AYRSHIRE SALE at the Robert Armour farm located 3 Vi miles Northeast of Shirleysburg, "Huntingdon Co " . Pa. or 7 miles South of Mount Union, turn East off Rte. 522 in Shirleysburg onto Germany Valley Rd. on SATURDAY, NOV. 1,1975 Sale at 12:00 o'clock 50 REGISTERED AYRSHIRES Offering includes many top animals from leading herds in the East and will include fresh and close springing young cows, bred heifers, a few calves and open heifers, several young sires including service age bull. You will find cows here for Fall milk me several of the breeds top cows, Bruis dtr. with 17,290 M. 672 F., ex. Mammary, her dam has 20,880 M. 762 F.. another VG-89 young cow with 2 records over 12,000 M. rep. a several thousand lb. plus over herdmates, due Nov. 4 and a candidate for Excellent classification; an outstanding open heifer by Albi from Betty dam with 2 records over 30,000 M. 1,000 F. A few example of cattle selling. Please Note Come early for free luncheon, 3 amps of Selwood Betty Commander semen will be given away at special drawing. Free trucking to buyers of 5 head or more up to 200 miles. Catalog on request to Armour & Horst, Box 110-B, Mt. Union, PA. Ralph W. Horst, Auctioneer Gary Rutter, Pedigrees Gossert and Ocker, Clerks MARIANI LUMBER CO. CLOSE OUT PUBLIC SALE SAT., NOV. 1, 1975 10:00 A.M. Sheridan Ave. and Ulrich St. Annville, PA. (Formerly Saylors Lumber) Motor driven power tools: Delta Rockwell 12” surface planner, 16” table saw, Atlas drill press, Springer 6” jointer, 8" table saw, cut off saw. Belt driven power tools: 10’ wood lathe, 6’ table sander, large grinder, band saw, 16” table saw, 24” surface planner, mortise machine, 12" jointer, shaper w-reverse speed, tennent machine. Small power tools: electric screw driver, */z in. B and D heavy duty drill, router, power saw, sabre saw, drills, sanders, bench vise, wood and C clamps, platform scale, block and tackle, rope, Fairbanks 12 ton scale, 40 and 32 foot extension ladders, step ladders, roof ladders. Lumber: 2 x 10’s, 2 x B’s, 2 x 6’s, 2 x 4’s, kiln dried rough birch, oak and poplar, 5-4 clear 12" fir stepping, oak and maple flooring, double worked white pine' siding, oth*,-' siding, 6-4 clear and rough white pine, redwood lumber, moldings, birch and laun doors, pre hung doors, overhead doors, window sash, insulation, celotex sheeting, slate, corner beads, drop edges, cement bricks, plastic dram pipe and fixtures, asbestos shingles, glass, bag wagon, rubber tire wheelbarrow, mud box { 3 A yd.), nails, paint, hardware, log chains, oil drums w-pumps, suspended gas heaters, flourescent lights, Custom 600 riding tractor w-rotary mower - snow blower - roller, filing cabinets, 2 safes - one is 70” x 50” x 30” deep - the other is regular size. Also many other items International truck w-16’ bed Conditions by: GLADYS MARIAN) Roy I. Ebersole and Son Auctioneers Wenger and Ebersole Clerks Lunch on grounds ARMOUR & HORST, MANAGERS 867-1331 Owner Public Sales Register Chester, Va, Sole sponsored FRI. EVE. NOV. H- 6 p.m. by Northern Virginia PubticSalcof over 1000 Avon livestock, Inc. Collectors Items, 7 year collection located at Bart Twp, Fire Co. Georgetown, Pa. Terms by Mrs. Barbara Cantcy; Ivan R. Vost, Martin Auct, Inc., Auc tioneer. FKI. NOV. 14 • 9:30 a.m. Public Sale of 2 Trucks, 4 Tractors, Farm Machinery and Household Goods. Ixvcated 2 miles East of Fleetwood, midway between Fleetwood and Lyons Station. Turn North to farm at Weaver's Hardware Store, Berks County, Pa. Terms by Jack & Ada Kurtz. Leon Kurtz & Leroy Zook, Auctioneers. