Public Sales Register (Continued from Page 68) «t Cross Keys and go 1 mile c .u » m u n jc . to Sale. Terms by Mrs. Urath South of New Hoiand Sale r. I amnion. Owner, RRI, by Paul Z. Martin: Martin New Oxford, Pa. Clair It! Auctioneers and Associates. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. MON. APRIL 14 ■ 11 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Tools, Truck, Car, Household goods. Antiques etc. located 1 mile cast of New Oxford on Route 30, turn onto Route 94, north COMPLETE DISPERSAL Having decided to discontinue farming, the following will be offered for sale at public auction, located at the farm, on-the West Warren to Nichols Road No LR 699, 8 miles South of Nichols, NY, 8 miles North of Leßaysville, PA and 4 miles East of Rt 187 SATURDAY, APRIL 5,1975 (BUZZARD DATE TUBS.. APR. 8. 1975) 10:00 A.M. SHARP 90 BEEF CATTLE 52 Angus bulls, steers and heifers, 31 mature Angus steers and 1 Holstem heifer, also WYE PLANTATION AMAZON BULL. Many of these animals are registered or eligible for registration and will make good foun dation animals. Local and interstate charts day of sale, and inoculated for shipping fever. MACHINERY 3 TRACTORS AC 180 Diesel with LPTO, PS & 1200 hrs., 3 yrs. old; AC 160 diesel with PS, LPTO, front end loader, used only 2 seasons; Ford 8N with concrete mixer, t AC 4B plow with side hill hitch, AC No. 782 chopper with Si row corn and grass PU. heads, AC blower, 2 AC 7 ton wagons with Gehl boxes, New Idea corn picker grinder, New Idea cut-ditioner, New Idea 32 ft. elevator, NT flail spreader, 150 Bu.; AC 10 ft. disc, N.H. No. 65 baler, 4 hay skids, 2 Wh farm trailer, J.D. 4 row corn planter, Century sprayer, roller, Cyclone seeder, hammermill, Shaver post driver, 30 ft. blower pipe, 20’ Skelton elevator. 2 SILOS 2 Madison silo, 2 yrs. old, 18’ x 50’; Madison silo, 4 yrs. old, 14’ x 50’; Badger silo unloader and distributor, some silage. ALSO: Marquette 180 Amp welder, 1900 sq. ft. Barn with hand-hewn timbers and old boards. 15,000 Watt Generator, air compressor, New Idea double cylin ders, platform scales, Lg. force pump with l x k HP Motor, shallow well pump, bale of baler twine, table saw with 3 HP motor, fertilizer, seqd corn, Lg. quantity of Hemlock boards, hotbed sash, 40’ wood ladder, over 300’ of %” plastic pipe, Homeco riding mower, Sm tools, Wagon seats, Wine press, Locust Posts, Fence control c ptc ’ TERMS CASH OR GOOD CHECK Lunch Tent OWNERS: Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kolaaa RD2, Nichols, NY AUCTIONEER: | Watson J. Dayton 1 RDS, Montrose, PA 18801 J (717) 934-2309 i AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Most of this machinery is | like new, and warrants your inspection Rian to attend ’ this fine dispersal * TUES. APRIL 15 - fi P.M. Public Auction of Furniture, Glassware, Appliances, etc. at The Farmcrsvillc Auction located at Farmcrsvillc, 3 miles East of Brownstown, I-ancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt; Richard Murray, Auctioneer. TUES. APRIL 15 - 1 P.M. Special Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., I-ancaster, Penha. WED. APRIL 16-9:30 A.M. Consignment Sale by David H. Good, located mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in I Lan caster Co., Pa. F. Snyder, R Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth and C. Diller, Auctioneers. THURS AND FRI. APRIL 17 & 18 - Pennsylvania State Holstein Sales, Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Sale sponsored by Penn sylvania Holstein Association, 839 Benner Pike, State College, Pa. THURS. APRIL 