—UncMtcr Farming. Saturday, Dec 13. 1975 26 READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS BALLY LONGACRE ELECTRIC 845 2261 CAMP HILL LLOYD SULTZBAUGH 737 4554 ELLIOTTSBUR6 HAMBURG H DANIEL WENGER 488 6574 HONEY BROOK ZOOK’S FARM STORE 273-9730 WRKWOOD LANDIS & ESBENSHADE 786-4158 LEBANON MARVIN HORST 272-0871 See your PATZ Dealer today CARL BAER 582 2648 a 1 --Manufacturing Company. High FFA awards presented £ agricultural youth and holda the Honorary State and American Farmer Degrees. ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Phillip Alampl, Dana Bcnnott, and O. W. Randolph have been named the 1975 "FTA Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award” winners. The presentation came as part of the National FFA Alumni Association meeting held in conjunction with the National FFA Convention in Kansas City. Missouri. This prestigious award recognizes FFA Alumni members for outstanding leadership and ac complishments in service to agriculture. The “FFA Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award” is the highest award presented by the National FFA Alumni Association and can be presented on the national level to not more than three persons annually. Phillip Alampi is currently Some birth defects can be detected before a baby is bom, according to the March of Dimes. Using techniques such as ultrasound, elec tronic monitoring, and amniocentesis, doctors can check the baby’s develop ment while it is still in the uterus. TRY A CLASSIFIED McfILLISTERVILLE CLAIR SANER& SON 463-2234 MILLERSBURG LEO LANDIS 692-4647 MILTON LANDIS FARMSTEAD AUTOMATION 437 2375 MEWVILLE B McGILLURA' 776 7312 PIPERSVILLE 776-8675 STREET MD 452-8521 THOMASVILLE KENNETH L SPAHR 225-1064 serving as New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture. He has distinguished himself by his agricultural leadership having served as president of 34 organizations. Mr. Alampl became nationally known with his radio and television programs on WABC and WNBC. Phillip was an American Farmer in the FFA and has received the Honorary American Farmer Degree. Among this many achievements, he is past president of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, the American Horticultural Society, and the National Association of Television and Radio Farm Directors. C. Dana Bennett is founder and president of the Farm Film Foundation, and has been editor of Washington Farm Reporter, public relations director for the National Grange, and a member of the War Production Board. Dana holds the Honorary reasons why a Big John Snowmobile is your best winter weather buy 1 . Dramatic new styling from the skis up. John Deere introduces a bold new breed of Big John Snowmobiles for 1976 Liquifire, a liquid cooled powerhouse, takes the heat off high-performance trailblazing And Cyclone, a fan-cooled machine, stirs up a storm with race inspired styling. Both offer features to fire up any snowmobile enthusiast. Front-mounted 440 or 340 cc reed-valve engine, set low over the skis for superb handling Wide 32-inch ski stance and a longer “ wheelbase ” for positive tracking on hills and switchbacks CD ignition and surface-gap plugs for sure-fire starts Disk brakes for sure-footed stops 2. Parts and Service. Computerized parts location system backed by a crew of experienced mechanics. We service everything we sell 3. Exclusive Trail Hazard Track Replacement Policy. When you buy a John Deere Snowmobile, the track is covered by a limited warranty and by a policy that covers areas the limited warranty doesn’t —s See us now for complete details \Mtm DfBM J LANDIS BROS. INC. Lancaster 393-3906 ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC. Mohnton, RD2, Pa 19540 [near Adamstown] Phone 12151484-4391 American Farmer Degree. He has held numerous positions including a Director of the National Farm-City Council, President of the Highway Safety Conference, Governor of the Agriculture Hall of Fame, and Chairman of the Advisory Committee for the Agricultural Division of the American Vocational Association. 0. W. Randolph is Manager of Public Relations for the Moorman's paiMr A Quality Paint For Every Purpose • Engine Sales 4 Service • Lawn Mower Sharpening- HydrauSc Units JOHN Z. LAPP Centerville Road RDI, Gordonville. Pa 17529 COLLINS MOTORS RDI A. B. C. GROFF, INC. New Holland GOODMAN’S AUTO SERVICE Mysr* A32TMG ORCHARDS - ROW CROPS ... with Lightweight,- Rust Fret Molded Tank • Compact, 3 point Hitch PTO Air Sprayer • Multi-purpose chemical appKcator (or Porks, Golf Courses. General Farming and Orchards • Multi-uso Design Cuts Cost in Half • Big Piston Pump offers Full Range from 20 to 500 P.S I. and 12 G.P.M. LESTER A. SINGER “Lancaster Co.’s Only Dealer Speciaizmg in Sales and Service” RONKS, PA. 687- 6712 Elizabethtown Phone 367-1856 354-4191 Honey Brook, PA
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