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ SPECIAL SALE FEEDER CATTLE AND CALVES FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 BLUE RIDGE LIVESTOCK SALES, INC. Charles Town, W. Va Billy F, Owens, Mgr. Phone: 304-725-5021 PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY, ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, NOV. 15, 1975 At 10:00 A.M. Sharp Located approx. 5 miles southeast of Stewartstown, Pa. along West Liberty Rd. in the 9th District of Balt. Co., Md. Turn off Rt. 24 at Blevins Fruit Farm sign, proceed to West Liberty Rd. Watch for arrows.' FARM MACHINERY Farmall 560 diesel tractor, fully equipped; Int. 311 3- 14 in. bottom fast hitch plow; Farmall M tractor; 50 Massey Ferguson tractor; Ford Model 871 Select-O- Speed tractor w-manure loader; Int. 46 baler; Int. 56 4 row com planter; J.D. 15 disc drill; Case 1 row com picker; flesston PT-7 haybine; New Holland Smoker 26 ft. elevator; N.H. drag elevator; N.H. bin wagon; N.H. 55 rollabar rake; N.I. 217 PTO manure spreader; Sauderhyd. loader; M.F. 59 3 pt. rotary mower; J.D. 9 3 pt. 7 ft. mower; Century weed sprayer; J.D. 28 disc harrow; Int. 28 disc harrow; 2 3 section spring tooth harrows; J.D. 3 pt. blade; Grove dump wagon; Grove flat bed wagon; feeder wagon; 2 wheel cart; Chevy IV2 ton truck w-5 ton hoist; Brillion 10 ft. cultipacker; Martin 100 amp. PTO generator; 2 electric fencers; 4 rolls of new barb wire; iron fence posts; wood fence posts; lot of new sawed lumber; couple of wagon loads of the usual small tools & misc. items. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Ice chest refrigerator; loaf trunk; % bed; chest of drawers; rocking chairs; 2 antique red lamps; porch swing; small trunk; desk; 3 coal oil stoves; 4 milk stools; cherry seeder; lantern globes; lot of old picture frames; very old meat grinder; old mantle clock; second room heater; beatle traps; flag poles; tool rack; dusters; lawn cart; Ig. chicken feeder; metal bins for nuts & bolts; Kelvmator refrigerator; table & 4 chairs; desk & chair; lamps; single bed, spring & mattress; space heater; Xmas decorations; casseroles; 7 sets of 4 pc. mixing bowls; plastic con tainers; many other items too numerous to mention. Terms: cash or approved check. HELEN M. ANDERSON WILLIAM EBAUGH, Owners Robert L Sechrist, auctioneer Rh. 382-4379 Anderson & Warner, clerks Not responsible for accidents Lunch by Stewartstown Pres. Sunday School Class SAT. NOV. 15-11 a.m. - Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Goods located at 19 S. Lime St., Quarryville, Pa. Sale by Arthur M. Winner; Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneer. At 1:30 P.M. Lancaster Firming, Saturday. Oct. 25,1975 — SAT. NOV. 15 ■ 12:00 SAT. NOV. 15-9 a.m. Public +Public Sale of Holstein Sale at the Nine Points Farm Cows & Heifers. Located on Store located Mi mile south of Road from Buna Vista to Rt. Nine Points along Route 896, 30. Owner, S. Ix:vl Stoltzfus. Lancaster County, Pa, Abe Diffcnbach, Auctioneer. Terms by Menno S. Bcilcr; Leroy Zook and Leon Kurtz, Auctioneers. SAT. NOV. 15 - Public Auction of 300-325 Feeder Pigs for Waller M. Horst, Ncwmanstown RDI. Location: Between Womelsdorf and Myerstown along Route 422, at Stouchsburg Take Scharff Road South 1 mile, third farm on left, mile North of Sheridan Furnaces, Marion Twp., Berks County, Pa. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. SAT. NOV. 15 - 10:00 a.m. Sharp. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Antiques, Household Goods. Located apporx. 5 miles south east of Siewartstown, Pa. along West Liberty Rd. in the 7tn District of Balt. Co. MD. Turn off Rt. 24 at Blevine Fruit Farm sign, proceed to West Liberty Rd. Watch for arrows. Helen M. Anderson & William Ebaugh, owners. Auctioneer - Robert L. Sechrist. PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1975 One mile north of MILLERSBURG, Upper Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Penna. Turn off Route 147 at Cemetery Northside of Millersburg. Take Shippendam Road. (Watch for auction arrows the day of sale). 35 ACRE FARM 8-ROOM FRAME DWELLING with Semidetached Summer House, Bank-type Barn, other Out Buildings, Good Water Supply, Nice land in High State of Cultivation approximately % mile East of the Susquehanna Raver, close to Susquehanna Lutheran Village and Frederick Medical Center. FOR INSPECTION CALL 717-692-3813 TERMS; 10 percent down further terms to be an nounced the day of sale. Real Estate will be offered at 1:00 P.M. FARM EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS FORD 8-N TRACTOR, 2-Bottom Plow, Disk, Cultivator, Scoop all 3-Point Hitch; Side Delivery Rake, Reaper, 9-Hoe Grain Drill, Com Planter, Harrow, 4-Wheel Manure Spreader, Potato and Horse Plows, Fencing, Chicken Nests, Feeders and Troughs; Double-hole Corasheller, Bench Vise, Ladders, Ropes, Chains, Wrenches, Carpenter, Hand and Garden Tools; Rotary Mowers, Power Chief Lawn Sweeper with Motor, Trimmer, Tank Sprayer and Burner; Tractor Jack, Baskets, Coal Brooder (never used); Electric Brooder, Cinder Blocks, Shafting, Vz Ton Fertilizer, many other items not listed. 1947 CHEVROLET 4 TON PICKUP TRUCK HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 6-Pc. Bedroom Suite, nice Upright Piano, Coal Room Heatrola, 72” Metal Sink, new Bathtub, Commode, and Wash Bowl; B&W TV, Tables, Rugs, Bedding, Books, Crib, Barbeque Grill, Radio, Utility Cabinet, Dried Snitz, Dishes, Cooking Utensils, other items. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES DRY SINK w-Butterfly Hinges, Drop Leaf Extension Table, Decorated Bedroom Suite, Blanket Chest, Home Comfort Coal Kitchen Range nice condition; Flour Chest with Dough Tray, Oak Sideboard, Bentwood, Plank Bottom, Oak and Cane Seated Chairs and Rockers; Swing-type Butter Churn, Pillar Clock, Organ Stool, Roll-type Quilt Frame, Braided Rugs, Depression, Pressed and Pattern Glass Dishes, Oil Lamp, Cast Iron Kettle, Deitz Buggy Lantern, Copper Apple Butter Kettle, large and small Kettle Stoves, Butcher Kettles and Stands, Meat Grinder, Sausage Stuffer, Beam Scale, Butcher Forks and Ladles, Meat Bench, Brine Barrel, Crocks, Jugs, Wooden Tubs, Wooden Measures, Coal Buckets, Buck Saw, Wooden Planes, Flail, Wooden Wheelbarrow, Straw Cutter, (2) SWAB WAGONS, BONAWITZ 808 SLED original paint, Wagon Seats and Jack, Harness, Old Auto Racks and Trunk. ANDREW MILTON WEAVER, ESTATE Ethel C. Weaver, Executrix TAMA C. WEAVER, ESTATE Ethel C. Weaver, Administratrix David F. DeWees, Attorney George N. Deibert, Auctioneer 717-425-3313 Lunch Available Tools and Farm Equipment will be sold first. SAT. NOV. 15 - 11:00 a.m. Public Sale of Antiques, Household Items, Some Tools. LOCATION: Just off Rt. 222, 2 miles south of Lancaster at 202 Media Ave., Lyndon, Pa. Marion Herr Snenk Estate. Carl Oilier, Auctioneer. SAT. NOV. 15 - 10:00 a.m. Public Sale of Real Estate, Farm Equipment, Tools, Truck, Household items, Antiques & Collectibles. Located one mile north of Millersburg, Upper Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Penna. Turn off Route 147 at Cemetery Northside of Millersburg. Take Ship pendam Road, (watch for auction arrows the day of sale) Andrew Milton Weaver & Tama C. Weaver Estate. George N. Deibert, Auc tioneer. AT 10:00 A.M. 77
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