20—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 7, 1975 Dairy Breeding Research Dairy breeding research has made a major con tribution to Increased milk production in Pennsylvania during the past 30 years, declared Dr. Donald V. Expands Milk Josephson, head of the department of dairy science at The Pennsylvania State University recently.- He reoprted that one outstanding Pennsylvania bull, for example, has sired over 100,000 daughters from artificial insemination. These cows have averaged 1,200 pounds more milk per year than the average of daughters in the same herds sired by other bulls. The increased milk production from this one bull’s daughters added over $28,000,000 income to Penn sylvania dairymen over the past decade, Dr. Josephson stated. He recalled that research programs in dairy cattle breeding and artificial in semination at Penn State grew out of a critical need for greatly increased milk production during World War H. The need for more milk led Blue Form Time for 4-Hers Any Lancaster County 4-H member who is over 14 years of age and has completed at least one year of 4-H club work is eligible to submit a Pennsylvania Members’ Record Form (Blue Form) to be entered in the National 4-H Awards Program. The 4-H member must have completed a project in the programs entered. Some of the programs include beef, clothing, dairy, foods and nutrition, horse, photography, poultry, sheep, swine, and veterinary science. Blue forms are a detailed report of the 4-H’ers career experiences in 4-H. The offices, activities, round-ups, and projects that he has participated in are included. The member also writes a 4- H story which should tell how he has personally developed through involvement in 4-H. Blue Forms are judged on the county, state, and Production to organization of artificial breeding cooperatives in the Commenwealth. As the cooperatives grew, formal requests for research in the breeding and artificial in semination came to Penn State from dairy fanners, managers of breeding cooperatives, and agricultural extension dairy specialists. Development of dairy breeding research began at Penn State in 1944. John O. Almquist was hired that year as dairy physiologist to find ways to improve artificial insemination techniques. Following success with limited facilities, the Penn- State program was ex panded in 1949 with the opening of the Dairy Breeding Research Center at University Park. Dr. Almquist is in charge of the Center. The facility was opened with strong backing national levels with the highest scoring records continuing on. County winners will receive medals, state winners will receive trips to National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago, and national winners will receive scholarships of varied amounts. Everyone is encouraged to try for these awards and may receive more in formation by calling the Lancaster County Extension Office at 394-6851. Blue Forms are tpbe turned in by June 13, 1975. """BIG 10 ~™ ON ALL [mi UNILOADERS WE WILL TAKE OFF OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING MODELS: THIS VALUABLE OFFER IS GOOD FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY mi The better way to get things done! A BINKLEY & HURST BROS. Lititz RD4, PA Phone: 626-4705 of dairy leaders and financial support from breeding cooperatives. Dr. Almquist reported dairy breeding research has resulted in economical means of preserving the fertilizing and ability of bull COMPLETE & CUSTOM BUILT Dairy Systems, Beef Installations, Veiling Operation “TURN KEY” FARMING SYSTEMS individually designed & built to each fanner’s needs Monday thru Friday - year round We have the manpower & facilities to design & build bams, furnish & install all equipment, electrical, plumbing, etc., and maintain service on items we sell. BUILDINGS Pole Bams • Any Size - Free Stall or Open Gothic Arch - Choice of Colors Milking Parlors - individually designed for best results Stanchion Bams - Any Type - Dairymen’s choice Veal Bams - Sized with Heat & Ventilation Sheds & Out Buildings - Owner’s Choice EQUIPMENT Surge Dairy Farm Equipment - Pipelines - Parlors - Precooling - Installed Acorn Free Stall Cleaners • Installed Patz Feed & Manure Handling Systems - Installed Ventomatic or Dayton Ventilation • Installed Mueller Bulk Tanks - Installed Terms; Complete Job Quotations with Guaranteed Prices LEINBACH CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Buckwalter Ed., RDI, Potts town, PA 19464 Christian Leinbach 215-327-0310 602 Main Street, Bally, FA 19503 Lawrence Eshleman 215-845-2261 We are willing to provide complete services or cooperate with others. 1700's • $ 5OO OFF 1830 • $ 6OO OFF 1500 Series • $ 6OO OFF sperm for years at very low temperatures. Moreover, new technology makes it possible to Inseminate 50,000 to 100,000 cows per year to superior sires without reducing the conception rate. A. L. HERR & BRO. 312 Park Ave. Quarryville 786-3521
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers