—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7. 1975 58 LmeastetC* by: Melissa Piper There's sn old adage that says "behind every great man was the woman in his life," which historians like to say held true for many prominent men and cer tainly many people would say that is especially per tinent to the dairy farmer and his wife. Along with the housekeeping chores, sewing and cooking for the family and running the errands, dairy farm wives have been known to put in some extra hours, milking, baling hay and feeding the calves. Lancaster Fanning visited with three dairy farm wives in the county this week and asked their views on dairying as well as their favorite dairy food recipes for our annual Dairy Issue. A visit to the Peach Bot tom area found Mrs. Robert (Susie) Kauffman busy with details around her home. Mrs. Kauffman’s husband Robert operates a dairy farm in the Southern end of the county milking about 55 cows at the present time. Along with their dairy operation, Kauffman’s farm about 120 acres and some rented land raising alfalfa and com for dairy feed. Mrs. Kauffman is well known to many Lancaster County people having been involved in many farm related activities. She is Chocolate Layer Pudding is a favorite dairy recipe in the Jay Bixler household. Mrs. Bixler is shown serving the dessert to her two children (from left) Jon and Jodi. MUELLER CHEVROLET, 275 N. WALNUT ST PHONE 1215] 767-3889 "Plain We Talk and Fancy Deals We Give" ★ New & Used TRUCKS ★ Complete Line of TRUCK PARTS >. Farm Wi Discuss Dairying and currently the president of le*ni a lot but we've come Form Women Society 31 and through it." is a member ot the women's “Bob (Mr. Kauffman) also section of PFA. always wanted to farm and An active PFA member, enjoys this life." Mrs. Kauffman headed the Mr. Kauffman is also quite talent committee for this active in the dairy enterprise year's representative and having been the president of served as the counties' the DHIA board and a contestant for Mrs, PFA last member of the Interstate Co spring. She is also a member °P committee, of the Fulton Grange and has Recipe Favorites served on the lay advisory Dairy foods are popular committee for the Solanco around the Kauffman School district. household as each member Mrs. Kauffman graduated has a special dish. Mrs. from Millersville State Kauffman explained that College and received both Macaroni and Cheese her Bachelor and Master's Casserole has been a degree in education favorite because of its majoring in English nutritional value and it’s Literature. The farm wife convenience to make, taught English at Solanco But perhaps the most High School before her favorite is Egg Custard Pie children were bom and now which is always a favorite substitute teaches on oc- not °nly for Mr. and Mrs. casion. Kauffman but also for their Although her schedule daughters Beth and Karen, seems quite hectic, Mrs. Mrs. Kauffman’s recipe for Kauffman also finds time to the pie and a special type coordinate the teachers for crust follows: the youth classes at the Egg Custard Pie Mechanic Grove Church of * eggs, slightly beaten the Brethren. teaspoon salt “I guess you could sav I CU P sugar have the best of two worlds,” 3 cups milk scalted Mrs. Kauffman explained. teaspoon vanilla ‘T always wanted to be a recipe plain pastry teacher and a farmer's wife nutmeg and now I have both.” Combine eggs, salt, sugar When asked about their and vanilla. Beat until fluffy, dairy operation, Mrs. Pour in scalded milk slowly, Kauffman stated, “we’re until foamy. Pour into making a good living from P* e shell and cover heavily dairy farming -we had to wi th nutmeg. Bake in a very hot oven 450 degrees for 10 minutes then reduce heat to 325 degrees and bake for additional 30-40 minutes. SLATINGTON, PA PHONE 12151 767-2032 We Can Satisfy All Your Truck Needs! June Dairy Month JWe Serve the Farmer Our Time INC. J. WILLIS WILLIS GARMAN & SONS GARMAN JR. - '«S*r ; Mi 4 Ephrata, PA Milk Hauler |diui?J gj '■*!> giij Their Favorite Recipes c 6 ' V* ' Egg Custard Pie is a favorite of all family. Susie Kauffman cuts a taste the members of the Robert Kauffman for Beth (left) and Karen. Makes 1-9 inch pie. who are m partnership with Rutt smiling explained her Pie Crust Kenneth’s father, are views. 2 cups flour currently milking 60 head of “Both my husband and I teaspoon salt Holstein cows. grew up on dairy farms so it V* cup cold milk Along with tending to her was pretty natural for us to % cup oil three children - Philip, 4; do.” Mix flour and salt. Pour in Lorri, 5 and Matthew 6 “We feel dairying is im oil and milk into a measuring month; Mrs. Rutt is a portant because it cup. Add all at once. Stir member of Farm Women represents something people until mixed. Form into Society 31 and helps out with buy as an necessity.” smooth ball - cut-in halves the Sunday School program Along with their dairy and flatten slightly. Roll at the Mechanic Grove operation, the Rutts also Bake at 475 degrees for 8-10 Church of the Brethren. raise com and soybeans. The As hobbies, Mrs. Rutt soybeans are used as a Across the way in enjoys sewing for the family cash crop and usually find Quarryville, Mrs. Kenneth working in their garden and their way to southern (Connie) Rutt can also be skiing in the winter. markets, found doing her part in their When asked her im- rqi dairy operation. The Rutt’s pression of dairying Mrs. I Continued on Page 591 IS Thank Reinholds, PA Milk Hauler gj Clato? to Say You Claira? ) (lain I M nuuilh Ik jdainf M nunnA Ik W hint t\ W IdaJm Jdain [
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