•—Lancaster Farminf, Saturday, Juna 7,1975 ’“‘OLD <%. Till* week. Marlling lightning. Sprtiv your rose* now ... Moltrnr Kvers killed June 12, 1903 ... Father’* Dav June 15. .. New moon June Average length of day* for the with. 15 hour*, Iminute* . . . "In wod We Trust" put on I’.S. coins June ].'t, Iflug . . . Find German robot homhs (V-2) hit Kouthern England June 15. 1944 . . . Statue of Lib erty arrived from France June 14, 1885 ... He who sous his land trusts in God. Old Farmer’s Riddle: Why is an egg underdone like one overdone? (Answer below.) Ask the Old Fanner: I would be interested in locating the origin of the supersti tion of looking over one’s left shoulder at a crescent new moon and wishing? M. C., Hattiesburg, Miss. Prehistoric instinct m looking to the left a man it in a better position to heave a spear at a skulking EASY INSTALLATION Installation is faster, simpler and less expensive because of the unique features built into each Martin Free Stall. Pre-drilled, rear angle brackets allow easy fastening to wooden headboards, walls —or for placement that is independent of any support. Only the Martin Free Stall has that “extra bend" that provides a straight downward leg into a narrower concrete curb. Concrete curbs that hold and retain the bedding—as well as anchor each free-standing stall —need not be constructed wider than six inches OLD FARMER S WEATHER FORECASTS Ntw England: Thunderstorms to atari, then cloudy: end of week coot with Halit rain. Greater New York-New Jenert Week begins clour nnd hot, then showers; cloudy nnd cooler fatter part. Middle Atlantic Coutlal: Partly cloudy and very warm all week except thundersloi ms in weal on weekend. Southeast Coaslal-IMedmonl: Thunderalomia in wc*t to start, then rain along eoaal: end of week clear and very warm. Florida) Week begins cloudy, then ahowera in south; week ends cloudy and verv warm. Upstate and Western New York-Toronto & Montreal: Thunder atorma for moat of week; clear and warm liv weekend. Greater Ohio > alley: Cloudy thtouyrh week with some thunder alotma; charing and very warm on weekend. Deep South: Mostly cle.u toal.nt, Ihcnh.nd ram in northeaat; clear throughout legion latter part. Chicago and Southern Great l.akes: Cloudy at first, then quite heavy rain; partly clear latter part, then cloudy on weekend. SELL YOUR FARM or LAND NATIONWIDE LISTING! Fill in the form below, Clip & Mail to: STROUT REALTY, INC. Douglas L Potts, Rep. Box 44 Port Clinton, PA 19549 snmlalion to SkofieUff (ktmetb STROUT REALTY, INC. Would like (o SELL your property, now or at a later date: As a property owner you should know about our NATIONWIDE BUYERS service that is available to you without cost or obligation. • No Lisb'nf Charge • Buyers trom Everywhere • Nationwide Advertising • More than 600 Offices tdil tjdotoM dlmebwa I DO WANT TO LIST mnXR (AND SELL) MY % LEf PROPERTY WITH STROUT REALTY, INC.! Kind of Property: Location Owner: Address. Telephone: NOW IS THE TIME TO START THINKING ABOUT EXPANSION. SO ASK US ABOUT EXPANDING WITH THE SOL-AIR STSTEMS DAIRY, BEEF, OR SWINE BARNS. W *fune is I daily M ' month Thru our .Best Time to Inspect The barn with the roof louvers that automatically open and close to keep you and your animals comfortable. Herdsman for well-known Registered Holstein herd in Western Pennsylvania. Would have responsibility for milking, feeding, and caring for select group of cattle. No fieldwork. Paid vacation, hospitalization, housing, and time off included. Starting salary dependent on experience and ability. For details, call 412-463*3425 after 7:00 P.M. OR Write Box 266 D, CO Uncaster Farming, Utltz, PA 17543. Color them Milk has been called “the perfect food.” It’s basic. That’s why we’re lucky U.S. dairy farmers are the world’s number one milk producers. So, since June is Dairy Month, let’s celebrate, right? Wrong! Did you know many U.S. dairy farmers face the prospect of having to close down? Feed costs are up, fuel costs are up, labor costs are up. So it’s impossible for many dairymen to make a living for their families on what they get for the milk they produce. That’s pretty basic too. We aren't talking about driving fancy cars or installing swimming pools. We mean “just getting by.” And if those fanners go, they’re gone forever. So try and bear with us when the costs of dairy products go up a little. If those farmers go, you can bet your costs are going up a lot. U.S. dairymen are doing everything they can to hold the line, but this June, Dairy Month, remember ‘ that just like you, we’re trying to get by. Veastefum ~ MILK PRODUCERS COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, JNC Kinne Road, Syracuse, New York T 3214 r- Help Wanted
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers