• ••••*#♦ * t ' »•» 76—Lancaster Farroini. Saturday. Oct. 25. 1975 Public Sales Register TUBS. NOV. 4 - 6 P.M. Public Auction of Furniture, dataware, Appliances, etc. at the Farmcrsvllle Auction located at Farmersvlllc, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster County. Sale by John J. Rutt; Richard Murray, Auctioneer. WED. NOV. 5 9:30 a.m. - Consignment Sale located l s mile north of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Lcola, Lancaster Co.. Pa. Sale by David H. Good; F. Snyder. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth, C. Oilier, Auctioneers. NOV. 6 - 11 a.m. Absolute Auction of Inventory & Equipment of Commercial Roofing Contractors. Located at 2200 Rodman Rd., Elsemere, Wilm., Del. Sale by James Cullen Co. Auc tioneers - Rudnik & Matas. THURS. EVE. NOV. 6 - 7:00 p.m. - Public Sale of Real Estate. Located on comer of 599 W. Main St. and Western Ave., New Holland, PA. 2 1 * story face block house, 2 car garage. Inspection of property 354-8817 after 3 p.m. Terms by Eugene E. Beqston. Robert E. Martin, 656-7770 & Frank L. Steller, 656-9055. THURS. NOV. 6 - Calf and Yearling Sale at the Lyn chburg Livestock Market, Lynchburg Virginia. 1000 head. Sale sponsored by the Lynchburg Feeder Cattle HUNTER'S SALE BARN, INC. Rising Sun, Route 276, Maryland (Formerly West Nottingham Sales) Phone: 301-658-6400 Livestock, Poultry, Produce, Household Auction, Flea and Farmers Market Every Monday Night. AUCTION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 Starting aII:3OP,M. Location: Elysburg, Pa. 16 miles east of Sunbury, 18 miles south of Bloomsburg, off Route 54 east. Two miles east of Elysburg to Airport Road (Follow Auction Arrows). FARM EQUIPMENT TOOLS COLLECTABLES 8N Ford tractor 3 point hitch, M F tractor 35 with loader, N H Baler No 65, M F 2 row corn planter, N H hay crimper, 13 Drill Ontenal, Ford Side Delivery rake, Ford Rotor Cutter, N I 1 row corn picker, M F 7’ mower, Allis Chalmers Mod 60 combine, Stockland Grader, M F 3 bottom 14” plows 3 point, Ford 2 bottom 12” plows, N I manure spreader, Dearborn cultivators, N H Dump Wagon, Int Dump Wagon, 12’ Cham Elevator, 24’ N H Elevator, 60 gal Sprayer, Metal chicken nests & equipment, steel fence post (some new), Ig iron trough, forks, platform scales coal shoots, all type hand tools, mis scrap iron Collectables, ornate sideboard, 10 & 20 gal crocks, jugs, slaw cutter, motor & pestle, brass items, picture frames, lanterns, Maytag wringer washer, Westmghouse ref, plus many unlisted items SELLERS MR. AND MRS. ROY DIMMICK Auctioneer John Autotore 784-3506 Terms Cash Lunch Household to be sold first. Assoc., Inc. Dick Manager. SAT. NOV. 22 - 9:30 a.m. Public Sale of Dairy Cows. Farm Equuipmcnt and Household Goods located 1 mile South of Goodvillc in Cearnarvon Twp. Terms by taroy S. Zimmerman; Paul W. Horst and Ixroy S. Horst, Auctioneers. THURS. NOV. 6-1:00 p.m. Franklin County Dispersal of the DON-JOY-DEN-CYN FARM Registered Holstein Milking Herd Dispersal. Location: 5 miles South-east of Chambersburg. Pa. Turn east at Exit 6 off 1-81 onto Rt. 30, turn south on Falling Spring Road at Spring Valley Estates, keep right, watch for auction signs. Sale by Abner and Ruth Knepper. Auctioneers - Lloyd Kreider and Steven Petersheun FRI. NOV. 7-1:30 p.m. Special Feeder Cattle and Calf Sale. Located at Blue Ridge Livestock Sales. Inc . Charles Town, W VA Bill\ F. Ownes, Mgr FRI. NOV 7 - 12 30 p m Public Sale of Farm Machmerj Located in Mifflin Co’, 5 miles west of