SI. Louis Auction June | Weakly Cattle Review Receipts Last Week YMrAfo Compand to laat Tuaaday, Slaughter Staara and Halfers largely 1.00 higher, imtancet 1.50 higher on Choice Steara over 1100 Iba. and Choice Heifers over 900 Iba. Cowa steady to 1.00 higher than Tuesday. Bulls steady. EVERGREEN rr~] IMCIKCO.K. 30 EVERGREEN ROAD \JOHN DEERE LEBANON. PA 17042 Lebanon County’s Only JOHN DEERE FULL SERVICE DEALERSHIP JOHN DEERE MODEL 220 DISK HARROW 17 FT. 1 IN. CUT. Phone (717) 273-2616 SzSDmMom ja FEED SILAGE SSf EASIER... FASTER with Weaverline's battery powered feed carts Weaverline’s self-propelled self-unloading feed carts save half the time of manual feeding. Choose the big Model 224, 30 bushel cart for big barns. Tight corners? Choose the compact Model 223,24 bushel cart. Both Models are only 33” wide to fit thru most any doorway. Because Weaverline takes the electric route, you get the job done quietly, without noxious fumes. Go Weaverline for safety reasons too! Cart stops instantly if operator lets go of traction clutch ... or if cart bumps against him in reverse travel. Sturdy bumper protects cart from damaging impacts. FOR ADDI BRANDT'S FARM SUPPLY INC. 601 EAST HIGH STREET ELIZABETHTOWN, PA 17022 717-367-1221 SHOW EASE STALL CO. 523 WILLOW ROAD, LANCASTER, PA 17601 717-299-2536 LEBANON CO. HERMAN L. BASHORE RD2, ANNVILLE, PA 17003 Supply near SI percent Slaughter Steers, Good to mostly Choice 900-1200 lbs. ylle dgrade 2-4 with near 22 percent Slaughter Heifer. Cows 15 percent Feeders 20 percent. 8,600 6,500 7,600 SLAUGHTER STEERS: Load and three part loads Choice including Prime 1100- 1200 lbs. yield grade 3-4 51.50. Choice 950-1250 lbs. yield grade 2-4 49.0051.00, mostly Choice 8501000 lbs. 47.00 50.00, load 907 lbs. 46.00. Mixed Good and Choice 900 1300 lbs. 46.0049.50. Good LANCASTER CO. EDGEFIELD FARMS RD2, QUARRYVILLE, PA 17566 717-786-3897 Chamtosbwg Chambenbarg.PA May 19, mi CATTLE 380. Compared with laat Thuraday'a market, slaughter steera 00c to 12.20 higher. Slaughter cows 20c to $1 lower. Few Choice slaughter steers 48.35-50.60, individual Prime at 01.60, Good 36.0047.10, Standard 33.70*38.00. Pew Standard slaughter heifers 26.7M2.00. Utility and High Dressing 41.0046.00, few mostly Good 800*1000 lbs. 40.0044.00. Standard and Good Holstelns 1000*1300 lbs. 37.5041.00. Few mostly Standard 800*1000 lbs. 30.0044.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Load and couple part loads Choice 825-875 lbs. yield grade 34 48.2049.75. Choice 850-1050 lbs. yield grade 24 mostly 47.0048.50. Mixed Good and Choice 800-1050 lbs. 44.0047.00. Good 40.0044.00, few mostly Good 700-900 lbs. 36.0040.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial closing 20.00- 24.00, few 24.50. Cutter 15.00- 20.00. Canner 12.00-15.00. Thin Canner 10.00-13.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1100-1600 lbs. 23.00-27.00, few 1800-2100 lbs. 28.00. VEALERS: High Choice 30.00-33.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Part load Good to mostly Choice 800 lb. steers 41.00. Part load mostly Choice heifers 560-750 lbs. 36.00. C. B. HOOBER & SON INTERCOURSE, PA 17534 717-768-8231 CHESTER CO. JOSEPH D. HOGG 204 W. HARMONY ROAD WEST GROVE, PA 19390 215-869-9434 NEVIN N. MYER & SONS, INC. RDI, CHESTER SPRINGS, PA 19425 215-827-7414 Cotter slaughter cows 20.25- 21.10, Cutters 23.60*20.70, Carmen 21.00-23.00, Shells down to 18.00. Few Good slaughter bullocks 31.00* 36.70, few Standard 26.00- 29.70, few Utility 26.20*27.00. Yield Grade No. 1, 1200-1600 lbs. slaughter bulls 28.00- 30.70, Medium and Good 320- 530 I be. feeder steen 22.75- 30.00. CALVES 421. Vealers grading Good and Choice |1 to $3 higher, Utility and Standard |3 to 14 lower. Few Prime vealere 60.00*79.00, Choice 05.00-60.00, Good 44.00-53.00, Standard 34.00- 40.