6 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 7.1975 Pa. Auction Summary Week Ending May N, 1971 CATTLE 8410. Compared with 6632 bead laat week, and 6093 head a year ago. Compared with last week's market, slaughter steers strong to $1 higher. Slaughter cows 50c to 75c lower. Slaughter bullocks uneven. Slaughter bulls steady to weak. STEERS: High Choice St Prime 49.25-52.85, Choice 47.50- Good 36.00-46.60, Standard 32.00-42.10, Utility 24.00- HEIFERS: Choice 38.00-47.00, Good 33.50- Standard 29.05 34.50, Utility 23.50-29.00. COWS: Utility St High Dressing Cutter 24.00-28.10, Cutters 22.25-25.60, Canners 18.75- Shells down to 15.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 33.75- Good 30.2545.50, Standard 26.8530.35, Utility 24.8527.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1000-2000 lbs. 27.00- yield grade No. 2 900-1500 lbs. 23.25-29.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Medium St Good 300-700 lbs. feeder steers 22.75-34.00; Medium 300-600 lbs. feeder heifers 22.00-25.50; Good St MEMO HAY, STRAW and EAR CORN SALE EVERY MONDAY AT 11 AM. EVERY WEDNESDAY 12 00 NOON NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Lloyd H Kreider Auct NITROGEN AVAILABLE: • ANHYDROUS AMMONIA Ideal for side dressing • LIQUID NITROGEN Apply after planting with herbicides • UREA • ALFALFA Top dress with fertilizer and spray for weevil after first cutting. COMPLETE FERTILIZER for Broadcast or Planter New • Low Prices PROFESSIONAL CUSTOM APPLICATION OFFERED ON ALL MATERIALS. Authorized Dealers: HEISEY FARM SERVICE RD2, Mt. Joy, PA Phone 653-1568 HAROLD B. ZOOK (Liquid Nit service) Lancaster, PA Phone 394-5412 »( ( P»fc*»BLENDS ] ORGANIC IlllMll PLANT '* [ ANHYDROUS AMMONIA j FOOD CO. 2313 Norman Rd., Lancaster, PA Ph. 397-5152 i Choice 300-700 lbs. feeder bulls 25.5044.50, few Medium 19.00-24.00. CALVES 2848. Compared with 3464 head last week, and 2754 head a year ago. Vealers mostly $2 to $4 lower. VEALERS: Few Prime 60.00- Choice 50.00- 59.09, Good 39.00-50.00, Standard 32.00-41.00, Utility 110-130 Iba. 31.50-42.00, 90-110 lbs. 28.0045.00, 7045 lbs. 22.0031.00, FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 90-115 lbs. 29.00- few Holstein heifers 90-120 lbs. 32.0048.00; beef cross bulls & heifers 75 150 lbs. 28.00-46.00. HOGS 7054. Compared with 6859 head last week, and 6363 head a year ago. Barrows & Gilts 50c to $1.25 lower. BARROWS & GILTS: US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. 48.25 49.00, No. 14 190-240 lbs. 46.7548.25, No. 24 185260 lbs. 45.80-47.50, No. 2-4 245 300 lbs. 42.00-45.70. No. 14 135185 lbs. 40.0546.35. SOWS: US No. 14 305550 lbs. 35.5541.25, No. 24 305 650 lbs. 31.5537.50. Boars 27.0043.50. FEEDER PIGS 1204. Compared with 1154 head last week, and 1013 head a year ago. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 18.00-36.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 27.00-41.50 per head. SHEEP 675. Compared with 850 head last week, and 796 head a year ago. Spring slaughter lambs fully steady. Choice 40-100 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 45.00- 56.00. Good 40-80 lbs. 35.00- 45.00. Slaughter ewes 5.00- 18.00. • Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, PA grading Utility steady to $2 June 2,1971 lower. Couple Cholca vealers CATTLE 344. Compared 87.50 and 58.00, one Good at with last Tuesday's market, 44.00, few Standard 31.50- slaughter steers grading 30.00, Utility 00-115 lbs. 21.50- Standard 91.50 to |2 higher. 