Their Favorite Recipes I Continued Irom Fiji 581 the barn along with her household duties. "Joy enjoys being on the The Rutts also enjoy a The Blxlcr’s who farm In farm and working with number of dairy foods partnershlo with Mr eows," Mrs. Blxler stated, although the most popular Blxlcr's father arc " Wc do have °dicr en- J® J p “ k «r P ad - currently milking about 60 tcr P. rl * es su u ch 4 “ c h lcke ?» ffiL, tS rcclpc cows. Their farm is located aad tobacco but dairying will follows - 8t Marietta R 1 near OI K I be .s f ° r . . Maytown Milk is the favorite dairy Mrs. Blxler Is a member of product around the Blxler Farm Women Society 29 and houschold especially during has served in the group as lhe summer - However, one Cracker Pudding 1 quart milk 2 eggs 1 cup coarse cracker crumbs % cup sugar 3 A cups coconut vanilla Scald milk and cracker Sewing is one of her favorite crumbs. Mix together sugar, pasttlmes as she makes not coconut and eggs. Add to only clothes for her children) milk mixture and bring to a Jodi 7 and Jon 5 but also for boil. Add vanilla. her husband. Mr. Bixler is a member of In the northern part of the the Elizabethtown Young county - Mrs. Jay Bixler can Farmers and belongs to the also be found helping out at area Jaycees. SOUTHEASTERN PENNA. TRACTOR PULL ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES THEIR SECOND TRACTOR PULLS for the 1975 SEASON. TO BE HELD FRS., JUNE 13 - 7 P.M. SAT., JUNE 14 - 7 P.M. At the Rough and Tumble Historical Assoc Grounds Route 30 (13 miles East of Lancaster) Kmzer, PA Y'ALL COME YOU'LL HAVE A GOOD TIME All Classes and Types of Pull used under P.T.P.A. Rules All Entries Will Operate under the PA Tractor Pull Association Inc. Rules, For Further In formation and Complete Set of Rules Contact: SOUTHEASTERN PENNA. TRACTOR PULL ASSOCIATION PROMOTIONAL COMMITTEE BOX 142 Kinzer, PA Phone 717-354-9793 THE FARMERS NATIONAL BANK OF QUARRYVILLE TWO CONVENIENT SOUTHERN LANCASTER LOCATIONS QUARRYVILLE PENN HILL Ln) <lalis {dam? (lain {(lain Jdam (lain? fifain? fdain? (lain flam J fdam?fdain fdain filing dam fdain? dam fdam? »-p» 'yiir Xpr CqW Vj~j# VjpT Xljr ]jr 'tijjr (lain vice-president. She is also a 4-H leader for the Mt. Joy Sewing Club and instructs the freelance division a time to say To the dairy farmers of this area, whom we know as friends, neighbors and cus tomers, we say “Thank You", for supplying all of us with the health-giving nutrition and delicious flavor of dairy products . for building farm income, im proving business and boosting our local economy Thank you, too, for the opportunity of serving you We’re ready plete banking services for all your financial needs SEE US FOR • Farm Loans • Checking Accounts • Personal Loans • Savings Accounts • Improvement Loans SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU LARGE ENOUGHTO SERVE YOU PHONE (717) 786-7337 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY LENDER MEMBER F D I C EACH ACCOUNT INSURED TO $4O 000 of the children’s favorite is Chocolate pudding. Mrs. Blxler shares her recipe for pudding below: Chocolate Layer Pudding Prepare 1 large package of pudding mix (cooked type) and layer in parfait glasses with whipped topping. Garnish with cherries and serve with tall glasses of milk. There’s plenty of nutrition to think about when you’re thinking about milk. Each eight-ounce serving has about eight grams of protein, plus calcium and vitamins. Milk is a food - not just a beverage. FOR COOL MILK ...FAST! SALES and SERVICE i •SUNSET OR fiIRTON ■-TTANKS New 18 Can All Steel Can Cooler New & Used Air & Water Cooled Diesels Used Bulk Tanks & Can Coolers For Complete Refrigeration on Milk Cooling in Central Penna., Contact: CHRIST K. FISHER RD2, Loganton, PA 17747 "thank you” Mrs. Kenneth Rutt serves Cracker Pudding to her children (from left) Philip, Matthew and Lorri. The with com- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7,1975 Lincoln 4-H Meets The Lincoln Community 4- Kerry Boyd, club H Club met May 20 at 7:30 president, conducted the p.m. Mrs. Dorothy Frey business meeting. The next spoke on Vegetable Gar- meeting will be held at the dening. Twenty members home of Walter Augsburger attended the meeting at the June 16 at 7:30 p.m. Parents Mt. Airy Fire Hall. Night will be observed. Homeowners cut mowing time in half with commercial rider On ihe Yazoo pictured above you can Now one man does it in a day and a half mow up to 16 acres in a day You don t on a Yazoo " follow it with a trim mower It docs, it all w G “Buck* Siler who is pro-owner You can mm under low-hanging shrubs of Longview Golf Club in Greensboro in a senes of nimble passes many limes N C says ‘ With the tractor I was using faster than a man with a walk mower two hand mowers trimming continuously You can cut a clean radius right around during the season After 1 got the Yazoo a tree trunk or a pole Trim the edges of vve had one hand mower trimming two , 0* to three hours a week A Commercial vs.“ Homeowner” When machines break down wages go That’S why commercial men don t buy “AVCTf . 7* j* i * homeowner’machines They cant afford ponds, embankments, curbs Around flow- to Everything in a Yazoo is industrial cr beds, pipe stands, under benches along grade There is no walls and fences, in and out of ditches In compromise corners In high grass or low Evenly In residential use, Beautifully Without scalping or skipping it should last you a When You’re Done Riding, iifcume You’re Done Mowing. State Senator Henry Sayler of St Petersburg Florida, says “Mowing my WW AHrmf Pnr*? one-acre place was killing my weekends What About 1 ncc * On the advice of some cemetery men, I Most of the best-known homeowner f*' te . h ' dfron l abc y ‘ slun? nd " |° ‘ hc makes w.ll cost you more than a com- YR4B Now 1 cut all my grass including parable Sl2e commercia i Yazoo some the trimming, tn forty-five minutes It s cons , derab|v more fun to drive, very respons ve ” consioeraniy more All five Yazoo Commercial Riders are What Commercial Men Say built to the same design £E Commercial turf men tell us their yr?« yr#o yiu* y«42 yr 3« operators hate being shifted from the Yazoo to another machine Your Yazoo dealer will be glad to advise The Yazoo .s specially designed for » nd ,e ‘ y° u one for S 1“ on V° ur mowing It has from wheel drive It cuts wn grounds in front where vou can sec It steers from One caution Last, year, commercial the rear cutters ran the dealers and the factory out Using a simple short-throw lever, you stock in mid-season So act now Don’t can move forward or backward or stop end up in a shotgun marriage with a mower with your finger-tips and steer with your y° u N always feel dissatisfied with other hand It’s that simple TAZOO 1 Jdauif frl dam £p (lain w Ken Schoeni, who is Superintendent of Athletic Facilities at Bowling Green Uni versity, Ohio, says, about one mowing job “It used to take two men three days dam w rtry (lain m (lain RD2, EAST EARL. PA PH. 215-445-6175 '/2 MILE NORTH OF GOODVILLE ON UNION GROVE ROAD family’s favorite dairy recipe includes one quart of milk which gives a nutritional boost to any meal. DRIVE THE YAZOO COMMERCIAL RIDER NOW AT e l ohnL Stauffer 59 trims as it mows
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