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 29.00- 34.00, 7085 lbs. 25.00-29.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 31.00-35.00. HOGS 97. Barrows and gilts about steady. US No. 18 200-235 lbs. barrows and gilts 47.0047.50. No. 28 225-280 lbs. 46.0046.50. Few US No. 18 350450 lbs. sows 37.00- 40.00. few No. 28 500850 lbs. 35.0088.00. Few Boars 28.00- 29.00. Oklahoma Junes Thursday Feeder Cattle Auction Same Day Last Week 5,603 Trade active, feeder steers steady to 50c higher, with most upturn on steers over 700 lb. feeder heifers 50c to 1.00 higher with some sales 1.50 higher on Mixed Good and Choice heifers over 600 lb. Bulk of receipts Mixed Good and Choice and Choice 400-900 lb. feeder steers; 300- 700 lb. feeder heifers. Large attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-500 lb. 33.75-37.75, mostly 35.50-37.75,500-600 lb. 34.25-37.50, 600-700 lb. 36.25- 38.75, 700-900 lb. 37.00-40.00. Mixed Good and Choice 300- 500 lb. 30.00-34.00, 500-600 lb. 30.50-34.50, 600-700 lb. 34.50- 37.00, 700-900 lb. 34.00-38.00. Good 400800 lb. mostly 27.00- 31.25, 600-700 lb. 31.25-32.75. Few scattered sales 700-950 lb. Holsteins 25.00-28.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 300-500 lb. 28.00-30.50, 500-600 lb. 28.00-31.75, 600-700 lb. 30.0032.75, Mixed Good and Choice 300-500 lb. mostly 25.00- 500-600 lb. 25.00- 28.25, 600-800 lb. 27.00-30.50. Good 350-500 lb. 22.50-28.50, 500-600 lb. 25.00-28.25, 600-800 lb. 27.0030.50. Good 350-500 lb. 22.50-25.00, 500-700 lb. 22.00- CHORE-TIME t/ic tf&vtA aAeadf \\W ■Na >LER j ; rrrxrri m , "*'/ SWINE FEEDING B\ % .X with the FLEX-AUGER &&*'% SYSTEM *' IJU r*'V FLEX AIGEK—THE ORIGIN'II ONE PIECE 'V *£.'■; SPRING TAPF ALGER THAT SIMPLIFIF U *'.' , S AND REVOLUTIONIZED DELIA ERA OF "V*., / FEED FROM BINS TO FFFDF’RS FOR / POULTRY DAIRA CATTLE * NAAINF v REGULAR AND HIGH CAPACITY FLEX AUGERS AVAILABLE E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, R.D.I, Willow Street Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 7,2975- 990 MOWER CONDITIONER oni> *3,350.00 Includes H«h Flotation Tires Slone Shoe All Hydraulic Cylinder & Hose » » The International® 990 takes even less adjust ment and less power than ever, which means you can usually operate a gear faster even in heavy hay You II like the even stubble, cut as low as you want, and the excellent windrows or swaths this machine produces • Exclusive 4-. 5-. or 6-bat large diameter reel • Unobstructed platform-to-conditioner feed • Balanced head knife drive, with 3-mch stroke • Uniform platform weight at all positions • Constant pressure conditioner rolls open hy draulically ■ MCome see it. We think you’ll agree it’s e the best In its class. OTHER NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS 430 All Twine Baler, Custom Pickup. No. 10 Bale Thrower, With Hydraulic Steering, All For Only $4,450.00 555 Forage Harvester With Two Row Wide Corn Head $4,300.00 GOOD USED EQUIPMENT Gehl Model C. B. 600 Forage Harvester With HA 600 Pickup Att. TR6OO Narrow Row Corn Head Only $2,600.00 J.D. 12 Foot 3 pt. rotary hoe I.H. 155 pto Spreader 2 New Holland Forage Wagons Side & Rear unloading Roofs $2,100.00 each R. S. HOLLINGER & SON 113 West Main Street, Mountville INTERNATIONAL QUALITY PARTS FACTORY TRAINED SERVICE MEN MON. thru THURS. FRIDAY SATURDAY O' WE SELL. SERVICE AND INSTALL 9 loot h ‘4 : Phone 285-4538 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M, 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. automatic POUITIv MOUSI INC. 717-464-3321 7 $7BO $9OO . Si 0
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