30.50, 05-85 lbs. 10.00-22.00. Slaughter cows 25c to |1 Few Holstein bulls 05-115 lbs. higher. Few Choice 31.5044.50. slaughter steers 40.2540.50, HOGS 401. Barrows and Good 41.50-40.35, Standard gilts strong to |1 higher. US 33.2540.00, few Utility 28.00- No. 14 100-240 lbs. barrows 32.00, Few Good and Choice and gilts 47.75-48.50, No. 24 slaughter heifers ‘40.50-48.25, 100-250 lbs. 47.1048.00, few few Standard 28.0047.25. No. 2-4 260-280 lbs. 44.00- Utility and High Dressing 47.50. US No. 14 350020 lbs. Cutter slaughter cows 15.50 sows 31,0048.00. Few Boars 20.85, few Commercial 22.00 33.0030.00, few light weights 27.00, Cutters 23.50-25.50, 32.0041.00. Canners 20.75-23.50, Shells FEEDER PIGS 290. US down to 18.00. Few Good and No. 1-2 3045 lbs. feeder pigs Choice slaughter bullocks 28.0038.00 per head, No. 14 32.25-38.75, few Standard »15-20 lbs. 14.0015.00, No. 14 25.85-29.25. Yield Grade No. 2545 lbs. 18.0025.50, No. 14 1, 1035-1910 lbs. slaughter 35-50 lbs. 27.00-35.00 per bulls 24.25-28.00, couple Yield head. Grade No. 2, 1515 and 1530 SHEEP 19. Few Good and lbs. 28.75 and 29.75. Few Choice 80-90 lbs. spring Good 360-470 lbs. feeder slaughter lambs 36.00-44.00. steers 30.7544.00. Slaughter ewes 12.50-18.50, CALVES 149. ' one at 26.00. June 2,1975 Cattle 400. Moderate, slaughter steers steady to HEIFERS: Choice yield instances $1 higher on grade 2-4 800-875 lbs. 42.00- Average Choice and Prime; <2.50; Good & Choice 800-1100 heifers 50c to $1 lower, -ibs. 40.00-41.50. balance held for AMauction HOGS 700: Barrows & cmr.r.no. T . Gilts 50c to 75c higher. US . No. !- 3 200-240 lbs. 47.50- llB5 43.25, 15 head 48.50, No. 2-3 24 SSireft? jSJSSf 230 - m lbs - 47 - (KM7 - 75 - No - 2 * PonH l SS™’ 4 250 ' 280 lbs - 46.00-47.00. SOWS: Steady. us No. W Good 43.00-46.00; Standrad & lbs. 36.50-38.50. RIGHT NOW is the time to SO SURGE, GUNN I. HURST RD2, East Earl, Pa. Ph. 215-445-6865 LESTER B. BOLL BRANDT'S FARM RDI, Lititz, Pa. Ph. 717-626-6198 Chester Cg. rSFI fisher's surge Cochranville, PA Phone (215) 932-9179 H. DANIEL WENGER & BRO. INC. RDI, Hamburg, PA Phone (215) 488-6574 Vealers Baltimore USDA Report Good 950-1500 lbs. 34.35-40.75. several Standard 30.50-35.00. has a PIPELINE for YOU. LancasterJFeeder Friday, May H Feeder Cattle 418 724 TREND: Feeder iteers active, 2.00*4.00 higher; feeder bulla 1.00 higher; feeder heifers 1.00-2.00 higher. Today Last Week FEEDER STEERS; Choice 700-900 lb. 39,60-42.00; mixed Good and Choice 500- 960 lb. 35.00-39.00; Good 450- 700 lb. 28.76*33.60. FEEDER BULLS: Good and Choice 450-750 lb. 24,25- 27.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 560-750 lb. 23.75-27.25; Good 400400 lb. 20.25-23.00. ATTENTION FARMERS ... NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO BRING IN YOUR SURPLUS HAY RIGHT FROM THE FIELD AS WE HAVE BUYERS ALL SUMMER. COMING SOON ... New Straw out of the field. Pawl Z. Martin Sales Stables 2 MILES EAST OF INTERCOURSE ALONG ROUTE 340. Sale Managed by Harvey Z. Martin HAY, STRAW & CORN SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 12:00 NOON Our Sales are getting bigger and better thanks to you, the best people in the world, our customers. Lancaster Co. GROFF EQUIPMENT Jfilte Cft_ LONGACRE ELECTRICAL SVC. INC. Bally, PA Phone (215) 845-2261 Wednesday, Jane 4 Reported receipts of to cows, 12 heifers and 2 bulls Market steady with last week. Load of cows from Main springers 535-400; load of Pa cows 630-775 and springers 665-1000; load of Franklin County cows fresh 610-750 and springers 460400; load of Pa. cows 415-610. Locally consigned cows 390-820, springing heifers 395-506 and bulls 220-250, TRY A CLASSIFIED V 2 W. State St. Quarryville, Pa. Ph. 717-786-7225 SUPPLY INC. 601 East High St. Elizabethtown, Pa. Ph: 717-367-1221 Malm New Holland Daily
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