V. C V i* * i,*,•«* j., Vt ~ 78— Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Oct. 25. 1975 Public Sales Register SAT. NOV. 15-11 a.m. •• Public Sale of Household Items. Antiques and Collectors Items located at A. Stauffer Farm. 5 miles Southeast of Slrasburg, Just off Rt. 896 on While Oak Rd. Terms by A. Landis and Mary Jane Stauffer; Ivan R. Yost, Martin Auct. Inc., Auc tioneer. FRI. NOV. 21 - 11:00 A.M. Public Sale of Complete Dispersal of Farm Machinery, Cattle and Milking Equipment. Located 5 miles South of Lewistown on Route 103 or 8 miles East of Mattawana on Route 103 at Malta Home Farm. Owners • Mr. and Mrs. Leon Groff. Daniel P. Zook & Mark S. Yoder, Auctioneers. FRI. NOV. 21 - 8 P.M. Nile Cow Sale at the Black and White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or l 4 mile West of breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer; Henry Ket tering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager. SAT. NOV. 22 -12 Noon Dairy Sale and Farm Equipment located near Newton, Pa., NARROWS FEEDER CATTLE ASSOCIATION 1975 FALL SALES - AT - NARROWS LIVESTOCK AUCTION MARKET, INC. NARROWS, VIRGINIA 24124 Oct 28 4th Yearling Steer Sale (Sale on Tuesday at 7:30 P.M.) All Cattle will be weighed in and Sold the same day Sales are state sponsored and State Graded For additional information phone 703-726- 2152 or 703-921-3586. WEEKLY SALE EVERY SATURDAY 2:00 P.M. Lack. Co. David Shook, Owner; M. L. Bunnell, Auct. TUES. NOV. 25 - 1 P.M. Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the 1-ancaatcr Stockyards. Inc., Ijmca.itcr. Pa. SAT. NOV 29 - 9 30 A.M Public Sale of Valuable Farm Machinery. Antiques and Personal Property located at RDI2, Hcllarii Branch in I,owcr Windsor Twp., 4 mile North of the Canadochly Lutheran Church. Look for sale arrows off East Prospect-York Road. Sale by Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Cooper; Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer. SAT. DEC. 6 - 9:30 a.m. Farm Machingery Auction for Charles Bonkoski, Allentown, N.J. Location; on the farm Rt. 539 Old York Road. V 4 mile east of Allentown, N.J. From N.J. Turnpike take exit 7A follow Allentown signs. Sale by Charles Bonkoski, owner; Sale Conducted by Col. Fred R. Daniel Auctioneers, Inc., Neshanic Station, N.J. TUBS. DEC. 9 Feeser Production Sale at the Lebanon County Fairgrounds, Lebanon, Penna. -I 11 11 .>. • Sales Report Special Feeder Calf and Yearling Sale Oct.f. 1975 SOUTH BOSTON. Va. There were 1.082 head sold. All steers and heifers were graded be Representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, livestock Section on VDAC standards and sold by the hundredweight. STEERS; Choice 300400 lbs. 28.00-30.00 ; 405-500 lbs. 30 25-36 25; 505-600 lbs. 34.00- 36.25 ; 605-700 lbs. 34.25-35.50; 705-800 lbs. 36.00-36.75 ; 805- 900 lbs. 35.00-35.25, Good 300- 400 lbs. 25.25-28.25; 405-500 lbs. 32.00-35.00; 505-600 lbs. 33.50-36.00; 605-700 lbs. 34.00- 35.00 ; 705-800 lbs. 35.00-37.00; 805-900 lbs. 32.25-34.25. Medium 300-400 lbs. 22.25- Sale Register TUBS. DEC. 9 1975 • 12:30 Bm. Miles H. and Elwood E. ouser, Complete Holstein Dispersal, Lebanon, Pa. 91 Registered Holsteins, Harris Wilcox Inc., Bergen, N.Y. Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers. MON. FEB. 2 - Jetliner Performance Plus Sale, Knop Angus Farm, Ida Grove, lowa. • i i 23.50; 405-500 lbs. 26.50-28.50; 5054500 lbs. 28.25-31.00; 605- 700 lbs. 32 00-32.25; 705-800 lbs. 31.50-34.75 ; 805-900 lbs. 30.25-32.25. Short 300-400 lbs. 21.75-24.75; 405-500 lbs. 23,75- 27.00 ; 5054500 lbs. 23.00-29 00. HEIFERS Choice 300-400 lbs 23 00-11.25; 405-500 lbs. 24.00-28 50; SO5-600 lbs. 25.75- 27.25 ; 605-700 lbs. 11.25-27.50; 7064100 tbs. 26.00-29.00. Good .100-400 lbs. 19.25-24.00 ; 405- 500 lbs. 22.50-26.00; 505600 lbs. 24 50-28.75. Medium 300- 400 lbs. 16.00-17.25; 405-500 lbs. 18.25-20.25 ; 505400 lbs. 16.50-20.25; 605-700 lbs. 20.25- 23.00. Short 400600 lbs. 19.00 21.25. Special Feeder Calf and Yearling Sale Oct. 16,1975 CHARLOTTESVILLE. Va. There were 557 head sold. All steers were graded by Representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on VDAC standards and sold by the hundredweight. STEERS: Choice and Fancy 500-700 lbs. 32.00- 39.75; 700-800 lbs. 37.25-38.25; 800-1000 lbs. 34.50-39.50. Good Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate and Farm Machinery ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1975 AT 10 A.M. SHARP. At RD#l, Red Lion, PA In Lower Windsor Twp. Located on Heffner Road off the Burkholder Road The undersigned will offer at public sale the following Farm consisting of approx 3l'/2 acres of land approx 20 acres of good farming land the balance in pasture & woodland Several good springs on this farm Good road frontage on both sides of Heffner Road Improvements consist of a frame house with 4 rooms down and 4 bedrooms up New kitchen & bath also new heating plant heated by oil baseboard hot water heat Frame barn & garage and other out bldgs This farm is ideal for part time farmer someone with horses weekend retreat or good investment type property Can be inspected most anytime Farm will be offered at 11 A M Terms 10% down balance in 30 days If on the market for a country place be sure & attend this sale FARM MACHINERY J Deere 2010 diesel tractor with loader Farmall Super A tractor with cultivators Oliver 340 two row corn planter brand new Oliver two bottom plow Grove wagon J Deere two section harrow 1 H 150 manure spreader J Deere 400 grinder mixer J Deere 32 disc harrow Bnlhon cultipacker J Deere mower New Idea 12 ft lime spreader J Deere 13 hoe gram drill Stauffer 2 row tobacco planter large water tank approx 400 gal Richie water fountain Homehte 180 chain saw New 1 H P air compressor also approx 4 tons of mixed hay and a Massey Ferguson 8 H P hydrostatic lawn mower Come early for machinery very little small items Not responsible for accidents on day of sale Terms Cash or approved check. Clair M. Rexroth Jacob A. Gilbert, Auc tioneer Phone 252-3591 Frey - Gilbert - Stermer, 1 1 < • < 500-700 lbs. 30.00-57.75; TOO -800 lbs. 33.80-37.75; 800-1000 lbs. 33.00-36.00. Medium 500- 700 lbs. 22.00-29.25 ; 700400 lbs. 26.50-29.25 ; 800-1000 lbs. 24.00-29.00. Scpcial Feeder Yearling Sale Oct. 14.1975 ABINGDON. Va. There were 1,997 head sold. All steers were draded by Rcprcscnlatlccs of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, livestock Section on VADC standards and sold by the hundredweight. STEERS: Choice & Fancy 500-700 lbs. 33.50-39.00, mostly 36.50-37.50; 700-800 lbs. 36.25-40.75 ; 800-1000 lbs. 33.00- Good 450-700 lbs. 35.00- 700-600 lbs. 33.75- 40.00; 800-1000 lbs. 35.00- 39.50. Medium 450-700 lbs. 32.50-37.00; 700600 lbs. 33.50- 35.50; 800-1000 lbs. 30.00- 33.75. Common 400-700 lbs. 26.0031.75; 700-800 lbs. 31.00- 33.00; 800-1000 lbs. 26.00- 34.50. PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY Located along Route 2221 mile South of New Texas, l‘/2 mile North of Maryland state line, Fulton Twp., Lane. Co., PA. Real Estate consists of all that certain tract of land containing 101 acres more or less erected thereon IVz story frame dwelling covered with asbestos siding containing 9 rooms; also erected thereon bank bam, covered with asbestos siding, com bam & implement shed, straw shed, hog pen, chicken house, milk house, cement stave silo, and 2 car garage. Two streams of water on property. Real Estate may be inspected Sat., Oct. 18 & Sat., Oct. 25 between 12 Noon & 3 P.M. Real Estate will be offered for sale at 1 P.M. Personal property consists of half spindle back settee, 6 half spindle back chairs, dropleaf table, round claw foot extension table, dry sink, 2 comer cupboards, tUt top table, dough box table, marble top sideboard, 6 half spindle back chairs, 4 cane seated chairs, cane rocker, Boston rocker, other rockers, desk, marble top dresser, iron bed, rope bed, bed & spring, wash stands, night stands, dressers, blanket chest, wardrobe, clothes tree, small stands, trunk, towel rack, quUts & bedding, picture frames, mirror, mantle clock, other clocks, rayo lamp, lantern, few dishes, toUet set, tea set, radio table model, Singer sewing machine, sewing table, horse blanket, old crocks & jugs, rugs, flat irons, 2 iron tea kettles, meat bench, butter chum, chUds cradle, lard press, 2 old Bibles (1 with apocrypha), gas stove, refrigerator, Maytag washer (wringer type), Home comfort kitchen range, pitcher pump, porch swing, 4 T. coal, iron troughs, Farmall H tractor, 2 bottom plow, siderake, spring harrow, flat bed wagon, 2 row corn planter, hammer mill, grain fan, circular saw, platform scales, hay fork, pulleys, 150 ft. hay rope, 2 vices, wheelbarrow, seed sower, double & single trees, fork & shovels, mUk box cooler, mUk cans, 3 ext. ladders, meat grinder and other articles. Ear Com, Straw, & Hay Household furnishings to be sold at 10 A.M. Sale by Paul F. McKinsey Att’y Kersey A. Bradley, Auct. The following personal property is to be offered for sale the same day. 3 Farmall H tractors, Super H Farmall with loader, I.H. mower, McD mower, N.I. mower, N.I. spreader, 2 bottom Oliver radex plow, M.H. siderake, McD No. 46 baler, hay crimper, M.H. 2 row mounted corn picker, Oliver com picker, McD grain drill, M.H. grain wagon, siderake, elevator, flat bed wagon, potato planter, roller, scraper blade, Ezee flow fertilizer spreader, oil drums, rain spout, hot bed sash, slate, 2 x 4 lumber, log chains, pony saddle & bridle, horse saddle, field sprayer, locusts posts, small tools, bolts, 2 pc. living room suite, 6 leg table, bed, chair, rocker, dresser, and other articles. 50 bu. Oats, ear com, straw, & hay. 2 Holstein Steers & 3 Holstein Bulls (6 mos. old) Lunch available Kersey A. Bradley Auct. Kirk & Eschbach Clerks MARSHALL, Vo. There were 1,789 head sold. All steers and heifers wore graded by Representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets. Livestock Section on VDAC standards and sold by the hundredweight. STEERS: Choice & Fancy 700-600 lbs. 37.00-40.75; 800- 1000 lbs. 36.25-41.25. Good 500-700 lbs. 31.25-40.50 ; 700- 800 lbs. 35.50-38.75; 800-1000 lbs. 33.50-38.50. Medium 500- 700 lbs. 26.25-34.75 ; 700-800 lbs. 26.75-32.25 ; 800-1000 lbs. 29.25-35.00. Common 500-700 lbs. 14.00-22.50. Short 500-700 lbs. 25.00-32.75. HEIFERS Choice & Fancy 500-600 lbs. 25.25-28.00; 600- 700 lbs. 25.50-31.25. Good 400- 500 lbs. 15.00-18.25; 500-600 lbs. 18.00-21.50; 600-700 lbs. 25.50- Medium 400-500 lbs. 14.75-15.00; 500600 lbs. 15.50- 600-700 lbs. 12.00- 16.25. Common 400-600 lbs. 11.75-16.50. SAT., NOV. 1,1975 10 o'clock A.M. HORACE P. TOLLINGER Executor OF HARRISON A. TOLLINGER ESTATE. Sale by HORACE P. TOLLINGER Special Feeder Call and Yearling Sale Cot. 11, 1175
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