18 —Umciitf Farming, Saturday, Juna 7,1975 Lancaster Cattleman Shows Champion Steers A Lancaster County 1 cattleman and hla aona walked away with a boat of prliaa at the Lancaater Stockyarda Fed Steer Show held on Wedneaday af ternoon. Paul Rohm, Lancaster R 2 and his sons, Dick and Ken, exhibited the grand champion lot of fed steers. The Angus cattle had previously won the heavyweight breed division earlier in the show. Another lot of angus cattle consigned by Martin Eberly, Ephrata R 2, took the reserve champion honors having been selected as the champion lightweights of the breed. Rohrer’s champion lot sold by J. M. Hoober, Inc. went to Crons Brothers for $56.60 per hundredweight; while the reserve lot sold by Hoober also, was purchased by Alley Packing Co. for $53.85. Winners in other breed competitions were: reserve champion Hereford - Melvin Rohrer, Lititz R 3, champion Hereford lot - Paul Rohrer, Lancaster R 2; champion Charolais - Clarence Miller, Lititz R 2; reserve champion Charolais • Elmer Hoover, Leola; champion crossbred • Clyde Eshelman, Washington Boro; reserve champion crossbred • Stanley White, Manbeim and champion Holstein lot • Aaron Weaver, Ephrata R 2. Judge for the event was Milt Marshall of Cross Brothers Packing Company of Philadelphia. A total of 252 head of animals were en tered in the contest. HER JOB BETTER MILK PRODUCTION aWOLGEMUTH BROS., Inc Mount Joy, Penna Two lots of Angus steers took the The animals shown were the reserve top two prizes during the Lancaster champion lot exhibited by Martin Stockyard's Fed Steer Show and Sale. Eberly, Ephrata R 2. Paul Rohrer, (right) Lancaster R 2 grand champion lot of fed steers at holds the trophy awarded him and his the Lancaster Stockyards Show held sons Ken and Dick for exhibiting the on Wednesday afternoon. ry Feeds to meet needs of calves, heifers, dry cows, milk ers ... to protect health, promote growth, increase productivity. Salute the Dairy Farmer JOB FEEDS ion high with Ph. 653-1451 Editors Quote Book It is often a good tdea to let the other fellow believe he is running things whether he is or not William Feather TRY A CLASSIFIED AD HESSTON When the crew Even in a one-man operation, Hesslon makes it possiole to include a moderate size haying program with the HESSTON StakHand* 1 0 Yes, the Stack Hand 10 will get your hay up and out of the weather at the hourly rate o( four to six tons And the stacks have self-stonng. weather-resistant capabilities. Couple the StakHand with a choice of StakMovers and you can put up hay one day, they move it later on See us (or all the benefits of a StakHand right away. We can even show you how the Slak- Hand 10 system lends itself to feeding programs Swing it left or right Hydrostatic header drive and center placement of the arched tongue on the header allow infinite positioning of the new center pivot Hydro Swing 41 1014 Yes, Hesston's 1014 can cut on either side of the tractor to let you windrow in either direction .. up and down the field Or, the swing cylinder lets you position the header directly behind the tractor to clear gates. Available in widths of 12’ or 14', the headers give trouble-free operation even in dense crops And 57” con ditioner rolls gently fluff hay into well-formed windrows See us about the new 1014 soon It's an ideal way to open your fields to your choice of HESSTON StakHand* Automatic Hay Handling Systems * Hydro Swing and StakHand are registered trademarks of the Hesston Corporation m STAUFFER A DIESEL, Inc. KUTI 312 W. Main St. Tractors New Holland, Pa. Phone 717-354-4181 is you ER
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