McVeytovm. Pa Along Rt 22-522*at Aitkinson Mills, on the former Earl Gearhart Farm Mark Click. Auc tioneer. SAT. NOV 8 -10 a m Public Sale of Antique and Household Goods located South of Wakefield off 222 at Pllotlown Rd. between Pleasant Grove and Peach Bottom, West along River View Rd. Watch for sale signs. Sale by Carrie E. Smith; Lloyd H. Kreider and Randel Kline. Auctioneers. Ellis SAT. NOV. 8 - 12:30 p.m. - Public Sale of Backhoc, dozer, trucks, tools, etc. Turn east on Pine Road off Route 743 known as the Laudemulch Rd., about 2 miles north of Hershey. Conditions by Delores Miller. Roy I. Ebersole and Son, Auctioneers. SAT. NOV. 8 - 9 a.m Close out Auction. Farm Equip ment. Hardware, Farm Supplies. Lumber. Lawn and Garden Equipment located approx. 4 miles northwest of Myerstown At Myerstown, from Route 422. go north on Route 645. and follow directional signs to Martin Manufacturing Jackson Township. Lebanon County, Pa Sale by Martin Manufacturing, RD3, M> erst own. Pa. John E. and Paul E Martin. Auctioneers. —THREE DAY— PUBLIC SALE WED., OCT. 29, THURS., OCT. 30, FRI., OCT. 31, 1975 AT 10:00 A.M. Located at 200 East Main Street, New Holland, Lancaster County, PA. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29 Variety merchandise glass, china, and houseware, school supplies and stationary, notions, toiletries, dry good items, light hardware items, ceramics and chrome bathroom accessories, floor protectors, waxes, cleaners, polishers, glass shelves for window sills, cocoa mats, enamel paints, glass display fixtures and other miscellaneous items found in variety stores. THURSDAY, OCT. 30 GROCERY MERCHANDISE A staple line of grocery items including dairy, fruit, and vegetables, lunch meats, cakes and crackers, pretzels, candies, cereals, canned fruits and vegetables, paper goods, drug items, spices, soft drinks, non food items, and other miscellaneous items. FRIDAY, OCT. 31 In this sale we will endeavor to offer the remaining merchandise and equipment for sale. However if this is not possible we will try to finish on Friday, November 7 at 10:00 a.m. Groceries, remainder of floor covering - inlaid and printed, ceramics tile, plastic tile, asphalt tile, plastic wall covering and wall tile, aluminum and steel moldings and edgings for floors, walls and counters, window shades and Venetian blinds, 9 ft. x 12 inch storage tubes. ANTIQUES Umbrella rack, ribbon rack, glass and china items, scales, two hall racks, wood and glass display cases, coffee grinder, spring and balance scales, scoop scale, old wooden packing cases, barber shop wall cabinet' and chairs. EQUIPMENT Meat sheer, several food refrigerated cases with compressors, gondolas, metal and wooden display fixtures, cash registers, two new plastic folding doors, a G.E window fan, 38 inch x 54 inch slate black board, display rack for seeds, hardboard and many other articles. AUCTIONEERS’ NOTE: Equipment will be sold Friday, Oct. 31 at 3:30 p.m. Sale held indoors. Terms by MORRIS A. TRIMMER Auctioneers: Robert E. Martin - 656-7770 Frank L. Steller - 656-9055 Clerks; Steller, Shenk —Lunch Available— SAT. NOV. 8-10 a.m. Annual Public Sale to be held at the Unvlllc Hill Christian Day School located 15 miles East of Lancaster, Pa. 2 miles South of Kinzcrs, on Kinzer Road. Items to be sold in clude canned goods, baked goods, potatoes, eggs, honey, apples, cider, bologna, assorted Handivowrk, livestock and farm machinery. All proceeds of the day will be used for the promotion of Christian Education at the school. Ix;roy Zook and Leon Kurtz, Auctioneers. SAT. NOV. 8 - 9:30 a.m. Sharp. Public Sale of Fine Antiques. House Fur nishings, Farm Equipment, Tools. Located on Rt. 74, 4 mi. north of Dover, turn east onto Roehlers Church Road at Mt. Royal Store, go about 3 mi. to Blue Bird Lane, then turn north, SALE signs posted, in York County, Pa. Russel Lauer, Owner. Auctioneer - Clair R. Slaybaugh. MON. NOV. 10 6:30 p.m. - Keystone International Livestock Exposition, Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, Penna. TUBS. NOV. 11 -10:00 a.m. • Public Sale of 06 Acre Dairy or Beef Cattle Farm, Farm Equipment, Some Household, etc. I/Ocatcd 3 miles Southeast of York Springs U.S. M to Lake Mead Sign, turn East Mr mile, then South onto East Berlin Road. 1 mile, first farm, in Reading Township, Adams County, Pa. Michael S. Shank, owner. Auctioneer * Clair R. Slaybaugh. TUBS. NOV. 11-1 P.M. Graded Feeder Pig Sale at 6,250 HEAD FIVE - WINCHESTER FEEDER CATTLE SALES Farmers Livestock Exchange. Inc Winchester. Virginia STATE SPONSORED - GRADED - UNIFORM LOTS - AIL BREEDS Mark lhf<n dates on your calendar 2nd FEEDER CALF & YEARLING SALE Friday October 31.1975 7 PM Combined Feeder & Yearling Sale Friday November 14 1975 - 100 PM Calves vaccinated (or BLACKLEG MALIGNANT EDEMA All cattle eligible for interstate shipment Guarantee No Bred Heifers or Stags in feeder calves only MORRIS FANNON, Auctioneer Write or phone 703 662-29-46 office P. T. McINTIRE, Sale Manager 703 837-1254 home NORTHERN VIRGINIA LIVESTOCK, INC., Box 440 • Winchester, Virginia 22601 FRANKLIN COUNTY DISPERSAL DON-iOY-DEN-CYN-FARM Registered Holstein Milking HERD DISPERSAL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1975 1:00 p.m. Location: 5 miles South-east of Cham bersburg, PA. Turn east at Exit 6 off 1-81 onto Rt. 30, turn south on Falling Spring Road at Spring Valley Estates, keep right, watch for auction signs. mam USSII springing Heifers. Certified, Accredited, Home-raised, A.B.S. Sired and bred to same. R.H.A. D.H.I.A. 13,778 milk 550 fat 4.0%. Although not classified herd includes potential Good Pius and Very Goods, extreme dairy type and sound udders, preg. checked. 11 fresh during summer months 15 fresh October or due around sale date Remainder due during winter & early spring Selling- Foundation cows and Families F. Schoolmaster 305 d 19,285 m 774 f 4.1 percent; Sw. Haven Prince 305 d 18,449 m 759 f 4.1 percent; Beauty Var 305 d 17,003 m 619 f 3.6 percent; Dean Masterpiece 305 d 16,678 m 788 f 4.7 percent; Polytechnic 13,593 m 567 f 4 1 percent as a 3 year old. Others by Glenafton RA Hagen (5) dtrs.; H. Ivanhoe Ken, Ultimate, Supreme Butterman; P. Sound Statesman; D ExAlan, etc Stainless Steel DeLaval combine 3 unit milker for 32 cows, just 2 years old Visitors are always welcome Sale held under tent Catalogs available S a ie by* ABNER AND RUTH KNEPPER Rl, Chambersburg, PA Lloyd Kreider, Auct 717-786-3394 Steven Petersheim, Auct. 215-869-2508 Carl Diller, Pedigrees 717-464-2233 Lunch Available the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster. Penna. WED. NOV, 12 - 11:30 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Im plements, Household Items and Antiques located along Route 422 between Mycr stown and Half Way, Lebanon Co., Pa. Conditions by Norman Weaver; John Breidegan, Auctioneer. FRI. NOV. 14 1 p.m. - Combined Feeder and Yearling Sale at the Far mers livestock Exchange, Inc. on Rt. 50 West of Win-
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