 7:00 for the course and all at the Garden Spot High materials needed will be School Vocational Agriculture provided free of charge. Department. The School will The course is based on in be conducted one night a week structicn developed by the for five consecutive Thursday Lincoln Electric Company nights. It is designed for who makes arc welding beginners and others in- equipment and has been terested in improving their conducting welding schools welding skills. since 1917. The Farmersville Robert Woods, vocational Equipment Company will agriculture teacher at the high sponsor the course, school will teach welding in The welding school will be the various positions, on limited to twenty persons, different kinds of metal, Anyone interested in the welding cast iron, hard sur- course should contact Robert facing, cutting, and brazing Woods by calling 354-9911 with an arc welder. between6:ooandB:oopjn.,by Everyone who attends will January 2. SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT SALE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17,1975 PAUL t MARTIN'S 2 Miles East of Intercourse, Pa. Along Route 340 Equipment * Christmas Goods - Toys 2 Load of Southern Fruit, Etc. Sale at 12; 00 Noon and 6:30 P.M. PAUL Z. MARTIN Blue Ball, Penna. 17506 Residence - 717-354-6671 Business-717-768-8108 Martin Auctioneers HAY. STRAW & CORN SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY at 12 Noon. SAT. DEC. IS - 9:30 a.m. Sharp, Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods, Guns. Carpenter & Shop Tools, Building Supplies, Tractor 8c Misc. Items. Located approx. 1 mile south of Fawn Grove, Pa. along Scott Road in Harford Co., Md. Sale by Mr. 8c Mrs. Charles Woods. Robert L. 8c Thomas Sechrist, Auc tioneers. WED. DEC. 17 • Special Consignment Sale of Equipment, Christmas Goods, Toys, 2 load of Southern Fruit, etc. af ternoon and Evening Sale at the Paul Z. Martin Sale Barn, located 2 miles East of Intercourse, Pa., along Route 340. Sale by Paul Z. Martin, Blue Ball, Pa. Martin Auctioneers. WED. DEC. 17 - 12 Noon. Special Draft Horse & Mule Sale. Several Stan dardbreds. Located at Paul Z. Martin Sales and Stables, Blue Ball, Pa. Martin Auctioneers. WED. DEC. 17 - 2p.m. Dairy Consignment Sale at the Valley Stockyards, Inc. located just off Route 220, Athens, Penna. WED. DEC. 17 - 11:30 a.m. Holstein Dispersal. Located 1$ mi. Southwest of Carlisle or 8 miles Northeast of Shippensburg, Pa., Vi mile South of Stoughstown off Rte. 11 along Stoughstown to Walnut Bottom road, watch for signs in Stoughstown. Sale by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holtry, Sr. Ralph W. Horst, Auctioneer. THURS. DEC. 18 • 5:30 P.M. Public Auction at the Hat 8c Gavel Auction Co. located one mile North of Litits along Rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. THURS. DEC. 18 - 12 Noon Special Holstein Sale at Maryland Barn located Vic mile N.W. of Wood*boro on Rt. 550 in Frederick Co. FREE lunch. Sale by Melvin Kolb; James Trout and Robert Mullendore, Auc tioneers. FRI. DEC. 19 - 8 p.m. Nile Cow Sale at the Black and White Holatein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or V* mile West of breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Diffenoach, Auctioneer; Henry ' Ket tering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager. FRI. DEC. 19 - 12:00 Noon Public Sale of Dairy Dispersal of 85 head Holstein cows, bred Heifers and stock bulls located 1 mile south of Honey Brook along Rte. 10, Chester County, Pa. Sale by Slyvester tod Daniel Pierce; Nevin Z. Martin and Lewis B. Groff, Auctioneers. SAT. DEC. 20 - 12:00 Noon - Public Auction of Farm Equipment. At Holly Beach Farm, % mi. west side of SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 197 S VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, FARM MACNINERT, FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES 6 Miles north of Hershey, 2 miles from Penn National Race Track, 12 miles east of Harrisburg on old Rt 22, at die east end of ShellsviUe, East Hanover Township, Dauphin Co. Consists of 8 room Ig. frame house, 2 complete baths, could be used as two units, oil hot water system, summer-winter hook-up, Ig. front porch, summer house - enclosed porch, also nice butcher shop at tached, with good well with running water thruout, 220 line all through, Ig. bank bam with machinery bam attached, ]g. com bam 38 x 40,2 story building - bottom used for machinery and storage, these buildings are all in A-l condition, 34 acres of ground more or less has frontage on both sides of highway, all carpets go with property, running water thru the meadow., FARM MACHINERY John Deere A with Cultivator in good cond., Farmall BN with cultivator, John Deere PI tractor with cultivator, Oliver 13 disc drill, Oliver 50 baler, Massey Harris 7 ft. mower. Grandy fertilizer spreader -12 ft. - on rubber, Cunningham hay crimper, John Deere combine 45 - ten foot cut - good cond., Papec fodder shredder with traveling table, 2 rubber tire wagons - one 17 zl6 bed and one 6 x 14,4 wheel wagon, New Idea manure spreader - model 12A, disc and drag cultipacker. 3 section harrow. 