A VA A V'/VT Ist Quarter Pa. Milk Milk production in Penn* sylvania during the first three months of 1V75 was 1,698 million pounds, 3 percent more than in the equivalent period last year. Average production per cow during this period was 822 pounds, up 2 percent from the 808 pound average for the same period a year ago. The number of milk cows averaged 688,000 during the period, up 5,000 from the comparable period a year earlier. Wholesale milk prices There's nothin old-fashioned about Sta-Ri stanchion bam pipeline milking. Modern Sta-Rite dairy equipment makes every milking system better, more efficient, easier on you and your cows. And you can add any of these up-to-date products to your stanchion barn or milking parlor. >■-* The Sta Rite Full View Milker permits a con stint visual check ~0l milk (low Cuts milking lime reduces over milking See these men fur expert help in designing a milking system to fit your operation. ■I 'W|H WILMER MARTIN Home Phone (215) 445-5652 reported by dairymen for the first .three months of 1975 averaged 7 percent less than in the equivalent period of 1974. The March blend price of $8.45 per cwt. as reported by commercial dairymen marked the fourth con secutive month of falling milk prices. The average of indicated production costs for the year ended March 31, 1975 was $8.31 per 100 pounds of milk. This was 7 percent above costs during the comparable period of 1974 and continues SilDh Sta Rile s 900 Series Milk* house Panel is factory as sembied and tested Switches •nstantly from milk to wash (or thorough pipe line cleaning Automatic self dram Output Was Up 3 pet. the uptrend in production costs. Grain values, hay prices, and wage rates aU contributed toward the in crease. Grain values on April 1 dropped 6 percent from their January 1 level, but were still 3 percent above the same period last year. The quantity of grain fed as of April 1, 1975 was 7 percent below the year ago levels. Hay prices averaged 4 percent more for the first three months of 1975 com pared to the same period during 1974 and April 1 wage A Sta-Rite Full Vac vacuum pump insures positive vacuum for your milking system The new Sta Rite Vac Sav Milk Valve reduces vacuum loss to a mini mum Also gives pro tection against con lamination SUPPLY CENTER 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER, PA PHONE 717-397-4761 STORE HOURS: Open Friday Evenings til 8 p.m Mon. thru Thurs. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Sat. 8 a.m. to Noon rates wore up 4 percent from •year ago levels. United States milk production during the first three months of 1975 was 0.2 percent above the same period last year. The average number of milk cows on farms for the first quarter of 1975 was 1 percent less than for the same period last year. Nationally, grain and concentrates fed milk cows on April averaged 13.2 pounds per cow compared with 13.8 on the same date the past two years. Make pipeline washing completely automatic and Grade A clean with a Sta Rite Full Convenience Pipe hne Washer A 24 hour timer lets you pre program all necessary wash rinse and sanitize cycles with fail sale protection MELVIN STOLTZFUS Home Phone (717) 392-0066 ■ M i i !*r i- 'j 'J, < Ul' *. •t • I J Sir »«<•> I•' Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7,1975—19 Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. FORAGE WAGONS DION - BADGER - COBEY SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! A. C. HEISEY FARM EQUIPMENT INC. RDI. Jonestown. PA 17038 Phone 717-865-4526 Located 'h mile South of Fredericksburg oil Route 343 Evenings By Appointment DOWN TO THE WJRE SALE Check Agway Supply Center for your wire needs first. You won’t have to go anywhere else! And now there are many pre-season values you won’t want to miss WELDED WIRE 14 or 12 V 2 gauge provides great strength with light weight. Mesh spacing stays uniform, flat, easy to unroll, excellent shape reten tion. Ideal for a thousand uses. Wide range of sizes up to 72" high. (50 and 100 ft. rolls) BARBED WIRE (American Made) Equals or surpasses mini mum A.S.T.M. specifica tions. Heavy zinc coating. 14 gauge barbs are inter locked at 5 inch intervals. Available in both 4 point 12Vz gauge and 2 point 14 gauge. (80 rod spools) 2 pi“ per roll 4 PT P erroll • LUGGED U , FENCE POST So popular because it 1 is handsome green enamel for long-life jJ Easy to install, too Available in other sizes '69-21 00) - 5' post $ 2* 29 NAIL & STAPLE VA" BRIGHT STAPLE IVf" GALV. ROOFING NAILS 16D COMMON BRIGHT NAILS Reg. $21.35 $lO.OO SALE I # P er rollso ' POST HOLE DIGGER 13 gauge heavy-duty steel blades really get in and dig' Long-han dle with good maneuverability Makes installing fence so easy l (81-2339) SALE 501 b carton Reg $l9 25 501 b carton SOC«S9 Reg $27 59 A 3 501 b carton e- # oc Reg $lB 95 *lO (2x4x36) s]3-89 s]7* 25
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