—Lancatter Farming, Saturday. March 29, 1975 70 Public Sales Register (ConOmtd from faf* 69) SAT. APRIL 19-1:30 P.M. Public Sale of 500 Feeder Pigs located 3 miles N.E. of Bethel, off Route 22, behind PUBLIC SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS & SOME ANTIQUES SAT., APRIL 5,1975 Along Bonview Drive, Denver, Lane. Co., Pa. (near swimming pool] Ford tractor with 2 bottom plow; Ford tractor, mower, rotary mower, snow blade, ground blade, boom, wheel weights; 2 section harrow, heat houser, hay conditioner, New Idea manure spreader, lime drill, Ford manure loader. Ford tractor with mounted highway snow blower with extra power unit, 2 Gravely garden tractors with snow blower, snow blade, rotary and sickle bar mowers, spike harrow and plow, saw blade and power sprayer, sulky, Lawn Boy solid state power mower, like new; and many other items used on the farm. 4 piece modem maple bedroom suite, box springs and mattress, roll top bed, spring and mattress, 3 piece upholstered living room suite; 3 piece sectional living room suite, 7 piece breakfast set, 4000 BTU window air conditioner (new); Lyre back and spindle back rockers, half spindle plank bottom settee, old bolt action gun, Remington 16 gauge model 31 pump gun, Remington 32-40 and 2-35 rifles, one with scope, small Strickler axe, 7 foot sand stone water trough, 6 foot oval cut sand stone water trough, heart cut design sand stone water drain, lot of other antiques and glass and china ware, lot Christmas fixtures and many items not listed. Small bam and yard and implements will be sold first. Executrix of the John Stuber Estate. H. H. Leid Auction Service. Eaby and €aby, Attys. "2 in 1" SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 5(11:30 AM.) Sale held at the Charles C. Myers Black & White Farm located just east of Lancaster, PA. Exit off Rte. 283 just west of Lancaster at Flory’s Mill Exit and follow around mill to farm. 65 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS HERE ARE SOME INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE ANIMALS SELLING!! 7 Sell from 819 to 910-lbs fat. 11 sell from 705 to 791-lbs. fat. 9 sell from 629 to 699-lbs. fat. 13 sell from 20,000 to 23,000-lbs. milk. 9 more sell over 19,000-lbs. milk . 3 sell from dams with from 1054 to 1159-lbs. fat. 11 sell from dams with from 800-lbs. fat to 934 fat 1 “EXCELLENT” AND 16 “VERY GOOD” COWS SELLING!! , X&of the 16 “VG's" are at 87and-88 points) - ALL BY GREAT SIRES AND BRED TO GREAT SIRES!! This is the origin of the name of the sale. Service sires include Astronaut, Elevation, Bootmaker, Transmitter, Black Knight, Arlmda Chief, Gay Ideal, Standout, and others. THIS IS A SENSATIONAL GROUP OF CATTLE READY TO SHIP ANYWHERE!' MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW TO ATTEND AND BUY ON APRIL 5 " R. AUSTIN BACKUS INC. Auctioneers ASSISTING Mex,co ’ Peter G Blodgett Dale Jones Trainer’s Midway Diner. Terms by Adam Martin; George E. Stone, Jr. and John D. Kilmer, Auc tioneers. Sale at 10 A.M. Terms by DORA STUBER, MARLU FARMS LANCASTER, PA .... .. . ... Lincroft, NJ Philadelphia, PA Claypool, IN SAT. APRIL 19 - 9 a.m. Public Sale of Antiques. Household Goods, and Collectibles 1973 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, located on Market St., Bloomsburg, Pa. just off Rt. 60. Estate ofnuth ueiterick, John Autotore and Ronald Funk, Auctioneers. SAT. EVE. APRIL 19 - 7 P.M. Public Sale of Feeder Cattle, Machinery and Trucks located IS ml. South of Sunbury, 46 mi. East of Jet. of Rt. 147 and 225, V* mi. East of Mandata. Richard D. Baumert, owner; Long Bros., Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 19 - 11 A.M. Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods and An tiques located in the Village of Bethel, Berks County, Pa. Conditions by Arbie Derr, Executor for the Alvin Morgan Estate; John Breidegam, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 19 -2 P.M. Public Sale of 2% Story Brick Dwelling and some Household Goods located in the Village of Blue Ball along Rt. 322. Sale by John W. and Laura Shepp; Nevin Z. Martin, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 19 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods and An tiques located at 223 West High' St., Manheim, Pa. Sale by Mae G. Nissley; C. H. & Bob Wolgemuth, Auc tioneers. SAT. APRIL 19 - 12 Noon Horse and Tack Sale at Hunter’s Sale Bam, Inc., Rising Sun, Route 276, MARLU FARMS Maurice Poliak, Owner Robert Albrecht, Supl Maryland, formerly West Nottingham Sales. SAT. APRIL 19 - 10:30 A.M. Public Auction of 15 acre farm, two acres moun tainland, Household items, Antiques and Collectibles located one mile South of Berrysburg, 246 miles North of Elizabethville, along Route 225, Mifflin Township, Dauphin County, Pa. Sale by George W. Klinger, owner; George N. Deibert, Auc tioneer. TUBS. APRIL 22 - 10 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Hogs, Tools, Household Goods located 246 miles north of York Springs on Rte. 94, turn west on Good Year Road 2-10 mile, then take Still House Road 2-10 mile to Sale, in Adams County, Pa. Sale by George P. Stambaugh and-or Jeanette L. Stambaugh, owners R.R, No. 1, Gard ners, Pa.; Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. FRI. APRIL 25 - 12 Noon Special Graded Stocker and! Feeder Sale at the Lancaster RED‘“WHITE SALE SATURDAY, ACM. 5,12:30 PJd. FARM SHOW BLDG., HARRISBURG. PA 70 Head ALL REGISTERED, MOSTLY VACC, 20 CdlveS These cattle have been hand picked from herds in Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Wisconsin, Illinois and Canada. For Type & Production. Representing these Top Sires. Citation - R-l Royal Red - 7 Picklind Citation R- 3 Jasper Red -15 Topper -1 Pontiac Chieftain -4 Triple Threat - 2 Marquis Ned - 5 Kid Sampson - 2 4 yr. old with 20,767 M -832 F -355 da. - IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FOUNDATION ANIMAL OR CATTLE TO IMPROVE YOUR HERD, DON’T MISS THIS SALE. ONE OF THESE OUTSTANDING RED & WHITE CALVES COULD BE THE BEST INVESTMENT YOUR CHILD WILL EVER MAKE. PENNA. RED & WHITE DAIRY CATTLE ASSOC. MERVSCOTT ML Elgin, Ont. Can. 519-485-4958 Stoolqr.nb. Inc.. Uncrter, & Fcnn *‘ R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 26 - 2 p.m. - Public Salepf 110 Acre farm (Tract No. 1 90 acres, Tract No. 2* 20 Acres) Located along Rt. 274 between towns of Blaine and Andcrsonburg, Perry Co., Pa. Sale by Melvin Zook; Randal V. Kline, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 28 - 10 A.M. Annual Spring consignment sale, Rough & Tumble Engineers Historical Association, Kinzer. Pa. SAT. APRIL 26 - 2 P.M. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, 52.26 acres land joins New Holland Boro, 1 mile South of Rt. 23 with road frontage along Ranck Ave. Terms by New Holland Community Memorial Park Association. Robert E. Martin and Frank L. Steller, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 26 - 2 P.M. Furniture and Household Sale at Hunter’s Sale Bam, Inc., Rising Sun, Route 276, Maryland, formerly West Nottingham Sales. FRI. MAY 2 - 4:30 P.M. Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques located at 620 Chestnut Street in Columbia, Lan caster County, PA. Sale by Michael C. Dinkel, Jr., power in fact for Elena Y. PENN-NATIONAL A fancy Steller Attraction SPONSORED BY SALE MANAGED BY FRI. MAY 18 - 12 Noon Special Graded Stocker and Feeder Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, , Penna. FRI. AND SAT. MAY 23 and 24 • 10 A.M. EDT each Day • Public Sale of 400 Head of Cattle, all Milking Cows and Bred Heifers (165 Purebred Cows, 90 purebred Heifers, balance Grades) for Scott Farm, Long Valley, N. J. Her ave. 17,900,3.7,669. Sale managed by Hanover Hill Sales Si Service, Miller' ton, N. J. 12546. Catalogues on Request. SAT. MAY 24 - 9 A.M. Public Auction of Farm Equipment and Tools, Antiques and Collectibles located & mile North of Hegins, along Valley Road; turn North off Route 25 at Kroh’s Exxon Service Center, in East Hegins, Pa. Sale by Ned W. Schrope and Florence Schrope; George N. Deibert, Auctioneer. FRI. AUG. 8- 6 p.m. Public Sale of Bred Gilts, Open Gilts and Boars to be held at the Lebanon Fairgrounds, located Vk miles South of Lebanon at the intersection of Cornwall and Evergreen Roads. Sale by the Pa. Yorkshire Association. KENNETH D. MYER (Pres.) Box 274, RD3 Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-367-3344
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