2 notato olows . iron plow, 2 grain augers -16 ft. with two 5 foot sections, com binder, New Idea side rake, brass bucket, 2 new chicken coops, canvass, new hinges, concrete mixer with motor, bee hive boxes, grain cradle, spraying outfit, Oliver plow master 100 2-bottom, 2 row com planter, 2 hole com sheller, 2 Oliver horse plow single trees, old bobsled and box, saw frame and belt, water trough, 1953 % ton Chevy truck, calf rack, land roller, milking unit motor and pumps for 10 cows, 10 cow straps and chains, grass seeder, firewood, posts, 6 Ig. log chains up to 16 ft. long, bag wagon, scrap iron, 5 iron nog troughs, fence wire, electric cattle dipper, digging irons, shovels, picks, wheelbarrow,' cement block, hog feeder, scalding trough, 150 ft. garden hose, blocks and falls, step ladder, 40 ft. ladder, garden sprayer, axes, saw motor & table, pipe wrenches, old hinges, sledge hammers, tool box, crosscut saws, grindstone, Husky air compressor, gas tank, 5 gal. cans, 4 can milk cooler, Skil saw, 2 coal buckets, electric drills, ten pieces of old blacksmith tongues, old lumber, metal fish box for pickup truck, electric brooder, grease gun, scales, grain bags, 30 ton of mixed hay more or less, 25 ton of com more or less, 6 ton of straw, 275 bu. of oats more or less, 250 bu. of barley more or less, sabre saw, old chest, breakfast set, chisels, log turners, lantern, ISO ft. trailer cord, many more carpenter tools. Bay Bridge Rt. 301 fc 50 R 2 (sign* at Sunoco Station), Annapolis. Mo. (Westingnouae Ro.) Dr. W. T. Spence, owner. Harry Endnlck & Sons, Inc., Sales Managers & Auctioneers. SAT. DEC. 20 - 0:30 a.m. Consignment Sale of Tractors, Farm Machinery, Horse Drawn Implements, 2 loads of Citrus Fruit. Fish, Oysters and Shrimp located Vi mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Pa. Sale by David H. Good; F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth, C. Diller, and J. Fry, Auctioneers. SAT. DEC. 20 - 9 a.m. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Farm Machinery, Furniture and Antiques, Complete Clean Out Sale to be held 6 miles north of Hersbey, 2 miles from Penn National Race Track, 12 miles east of Harrisburg on old Rt. 22. at the east end of Shellsvilie, East Hanover Township, Dauphin Co. Sale by Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Laudermilch, owners; Gerberich and Long, Auc tioneers. SAT. DEC. 20 - 10 a.m. Auction Furniture, Tools, Machinery, Antiques. Located on Lawrence White Estate, just off Rt. 49 at Harrison Valley, Pa. 24 miles from Coudersport, Pa. 75 miles from Elmira, N.Y. Watch for Auction Arrows. Auctioneer: Si Peppennan. PUBLIC SAU COMPLETE CLEAN OUT SALE REAL ESTATE SALE TO START 9:00 AM. SHARP SAT. DEC. 20 - 10 A.M. Public Sato of Rail EaUta, Houaahold Goods, h An* WS ott *£.* TUBS. DEC. 23 * Ip.m. sa.'urivrs sffi“.fTSf ■asls istasfssgsi aar^ssa HUNTER’S SALE BARN, MC. total Son, Haiti 278. Marytarta (Formerly Wool Nottingham Salts) Phone: 301-658-6400 Livestock, Produce, Household Auction, Flea and Farmers Market Every Monday Night. FARMERSVILLE AUCTION TUES., DEC. 16, 1975 6:00 P.M. In Farmersviile 3 mi. east of Brownstown, Lane. Co., PA. New Living room suite w-matching love seat; new sofa bed & platform rocker; Med. and blonde bedroom suites; wood & metal war drobes; books: bar w-stools; blonde bed; Mr. & Mrs. Chairs; dressers: Childs table & chairs; breakfast set; box springs & mattresses; refrigerators; bicycles; rugs; lots of small items & dishes: commercial washer, dryer, & refrigerators from Pleasant View Rest Home. We sell on commission JOHN J. Run, Phone 717-354-5095 owner Consignments being accepted for New Year's Day Antique Sale. FURNITURE, ANTIQUES AND COINS Dry sink, round front china doset, extension table with 5 boards, 2 bureaus, wood box, chifferobe, nice book case with leaded glass at one end, nice old bed - could be brass, old books, 100 pcs. nice old dinner set, nice jelly cupboard, flat irons, nice Victrola with a lot of records, 1 gas stove, Ig. electric refrigerator, old magazines, 8 day shelf dock with horse, old radios, electric fryer, floor lights, metal cabinet with drawers, old bench, comb case, soap stone griddle, 2 electric stoves, dryer, oil heater, jugs, crocks, copper wash boiler, picture frames, Ig. picture frame with 30 but terflies mounted, roast pans, 2 pressure cookers, 30 cup electric coffee maker, jars, old bottles, banks, screens, coal oil light, Ig. window fan, M odd chairs, copper tea kettle, depression glass, other dishes, 30 peanut butter tumblers, small stand, drawing tools in box, baskets, many more items, double barrel Johnson shotgun, 32 rifle, lot of dishes. 180 silver half dollars - all diff. dates, 200 silver quarters - all diff. dates, 320 silver dimes - all diff. dates, 30 Indian head pennies, 12 - 1909 pennies, 2 Ig. copper pennies -11807, coins will be sold first. Can only be seen day of sale. 9 a.m. sharp. 4 Old Watches. ORDER OF SALE Coins first followed by dishes, furniture, tools at the barn. Real Estate at 2:00 p.m. Conditions by the Attorney Wm. Saye Mr. & Mrs. Ammon Laudermilch - Owners Gerberich & Long - Auctioneers McNiel & Jones - Clerks Inspection of property Sat., Dec. 6 and 13 from 2 to 5. Refreshments by Grantville Faith United Church of Christ. Cash or Certified Checks or Travelers Checks only. Not Responsible for accidents For any information, Call J. S. Gerberich - 838-1825 or Ammon Laudermilch, Owner - 469-2718 Mine Rd. Salt by Rtubte M. Oroff. Auctionttra: Uoyd Krtldtr k Randall KUot. COINS
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