17 - 7 P.M. Calf and Yearling Sale, 1500 Head, to be held at the Fauqier Livestock Ex change, Marshall, Va. FRI. APRIL 18 - 7:30 P.M. 1975 Feeder Cattle and Calf Sale at the South Branch Stockyards, Inc., HUNTER-S SALE BARN, INC. Rising Sun, Route 276, Maryland (Formerly West Nottingham Sales) Phone: 301-658-6400 COMING SALES LAWN, GARDEN & FARM EQUIPMENT SALE SAIUROAV, MARCH 29 - 10:30 AJ«. FEEDER SALE SAT., APRIL 12,12 NOON HORSE & TACK SALE SAT., APRIL 19,12 NOON FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD SALE. SAT., APRR. 26.2 P.M. Livestock, Poultry, Produce, Household Auction, Flea Market Every Monday Night. PUBLIC SALE STOCK REDUCTION AUCTION OF HARDWARE MERCHANDISE and MACHINERY SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1975 11:00 A.M. LOCATION East on Rt 322 to Hmkletown light Turn left to Mar tmdale Square Turn right Take the first road left, Conestoga Ave, to the Ice Plant Driveway Vacuum Cleaner with 5 h.p Wisconsin Engine; New Socket Sets with %” Drive; S. K. Tools; 20 New Car Tires 7.35 to 8.35 x 15”; 12 -10 x2O Regular Truck Tires, Recaps; Lots of Bolts; Screws; Hose Clamps by the Hundreds; Fans; New-Used Pulleys; Lots of Electric Wire; Barrels; Fence Posts; 1 Bag Stapling Machine; New Produce Scales; Motors; one third h.p. Milk Pump; New Vz h p. Water Pump, Other Pumps. 200’ of 4” Plastic Pipe Vz Dozen R-89 Three Year Delco Batteries; 8-55 Gal Drums of Texaco Grease: 8’ Pickup Top; Lot of New & Used Pipe Fittings; Lots of Pipe & Scrap Iron; Old Batteries, N.H. Silage Blower; Case 13-Hole Grain Drill; Hay Loader; 50’ Endless Belt; P.T 0. Pulley For Fordoor Ferguson Plus many, many items too numerous to mention SALE BY. NOUS' ICE CO. (717) 354-5322 RANDAL KLINE, Auctioneer (717) 626-4975 PAUL LANDIS, App Auctioneer (717) 354-8453 Not Responsible For Accidents Lunch By Martmdalc Fire Co Moorefleld, West Virginia FRI. APRIL 10 -8 P.M. Nile Cow Sale at the Black & White Holstein Farm, I-ancasler, Pa. across from the Comet Drivc-m Theatre or 1 » mile West of breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Diffcnbach, Auctioneer; Henry Ket tering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager. FRI. APRIL 18 - 1 p.m. Winchester - 2nd Spring Feeder Calf 4 Yearling Sale - to be held at the Fanners Livestock Exchange, Inc., located I'j miles west of Winchester, Va. on U.S. Route 50. FRI. APRIL 18 - 11 A.M. Public Sale of Registered and Grade Holsteins and Farm Equipment located in Columbia County, Pa., 5 mile*- North of Bloomsfaurg just off Route 44. Records on cows selling up to 19.000 lbs. of milk. 76 head of which 14 are Registered. Sale by Elvin and Elaine Doutnch; Kreider, Diller and Fraley, Auctioneers. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 29.1975 SAT. APRIL 19 ■ 10 A.M. Morning Public Cattle Sale of 52 head of Grade Stock Bulls, Steers and Heifers located 1 mile north off Route 422 (turn west at Hillside Motel), 3miles south off Route 562 (between Yellow House and Stoner svillc), along Limekiln Road, Amity Twp., Berks Co. Sale by Eurl R. Hufcr; John D. Frey and George I). Frey, Auctioneers SAT. APRIL 19-10:30 to 3:00 Mid-Atlantic Brown Swiss Day and Calf Sale at Swissvale Farms, 69 Bell Road, Westminster, MD. SAT. APRIL 0 - 11 A.M. Special Spring Consignment Sale of Farmer Owned Equipment to be held at the Pirrung Farm located on Livingston Co. Road No. 37, off Rts. 21-245 between Wayland and North Cohorton. Sale managed by Victor Pirrung and Son, Wayland, NY. SAT. APRIL 19 - 9-30 A.M. Real Estate at 2 P.M. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Trucks, Store Equipment and Grocienes located midway between Spnngville and Rte. 23, 3 miles South off of Rte. 23 on Peter’s Road, mile south of Acorn Acres, Lancaster County, Pa. Terms by Ella M. Esbenshade, executrix RAYMOND B. LEAMAN PUBLIC SALE TUESDAY, APRIL 8.1975 11:45 NOON Take Rt 222 to Refton, midway between Lancaster and Quarryville [take Brenneman Road North at Graybiil Bros Garage) NEW MACHINERY Int. No. 55 Chisel 3 bar 11 ft. Int. No. 510 13 x 7 Gram Drill w-fert. Int. No. 400 Air Planter, N.H. No. 352 Grinder-mixer. Int. 1066 Tractor w-full warranty. Int. 1436 cab air J.D. 4430 w-Cab & Air. Minimum bid $lB,OOO on these two tractors. 1974 MACHINERY N.H. 357 Grinder mixer the big one N.H. 273 Baler baled 4000 only. N.I. 323 picker picked 25 acres. 2 Parker 165 Bu. Gravity Bm wagon, 2 36 ft. N.H. Elevator w-motors, N.H. No. 8 Forage Wagon hauled 8 load, J.D. Plateless 1240 planter w-fert. 1973 MACHINERY J.D 2 row 3 pt. Cultivator, N.I. 2 Row 324 Picker 12 Roll, J.D. 3 pt. mower, J D. Post Hole Digger. USED COMBINES Int. 315 w-cab, gram and corn heads, M.F 300 w cab., gram and corn head, Oliver 25 gram and corn head. USED TRACTORS 1066 Int; 1968 4020 J.D Synchro w widefront, Oliver 1750 over and under Oliver 1555 Diesel. Clean Case 730 gas w-wide front. J D 2030 Utility Diesel w-Ind. P.T.O INT 544 Diesel Hi Crop Utility. JD. 620 w-3 pt and Loader, Cyclone A J.D. Int. 656 Utility Hydro w-2000 Loader. 1972 Oliver Loader Tractor w-3 pt. 4 Star MM w-good Loader. Int 460 Utility w-loader; Int. 574 Diesel. USED EQUIPMENT 4020 3020 4 row front mount Cultivator, J.D 483 Haybme, 4 Row Brady Stalk Chopper, Bnllion Sure Stand Seeder 3 pt. J D No. 65 Blower, J.D. 6 row 'Plateless Planter w-no till coulters, 2 Int. 456 4 Row Planters, 2 J.D. 494-495 Planters, Int. 710 - 6 bottom 18” Auto Plow, Int. & J.D. 34-5 Plows. J.D. and Int. wheel discs, J.D. 999 Horse drawn planter, J.D Wagon w kicker racks, NI mounted Picker 8 roll set of 8 bolt hubs and 11L16 tires and wheels for 806 and up. Pair of wheels, runs, and 24.5 - 32 deep tread tires for 806 and up. Int. Pitmanless mower pull type good pair 18 4x34 tires on dual runs, Int. and J.D. Weights Front and Rear Cylinders Misc Late Additions Farmall 756 Diesel with 5 bottom auto, plow; Minneapolis G 950 tractor; Int No 500 plowing Disks; Int No. 48014 ft wheel Disk Trucks Int. 1890 Loadstar short w-base, 1967 Chevy Dirt Dump w-air brakes 10 Percent Down Sale Day Balance at Pickup AUCTIONEER B. RENTZEL TERMS & CONDITIONS BY RAYMOND LEAMAN for the Aaron M. Esbenshade Estate. Robert E. Martin and Frank L. Stcllcr, Auc tioneers. SAT. APRIL 19-11 u.m. ■ Public Auction of Farm Implements, Household Goods and Antiques located in Chester County, 5 miles cast of Gap and 1 mile west of Sadsburyvillc on Route UO, turn south on Old Mill Road. Sale by Mrs. Elam I). Shremer; Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 19 - 11 AM. Public Sale of Feeder Steers and Farming Implements located approx. 7 miles south of Spring Grove off of Rt. 516 along Wolfgang Rd. (near Jefferson) in York Co., PA. Watch for arrows leading to sale. Sale by Roy Mummert, Brodbecks, PA owner; Robert L. Sechnst, Auc tioneer. SAT. APRIL 19 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Irrigation System, Feed Equipment and Trucks located at Winterstown, 5 miles south of Red Lion on Rt. 24, York County, Pa. Sale ordered by Carroll E. Anderson, owner; Sale conducted by Bradley K. Smith, Auctioneer. [Continued on Page 70| 69
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers