Introducing ■©\ / 0 Red Rose MANNA MATE CAU STARTIR tat w &AdmA* A som ★ A Great NEW Formula Containing 25% Calf Manna ★ A new feed to get calves off to a better than ever start it A real boost to early weaning SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER LET YOUR NEAREST DEALER START YOU ON THEIR PROGRAI I. T. GEIB ESI. Manheim, RD2 HEISEY FARM SERVICE, INC. Mount Joy HEISTAND BROTHERS Elizabethtown Red Rose DAIRY FEEDS COMMERCIAL and AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS WE OFFER COMPLETE ERECTION ON ANY SIZE OR STYLE BUILDING. For Further Information On Our STEEL BUILDINGS And GRAIN STORAGE ....Feel Free To Mail Attached Coupon NEW FROM Red Rose DAIRY FEEDS Rad Rose MANNA MATE tom w A km* BUY 10 BAGS AND GET ONE BAG FREE! Offer Expires Dec. 31,1975 DAVID B. HURST LEROY M. SENSENIG Bowmansville Mohlers Church Road Ephrata, PA MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE Columbia, RD2 RED ROSE FEED I FARM SUPPLY Quarryvtlle & Buck VERNON E. MYER STEEL BUILDINGS AND GRAIN STORAGE R. D #4 LEBANON, PA 17042 PHONE (717)867-4139 © CAU SIAMM WALKER COMPANY EARL R. WEAVER Honey Brook, RD2 Richard B. Stem, District Manager Mountville, PA (717) 285-5650 JOHN W. ESHELMAN & SONS Red Rose Feed, York, PA A Division of Carnation Co. ■Hl ■■■ IHBMMI■■■ ■■■ ■■■ Ml ■miHiHIMMiMHiWMfIiMHMi lAWIE. DDRESS :ITY ELEPHONE iMMMMIHIMIMHiMiaiHMaiHBmiHaiMMi 0 Red Rose MANNA MATE cAu suunm Ml « A IM H. M. STAUFFER & SONS Witmer Gap W(«i£ Coupon Today! □ SEND STEEL BUILDINGS LITERATURE □ SEND GRAIN STORAGE LITERATURE STATE ZIP. classified Ai» • m ■ r» »<•'» *» • *•j> * iVV*V'*"Vi .%WVV*v*‘ LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Use This Handy Chad To figure Your Cosl Words |II Issue 13) Issues) 14 or less SUP. S 3 36 15 150 3 60 16 160 3 84 17 1 70 4 08 18 1 80 4 32 19 1 90 4 56 20 2 00 4 80 KEYED AOS (Ads wth answer coming to a Bo» Number c/o Lancaster Farming) 50 cents additional Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 percent discount Deadline Thursday of each weeks publication Lancaster Farming P 0 Box 266 Litih PA P one Lancaster 394 3047 ~nr Lititz 626 2191 !*«*« <*«•«*.- Help Wanted Wanted - RN’s & LPN’s 3-11 p.m. Medical Insurance, Life Insurance, Payed Vacation. Cornwall Manor 272-3016. Equal Opportunity Em ployer. Wanted - Dynamic & Am bitious man in his 30’s with Agricultural background, especially in cattle raising & light management knowledge to take over Farm Equipment company after 3 to 6 mo. training in France. Call 665-7475 Mon. thru Fri. during business hours for appointment. HARVESTORE AREA MANAGER Agricultural and sales background necessary. Duties include sales of automation and feed storage plus managing area. Full company benefits and guarantee. Call for ap pointment 717-354-4051. PENN-JERSEY HARVESTORE CO. New Holland, PA Farm Machinery Salesperson. Ryder Supply Co., RB, Chambersburg, PH: (717) 263-9111 for ap pointment. Sell Animal Health Products farm to farm in Chester County. Must have current Dairy experience. Salary plus commission & benefits. Animal Medic Inc. 717-266- 5611. Lancaster Firming, Saturday. Dec. 13,1975—;2 7 PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717-MMI9I Help Wanted Dairyman for parlor and field work, newly built house and benefits, Southern Chester County. Write stating recent experiences and references. Write Box 266 L, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, PA 17543 Feed Sales - Full time, farm background for sales and service to Dairymen, Poultrymen, and livestock producers in Lancaster County. Compensation in cludes salary, commission and company car. Our personnel know of this ad. Write Box 266 M, c-o Lan caster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 Mechanic with knowledge of plumbing and electrical to install milking equipment. Must be reliable. 717-626-1151 Capable person wanted for ultra modern dairy farm operation, experienced, conscience, good salary, housing and other benefits. Located near Easton. 215- 252-6665. Trucks Wanted - Good 6% ft. bed for Ford pickup truck. Call 717- 244-3760 Automobiles For Sale -1973 Chrysler New Yorker Brougham, loaded $2,695 or best offer. 717-529- 2512 Wants To Rent WANTED To rent or buy poultry farm. On long term lease. Should be large capacity. Write P.0.266E Lancaster Farming Utitz, PA 17543 Pets Border Collie puppies - purebred • males $45.00. Females $40.00. Allan Case, Brodbecks, Pa. 717-235-2050 On November 27, 1775, at Montreal, Canada, New York cannoneer Robert Barwick’s journal noted the start of General Montgom ery’s move on Que bec, “about 10- o’clock this day our general (Montgom ery) went on board the commodore Captain Lockwood commander and a bout 3 in the after noon our company went on board the same vessel and lay there abopt 2 hours, then we weighed anchor and bore down the river St Lawrence bound for Que bec .” iii Farm Equipment ERB £ HENRY EQUIP. INC. New Berliimde, PA 1 Mite N of Boyertown fhone (215) 367-216 S FARM H EQUIPMENT • PARTS i SERVICE •DeLAVAL DAIRY EQUIP * JAMESWAY * FLICKES SILO • FMC— -.-jSPRAY • BEAN— J "tQUIP 1973 Ford 3000 only 800 hours. Hilltop Farms, Hackett stown, NJ. 07840 PH: 201-852- 3863 I.H. 2606 Industrial Backhoe St Loader, directional reverser, excellent con dition. Suitable for farm or industrial work. PH: 717-872- 2579 1968110 JD Tractor & mower $450; 1970 Ford tractor, mower & snow blade (new 8 h.p. engine) $4OO. PH; 717- 569-0919 Free 12 x 45 Tile Silo. For Sale - John Deere Model D Tractor on Steel. A.K.C. Irish Setter dogs. Write to John K. Stoltzfus, R 1 Box 56, Ronks, PA 17572 White 348 38 14" SAR Plow White 348 38 16" SAR Plow White 548 68 16" SAR Plow White 458 Chisel Plow 10' Bnllion 11’ Culfapacker Bullion 12’ Culfapacker Bnllion 13' 4" Culfapacker Bnllion 14' Culfapacker Bnllion 10' 3 pt. Chisel Plow Pittsburgh 2B 12’ 3 pt Plow Pittsburgh 2B 14’ 3 pt. Plow Pittsburgh 5’5” 3 pt. Disk Pittsburgh 77" Wheel Disk Bush-Hog 9’ Disk Harrow Bush-Hog 10'3" Disk Harrow Bush-Hog 13'10" Disk Harrow Harvest Handler 16’ Elevator USED EQUIPMENT Oliver 348 3B 18" SAR Plow Oliver 2B Trailer Plow M M 14” 3B 3 pt ST Plow A C Plow IB fits B A C Plow IB fits G Mads 6' 3 pt Chisel Plow Sauder D 2 manure loader Oliver 356 3 pt Mower Oliver 242 Disk Harrow 12' 8" Case Manure Spreader N H Manure Spreader J D KBA Disk Harrow Fox Super 6 Harvester Gehl Harv w/cn hd SPECIAL White 348 Plow Spring Auto Reset 3-16" Bottoms Spring Discs Cover Boards Rollmi Landside $1,750.00 Offer Good Tu Dec. 31 (only 3 Left) FARMERSVIUE EQUIPMENT, INC. RD2, Ephrata, Pa. 717-354-4271 Store Hours: Daily 7:30-6 00 Sat 7:30-4:30
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